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    Долгосрочный прогноз предложения рабочей силы в Республике Молдова
    (INCE, 2018) Zaharov, Svetlana
    The results of forecasting the supply of labour until 2035 have been presented in article. The forecast is based on a demographic forecast based on the number of people who exclude migrants who have been absent in the country for more than 12 months. The forecast showed an active decrease in the size of labour force, a “contraction” of labour market will have an impact on labour market functioning. The reduction in the size of labour force will be accompanied by a change in the age structure of labour force, an increase in the number of older age groups in labour market. It is necessary to address the issue of improving the competitiveness of these age groups in labour market and their protection in case of transition to the status of unemployed.
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    Рынок труда и структурные изменения экономики
    (INCE, 2018) Savelieva, Galina
    The transition to a market economy, the impact of external and internal factors on the country's economy, the restructuring, made reforms and, as a consequence, changes in socio-economic infrastructure, all had an impact on the labour market, which, being derived, reflects fully the successes or failures of the country's socio-economic development. The article presents the results of a study on the dependency between the changes in the economy, the employment of a potentially productive labour force and the level of the labour income of the population. Based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of economic growth, the main issues in the employment area, the sources of income formation, including those with different types of economic activity and the working regime, are identified. As a result, it was found that the difficult situation on the labour market is due to the discrepancy between the labour relations and the market mechanism of the economy, the low salary level, which led to the decrease of the salary share in the total income, to the loss of the motivational and stimulating functions of salaries, to an imperfect legislative and normative framework that does not correspond to the realities of the socio-economic development, under the conditions of the market mechanisms. In addition to the above-mentioned causes, one of the most important factors that obstructs the stable socio-economic development of the country and the development of a competitive labour market is the existing inertial economic development model, oriented towards consumption. The study was conducted based on statistical data and secondary indicators calculated by the author. Based on the obtained results, have been developed the approaches for changing the stable and sustainable socio-economic development model, improving the employment legislative base in line with the European standards, performing payroll policies and indexing labour income, increasing the employment rate of the working population, and the need to deepen studies in this area to justify the promotion of state policies.
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    Subutilizarea forţei de muncă ca problemă social-economică în Republica Moldova
    (INCE, 2017) Savelieva, Galina
    In the article, the level of labour force participation of the working-age population was analysed. The research was performed by combining current indicators and new indicators for measuring the underutilization of labour force. The analysis was performed based on statistical data and on the departmental data of the National Employment Agency. The new indicators of labour force participation offers the possibility to reflect the real situation on the labour market, and to determine the potential labour force. The reflection of different population groups with a certain pressure on the labour market will allow the analysis of the socio-economic development in connection with the employment and unemployment indicators, aiming at taking effective decisions related to labour force participation. Some recommendations of the article are elaboration of efficient labour remuneration and employment policies, the promotion of an employment regime, which matches the demand, and supply of the labour force, and deepening of the studies in the field.
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    Основные тенденции изменения численности возрастной структуры занятого населения
    (Foxtrot, 2016) Zaharov, Svetlana
    The socio-demographic structure of employed population was considered in this article. The study was conducted according to data of Labour Force Survey of NationalBureau of Statistics. As a result of the realized analysis the following conclusions have been obtained: increase in the number of working-age population with a decrease of employed population has led to an increase in the number of inactive population, changes in sociodemographic structure the employed population conditioned the reducing the inflow of young people into the labour market, reducing the employment rate in rural, increase in the number of employed people in the age group 55-64 years (as one of the factors increasing the total employed population in 2013-2015.). As a recommendation in conditions of ageing populations and changes in the age structure of labour force in favor of older age groups, it was suggested: improvement of employment policy at the expense of promotion flexible forms of employment, improvement of skills, implementationof new competences.
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    Tinerii excluși din educație și ocupare
    (Foxtrot, 2016) Buciuceanu-Vrabie, Mariana
    The article aims to focus attention on the youth neither in employment nor in education or training, so called NEET youth. It examines the determinants of belonging to the NEET group in Republic of Moldova and particularities of this phenomenon. In addition, it assesses a comparative analysis of labour market indicators in Moldova and UE country and differences in the NEETs rates that seems to be practically twice higher for Moldova.
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    Влияние конъюнктуры рынка труда на экономическую безопасность Республики Молдова
    (Foxtrot, 2021) Savelieva, Galina; Zaharov, Svetlana
    Piața muncii este unul dintre principalii factori ai securitații economice. Scopul studiului consta in analiza particularitațile piețelor muncii regionale pe baza unei evaluari a schimbarilor conjuncturii, a impactului acestora asupra securitații economice și a echilibrului pieței naționale a muncii. Diagnosticul modificarilor in principalii indicatori statistici și a celor calculați (secundari) ai pieței muncii in dinamica s-a efectuat pe baza metodelor de analiza și sinteza, grafice, de calcule proprii de catre autorii unor indicatori specifici. Pe baza rezultatelor obținute s-au elaborat concluzii cu privire la dezvoltarea piețelor regionale de munca, prezența amenințarilor la adresa securitații economice, precum și masuri pentru imbunatațirea acestei situații in Republica Moldova.
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    Features of modern labour market in the Republic of Moldova
    (2015) Zaharov, Svetlana
    The main aim of this article is to consider the problems of development of the labour market in the Republic of Moldova. Labour market analysis, carried out by zones and districts of the republic, enables to evaluate the processes of change in the labour market in the temporal and territorial aspects. There are the description of RM’s districts ranging in the frameworks of evaluation of the republic – labour market on the basis of Territorial Integral Index of Demographic Security (TIIDS). Using this mechanism, the calculation of Territorial Integral Index of Demographic Security (TIIDS) on the basis of statistical data allows to evaluate the situation on the labour market of each district, to compare it with other districts and to make recommendations for the practical work of local public authorities to eliminate of deformities on the labour market.
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    Cовременные тенденции развития рынка труда Xынчештского района
    (INCE, 2015) Zaharov, Svetlana
    In articolul prezent se analizeaza rezultatele implementarii politicilor de creștere a ocuparii forței de munca - masuri prevazute in Strategia de dezvoltare socioeconomica a raionului Hincești pentru anii 2013-2020. Se examineaza dinamica indicatorilor principali cu privire la dezvoltarea piеței forței de munca, factorii ce afecteaza piața muncii locala.
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    Provocările pieței muncii în municipiul Chișinău
    (INCE, 2020) Cotelnic, Valentina
    În această lucrare este efectuată analiza indicatorilor principali ce caracterizează situația actuală a pieței forței de muncă, accentul fiind pus pe mun. Chișinău, utilizând datele statistice ale Biroului Naţional de Statistică al Republicii Moldova şi ale Agenţiei Naţionale pentru Ocuparea Forței de Muncă (ANOFM). Obiectivul principal al studiului este de a determina consecințele și provocările pieţei muncii din mun. Chișinău. În acest context, a fost efectuată analiza măsurilor active de stimulare a ocupării forței de muncă, orientate întru diminuarea numărului șomerilor aflați în evidență la agenția teritorială de ocupare a forței de muncă din mun. Chișinău. În urma cercetării au fost identificați factorii care fac dificilă ocuparea locurilor de muncă libere înregistrate la agenție. Rezultatele obținute se referă la impactul măsurilor active asupra ocupării forței de muncă, surplusul de locuri vacante neocupate înregistrate, precum și la unele rezerve de sporire a ponderii ocupării șomerilor. Concluzionând necesitatea îmbunătățirii situației pe piața muncii din mun. Chișinău, au fost elaborate propuneri de perfecționare a măsurilor active având în vedere cerințele pieței muncii actuale.
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    Оценка напряженности рынка труда в мун. Кишинэу
    (INCE, 2019) Savelieva, Galina; Zaharov, Svetlana
    В данной статье представлены результаты исследования уровня занятости населения трудоспособного возраста в муниципии Кишинэу. Оценивается возможная занятость в зависимости от наличия рабочих мест на разных этапах экономического развития (кризис, рецессия, восстановление экономики). Исследование основано на построении кривой Бевериджа и анализе вторичных показателей, рассчитанных авторами. В результате исследования выявляется ряд проблем в области использования труда и развития местного рынка труда. Сложная ситуация на рынке труда является следствием несоответствия трудовых отношений рыночному механизму–низкий уровень оплаты труда, высокая мобильность рабочей силы и несовершенства законодательной и нормативной базы. Однако количество безработных и коэффициент стресса на рынке труда в Кишиневе ниже средних значений по республике. Анализ безработицы на основе кривой Бевериджа выявил наличие структурных изменений. Это является следствием инерционной модели экономического развития страны, ориентированной на потребление. На основании полученных результатов разработаны предложения по улучшению ситуации на рынке труда. Подчеркивается необходимость проведения более глубоких исследований для создания и развития конкурентного внутреннего рынка труда.