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Item Abordarea interdisciplinară a comportamentului de sănătate al tinerilor(INCE, 2018) Crismaru, MarianaÎn prezent, stilul de viață reprezintă unul dintre cei mai importanți predictori ai sănătății sau, dimpotrivă, a bolii. În acest articol sunt prezentate aspecte multidisciplinare ale comportamentului relaționat cu sănătatea, focusându-ne asupra trăsăturilor caracteristice ale tinerilor. Sunt trasate principalele tendințe sociale și epidemiologice și impactul acestora asupra comportamentului uman. Este descrisă starea sănătății tinerilor prin prisma indicatorilor statistici și datelor din sondaje sociologice. Analiza situației în materie de sănătate și comportamente de sănătate atestă o rată înaltă a mortalității provocate de cauze externe, o creștere a numărului cazurilor de infecţie cu virusul HIV, o rată înaltă a sarcinilor în rândul adolescentelor. O mare parte din tinerii adoptă comportamente cu risc pentru sănătatea proprie, cu repercusiuni mai târziu în viață.Item Abordări conceptuale ale contextului social în explicarea comportamentului de sănătate(INCE, 2019) Crismaru, MarianaArticolul prezintă o analiză a abordărilor conceptuale ale contextului social pentru a înțelege multiplele influențe sociale, organizaționale, istorice, politice și culturale asupra comportamentului de sănătate. Contextul social este definit ca fiind acele forțe socioculturale care modelează experiențele cotidiene ale oamenilor și care afectează în mod direct și indirect sănătatea și comportamentul de sănătate. În lucrare sunt descrise modelele şi teoriile sociale în domeniul sănătăţii în baza concepțiilor lui Bourdieu și Giddens cu privire la ”practicile sociale”și evidențiată aplicabilitatea lor în explicarea unor comportamente de sănătate. Acesteabordări reliefeazăo perspectivămai profundă a studierii relației dintre factorii structurali, viața de zi cu zi, sănătate și comportament de sănătate.Item Abordări metodologice în elaborarea indicelui integral teritorial de securitate demografică(Institutul de Cercetări Juridice şi Politice al Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2016) Gagauz, Olga; Pahomii, IrinaIn this paper, we analyze the methodological approaches in developing of an Integral Territorial Indicator of a Demographic Security. Starting from the basic question in developing of composite indicators, the paper aims to enhance territorial aspects of the demographic security in base of the forth fi elds: demographic development, population health, social security and labour conditions, measuring its for diff erent administrative - territorial units of the Republic of Moldova. The results demonstrates that fl uctuates in territorial profi le with the limits 70,2 to 44,6 points, the diff erence between maximum and minimum value constituted 36,5%. None of administrative-territorial units of the country approach the maximum possible score (100 points), this emphasizing low degree of demographic security, caused by low levels of the composite index: demographic index, health index, social and economic index, which in turn presents a refl ection of the long-term socio-economic crisis in the Republic of Moldova and negative demographic trends.Item Abordări metodologice privind calculul pierderilor economice din dizabilitatea populației în Republica Moldova(INCE, 2022) Cotelnic, ValentinaIn this article, the author tried to investigate/analyze one of the most sensitive problems that exist in the Republic of Moldova, related to social protection, integration and inclusion in society of people with disabilities. The aim being to study the degree of their social inclusion in society, in particular, by supporting employment. Based on the analysis carried out, the author develop methodology for evaluating and determining the size of economic losses, because of the disability of the adult population. The scientific novelty consists in the development of economic methods, in order to estimate the economic losses from the disability of the population of the Republic of Moldova. The methodology is based on the concept of human capital, which considers the high level of public health as one of the most important conditions for the economic and social development of the country. The economic evaluation of the losses from the disability of the country's population is an important component in making decisions in the field of health and investment policy in the social sphere, as an economic justification for the development of social programs. The article was elaborated within the State Program Project (2020-2023) 20.80009.0807.21 „Migration, demographic changes, and situation stabilization policies”.Item Abordări prospective ale impactului pandemiei de COVID-19 asupra fertilității în Republica Moldova(INCE, 2020) Grigoras, EcaterinaImpactul negativ asupra fertilitații in Republica Moldova va putea fi observat abia la inceputul anului 2021. Efectele sociale, economice și psihologice create de starea de urgența și masurile de protecție este probabil sa duca la o scadere a fertilitații pe termen scurt și mediu, cel mai probabil la femeile cu studii superioare. Din cauza accesului limitat la contraceptive, numarul de nașteri neplanificate ar putea crește, insa aceasta situație nu va schimba tendința de scadere a fertilitații observata in ultimele decenii in Republica Moldova.Item Abordări teoretico-metodice de evaluare a unor indicatori de dezvoltare a potenţialului uman(INCE, 2015) Savelieva, GalinaAceastă lucrare reflectă mecanismul de stabilire a abordărilor metodologice pentru evaluarea impactului politicilor socioeconomice de dezvoltare a potenţialului uman bazat pe utilizarea analizei multifactoriale. Cu toate acestea, avand o semnificaţie importantă pentru a asigura securitatea dezvoltării populaţiei, ca o condiţie de dezvoltare stabilă socioeconomică a ţării, au fost determinate mărimile admisibile ale unor indicatori principali de securitate demografică, bazandu-se pe analiza regresională. Scopul principal al acestei lucrări constă în promovarea politicilor demosocioeconomice avansate pentru a asigura dezvoltarea potenţialului uman, luand în considerare previziunile în domeniu. Ţinând cont de rezultatele obţinute, au fost elaborate recomandări cu privire la posibilităţile de utilizare a acestora în practica autorităţilor publice, a căror funcţie este de a dezvolta şi de a promova politici eficiente in domeniuItem Achieving rights of children with divorced parents to an adequate standard of living(INCE, 2016) Chistruga-Sinchevici, IngaThe article presents the results of the study "Providing children with alimony with divorced parents". This research revealed that more than a third of debtors do not pay alimony, saying that they are unable to pay, created new families and have the unwillingness to participate in the financial support of the child. The main difficulties identified in determining alimony were the evidence of real incomes of parents and ridiculous amount of subsistence with which operate to establish the maintenance of child. Most of sanctions of debtors (sanction, impossibility to perfect passport, prohibition to go abroad), are not appreciated by experts as effective because of difficult mechanisms implemented.Item Acquisition of foreign citizenship by Moldovan immigrants(INCE, 2019) Tabac, TatianaThe paper explores some aspects of the acquisition of foreign citizenship by immigrants from Moldova. The purpose of the study is to estimate the size and geography of acquisition of foreign citizenship in context of migration policies changes in countries of destination. The study is based on statistical analysis of the OECD, Eurostat database and other representative sources, as well as an analysis of migration policy of the countries of citizenship acquisition. The results show that about a million people received foreign citizenship from 1992 up to present. The main countries for acquiring citizenship are: Romania, Russia, USA, Portugal, Italy, Bulgaria, Canada and Germany. The access of Moldova population to citizenship of developed countries contributes to the intensification and expansion of international migration. For Moldovan immigrants, the policies of the countriesof destination have an important role in the process of acquiring citizenship.Item The active ageing potencial in the Republic of Moldova(INCE, 2016) Buciuceanu-Vrabie, MarianaThe actuality of the study consists in estimation of the Active Ageing Index (AAI) for the Republic of Moldova and assessment of the situation of elderly population based on this index. The aim of the paper – to highlight the challenges facing the Republic of Moldova to ensure active and healthy aging of the population aged 55 and over. The calculation of the AAI and its components are based on methodology developed by UNECE, the demographic statistic and results of the national empirical studies on population. The AAI allowed to delimitate the position of Moldova compared to EU countries and to establish social, economic and institutional barriers for active ageing and harnessing the potential of old people in Moldova.Item Ameliorarea calității vieții copiilor: o premisă pentru securitatea demografică a Republicii Moldova(2013) Buciuceanu-Vrabie, MarianaThe article integrates a general approach to the situation of children in the country and their living standards. It is known that a criterion to establish the level of development of a country is how well it cares for its children. Supplementing the indicators necessary of evaluation and comparability of the situation of children with other countries, is partial for Moldova. However, the quality of life of children and opportunities for sustainable development of future generation can be perceptible. In Moldova, the most acute social problem reported to children is their poverty, inequality of income and expenditures for children in rural areas, accessibility of medical and education services, behavioral risks as a result of parents’ labor migration.Item Analiza cadrului de drept național în contextul reglementării proceselor migraționale(Foxtrot, 2021) Cotelnic, ValentinaExternal labour migration is the phenomenon that most marks the labour market and overall development in the Republic of Moldova. The main driver for Moldovan migrants remains emigration for economic purposes, mainly due to low wages on the country's labour market. In this article the author analyzes the legal and institutional framework in labour migration processes, the migration management framework, as well as the legal activity of placing the citizens of the Republic of Moldova in the field of work abroad. The analysis of the employment of citizens of the Republic abroad has been carried out, as well as of the international treaties to which the Republic of Moldova is a party. At the same time, the inter-governmental agreements signed between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and other states were analyzed. Based on the results, some conclusions and recommendations for further policy development have been drawn up and presented.Item Analiza calității potențialului uman din perspectiva inserției pe piața muncii(INCE, 2019) Onofrei, NicoletaAcest articol urmărește studierea posibilităților de creare a pieței muncii autohtone competitive prin efectuarea unei analize comparative a nivelului de educație a populației în vârstă aptă de muncă utilizând rezultatele Recensământului populației 2004 și ale Recensământului populației și al locuințelor 2014 privind repartiția populației după nivele de instruire, pe grupe de vârstă, care continuă studiile, rata de ocupare și rata șomajului pe nivele de instruire. Analiza comparativă dintre mun. Chișinău și Republica Moldova a oferit o perspectivă mai amplă a situației privind calitatea profesională a pieței muncii precum și posibilități de îmbunătățire a acesteia. Analiza nivelului de ocupare a populației aptă de muncă a permis de a constata faptul că rata de ocupare se află într-o relație directă cu nivelul de educație. Cuantumul cel mai înalt de ocupare în perioada 2016-2018 a fost observat la persoanele cu studii superioare și secundar profesionale. Totodată, rata de ocupare este mai mare în țară decât în mun. Chișinău pentru nivelele de instruire gimnazial, liceal și mediu de specialitate, pe când în mun. Chișinău rata de ocupare este mai mare pentru nivelele secundar profesional și superior. În condițiile actuale urmează de a revizui măsurile orientate către încurajarea și asigurarea accesului la învățământ în zonele rurale, crearea unor programe speciale de învățământ care să permită învățarea pe tot parcursul vieții și recalificarea persoanelor, crearea unor locuri de muncă decente pentru antrenarea specialiștilor tineri și asigurarea corespunderii cererii și ofertei a potențialului uman.Item Analysis of correlation between employment and the income of the working age population in the Republic of Moldova(Performantica, 2020) Savelieva, Galina; Zaharov, SvetlanaThis article presents the results of an analysis of the influence of social factors on the employment level of working age population in the Republic of Moldova. Possible threats to the competitiveness of labour market depending on social factors are identified. One of the determining factors of a social nature is the cost of labour force (the price of labour force), which is expressed in the form of wages on labour market. At present, in the Republic of Moldova, wages have lost its economic, social, reproductive, stimulating and regulatory functions and, ultimately, do not reflect the real cost of labour force. The remuneration of labour of hiring workers in the budgetary and real sectors of economy is formed on the basis of two main legislative acts. In the budget sector, the value of minimum wage is the basis for the formation of wages established in the country and the increase in its amount is connected with additional financial resources in the budget, which is not always possible and practically the tariff scale remain unchanged on during of several years, that is, the budget sector is characterized by inertia and stability of the formation process of remuneration of labour. In the real sector of economy, the amount of wages are more mobile, revised annually depending on growth of prices and the productivity of public labour. As a consequence, the difference between the remuneration of labour of the real and budget sectors constitute over 11%. As wages are one of the main sources of income compared with other possibilities of receiving it by various categories of population, the evaluation of its receipt is performed depending on professional status, as well as the analysis of the standard of living based on a comparison of incomes with some existing social standards. As a result of research of the income level of various categories of population, it was concluded that wages do not stimulate employment, especially for young specialists, but, on the contrary, contribute to polarization, stratification of society, social inequality, and low level of wages are one of the most acute problems in the Republic of Moldova, which is in the top of the countries with the lowest remuneration of labour in the region. Low amount of wages are one of the factors of the lack of qualified personnel in labour market, especially in sphere of the provision of services, in the production sector and construction, which affects the quality of the work done and services which determines the decrease in demand and public opinion on them, as well as one of the reasons for the outflow of labour force outside the country in search of a work place (labour migration). As a result of the implementation of ineffective social policies, in particular in the field of remuneration of labour, the phenomenon of poverty takes place in the Republic of Moldova as the consequence of the inequality in the remuneration of labour of working age population in accordance with the real cost of labour force, part of the employed labour force is included in the category of social risks of being poor in labour market. The low level of remuneration of labour is also one of the motives for labour migration, the research of which was performed on the basis of the comparative analysis of statistical data on the number of the resident population and the population with usual residence, which made it possible to obtain a more real situation on labour market, taking into account the absence of more than a year of population. Summing up the research of labour market challenges to ongoing social policies, proposals to improve their effectiveness were elaborated, including in the field of improving forms and systems of remuneration of labour and further liberalization of labour relations, taking into account the experience of the EU countries, the necessity for a deeper research of the correlation between the two aspects of “employment - poverty”, including evaluation the impact and remove of factors that are determine in the existence of the phenomenon of “poverty” of the working age population and the justification of social policies to overcome given situation.Item Analysis of labour migration profile in the Republic of Moldova(Performantica, 2022) Savelieva, Galina; Zaharov, SvetlanaThe present article reflects the results of the research on the causes contributing to labour migration flows both at national and regional level, as given issue is relevant for the Republic of Moldova as a donor country of labour force. The economic and social infrastructure are modified through structural reforms, the promotion of market mechanisms, the decline and ageing of population, that affected the development of the regions, including local labour markets, and reduced the opportunities for economically active population to be involved in labour market. Factors such as low wages, the risk of unemployment and poverty intensified of migration processes in search of work abroad. In this context, research was carried out on factors determining the labour migration and their impact on local labour markets. The research was carried out on the basis of official statistics on labour market and labour migration, as well as departmental data in given field. As a result of the research, the principal findings on specifics of development the migration flows in the regional aspect, their impact on the development of national and local labour markets, the challenges of migration on public policies were highlighted and elaborated some proposals on increasing the employment rate with taking into account to reducing social tension and decreasing the flow of working age population as labour migrants abroad, stabilizing the national and local labour market. This article was elaborated within the framework the Scientific Project ―Migration, Demographic Changes and Policies of Stabilization the Situation‖, registeredin theStateRegisterofprojectsin the fieldofscienceand innovationofthe Republicof Moldovawith thecode 20.80009.0807.21 of the State Program (2020-2023).Item Aplicarea mecanismelor optime la determinarea indicatorilor principali ai securității demografice în Republica Moldova(INCE, 2014) Savelieva, Galina; Vremis, MariaThis paper reflects the determination and analysis toolkit of indicators related to demographic security by using correlation and regression analysis. The main goal is to identify opportunities to improve the demographic situation of the country through the development of forecasts in the field. After the results of applying that analysis were developed recommendations on the possibility of its use in the practice of public authorities, which will serve as a basis for improving those policies by preventing possible threats and timely preparation of the required policies.Item Asigurarea pensiei de întreţinere a copiilor cu părinţi divorţaţi(INCE, 2015) Chistruga-Sinchevici, Inga; Bargan, NataliaÎn Republica Moldova, investigații sociologice cu privire la cercetarea particularităților în întreținerea copiilor după divorț nu există. Articolul dat a fost elaborat în baza studiului sociologic ”Întreținerea copiilor cu părinți divorțați”, realizat în luna august, 2015 de către Centrul de Cercetări Demografice al INCE. Scopul studiului a constat în stabilirea principalelor dificultăți în asigurarea copiilor după divorțul părinților cu pensie de întreținere. Eșantionul cercetării a constituit 15 cadre juridice și 10 părinți divorțați. Metoda de cercetare aplicată a fost interviul sociologic. Principalele dificultăți în stabilirea pensiei de întreținere în situație de divorț se referă la demonstrarea veniturilor reale ale părinților, lipsa locurilor de muncă bine plătite și valoarea derizorie a minimului de existență.Item Aspecte metodologice de măsurare a nivelului de securitate demografică prin unii indicatori agregați(INCE, 2014) Savelieva, Galina; Vremis, MariaThis article describes the mechanism for determining the integral indicator to assess the level of demographic security in territorial terms. The main goal is to identify possible methods for quantitative measurement of the influence of demographic security policies. Based on obtained model was performed ranking of territories according to indicators reflecting respective policies and have proposed some recommendations to improve the territorial demographic situation by streamlining the socio-economicdemographic policies.Item Aspecte ale politicilor în domeniul dezvoltării profesionale a resurselor umane în instituțiile de cercetare(INCE, 2019) Savcenco, SilviaInstituțiile de cercetare reprezintă acele entități din cadrul societății care sunt motoarele progresului științtific. Din acest motiv pregătirea resurselor umane implicate în activitatea acestor instituții are un rol deosebit. Există un șir de aspecte ale politicilor în domeniul dezvoltării profesionale ale cadrelor ce se ocupă de cercetare, astfel în articol va fi realizată o revizuire a literaturii de specialitate privind politicile în domeniul dezvoltării profesionale în instituțiile de cercetare, evidențiind unele aspecte ale acestora. În acest scop vor fi utilizate metode de cercetare, precum: analiza, sinteza, inductța și deductia. Analiza efectuată a arătat că directiile de bază de acțiune în cazul instituțiilor de cercetare pentru a obțtine sau menține o masă ideală de resursă umană din punct de vedere cantitativ și calitativ trebuie să aiba în vedere creșterea sau formarea masei de cercetare proprii, inclusiv prin atragerea de cercetători noi; menținerea și motivarea cercetătorilor existenți și productivi într-un mediu extrem de mobil și competitiv, precum și evaluarea performanței cercetărilor, atât a cercetătorilor ca indivizi în parte, cât și ca colective de cercetare sub necesitatea adaptării la dinamica internă a domeniului sau input-urilor mediului exterior cercetării.Item Aspecte ale sărăciei populaţiei apte de muncă(„Tipografia Centrală”, 2017) Savelieva, Galina; Tomceac, AnaPoverty population falling in to the workforce is a highly sensitive issue because it has a profound impact on the sustainable development of the labor market in Moldova. The research was focused on analysis of poverty risks falling population in employment and to identify social policies, existing impediments and proposals for improvements in this areas. In the study it was used NBS calculations based on data of Household Budget Survey 2014. Assessing the poverty profile of the work, were find the problems, which determine the risk of poverty, including rural areas. The article will be useful for public authorities, students and researchers who are engaged in economic science and specialists who are developing the social policies.Item Aspecte socio-demografice ale tranziției tinerilor la viața de adult în Republica Moldova(Foxtrot, 2021) Crismaru, MarianaThe paper looks at transition to adulthood breakdown by socio-demographivariables. Major life events, including completion of studies, employment, family formation anparenthood, using data of ”Generations and Gender” Survey (2020) are analyzed. The targetpopulation for analysis are young people aged 21-35 (N = 1915). Descriptive analysis of datbased on young people’s status is presented. Logistic regression is used to analyze the determinants that influence young people's access to the labor market as one of the maimarkers of the transition to adulthood. The quantitative analysis of the socio-demographic aspects of the transition tadulthood showed differentiated patterns based on gender and place of residence, which have significant impact on the occurrence of certain life events. Events related to family formation anparenting practically overlap and occur earlier among young women, with a higher share irural areas. In the urban areas there is a higher share of young people who have a more extensiveeducational background. Labor market access is one of the main challenges for young people,especially in rural areas. Logistic regression analysis showed that gender (male), residence(urban) and level of education (high) of young people are the determining factors for thetransition from education to work.