Institutional Repository of National Institute for Economic Research
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Stilul APA (American Psychological Association) de redactare a referințelor bibliografice și citare în text
(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Daliniţchi, Nionila; Catana, Angelina
Știinţa este un domeniu în permanentă dinamică, responsabilă de creşterea volumului de cunoştinţe ale umanităţii, dar cercetarea ştiinţifică conduce la cunoaştere şi progres. Datorită extinderii cooperării internaţionale în programe şi proiecte de cercetare ştiinţifică şi obţinerea unor rezultate ştiinţifice noi, numărul publicaţiilor (cărţi, articole științifice etc.) este în continuă creştere. O lucrare ştiinţifică trebuie să conţină claritate, logică, obiectivitate, precizie şi unitate. Diversitatea modalităţilor de transfer informaţional pun numeroase probleme în procesul de căutare şi de evaluare a informaţiei în conformitate cu priorităţile de cercetare. Astfel, institutele de cercetare, precum şi editorii acordă în prezent o atenţie deosebită standardizării şi elaborării cerinţelor uniforme, instrucţiunilor internaţionale privind redactarea aparatului bibliografic. Publicațiile științific au la bază o listă de referințe bibliografie bine selecționată la care trebuie să existe trimiteri riguroase. Referințele bibliografice pot fi făcute în diferite stiluri și fiecare stil are un set de reguli. Unele dintre stilurile cele mai des utilizate sunt APA, Vancouver, Harvard, Chicago, MLA et al
The population of the Republic of Moldova at the Horizon of 2040
(2024) Gagauz, Olga; Pahomii, Irina; Slav, Maxim; Stirba, Vitalie; Gailey, Nicholas; Samir, K. C
This analytical report was prepared at the request of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, under government Decision No. 284/2024, to address rapid demographic changes through evidence-based policies to anticipate future demands for resources and social services. The population projection is intended for use by central and local authorities in planning and effectively implementing public policies, ensuring the management of demographic and economic changes and the efficient allocation of resources for the sustainable development of local communities. The national-level population projections is prepared annually by the National Institute for Economic Research (Centre for Demographic Research) of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova under the auspices of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova.
Profilul demograic al Republicii Moldova și proiecția numărului populației la orizontul anului 2040
(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Gagauz, Olga; Pahomii, Irina; Slav, Maxim; Tabac, Tatiana; Stirba, Vitalie
Ukraine's food security during the wartime period
(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Zghadova, Natalia; Kravchenko, Yuliia; Dobrianska, Natalia
The article describes the importance of food security for Ukraine before the outbreak of hostilities. It reviews the situation in Ukraine at the outbreak of the conflict and its role on world food markets as one of the largest exporters of grain. The damage to agriculture due to the hostilities is assessed: destruction of infrastructure, damage to farmland, inaccessibility of land for cultivation reduction of production. Because of the problems in Ukraine there is a decrease in the export of Ukrainian agricultural products, especially as a result of the blockade of the Black Sea ports. The aim of the article is to analyze the consequences of military action on food security in Ukraine, to identify the key challenges faced by the country under the conditions of war, and to consider measures taken to ensure food stability in the domestic market and agricultural recovery in the future. The relevance of the article is that the military conflict that is ongoing in Ukraine has profound and far-reaching implications for agriculture and food security both domestically and internationally. In addition, military actions lead to a sharp increase in food prices inside Ukraine, which creates social and economic problems for the population. It is necessary to develop comprehensive measures to reduce the impact of the war on food security and create conditions for the recovery of agriculture after the end of the conflict. The role of international organizations, such as the World Food Programme, in supporting Ukraine and other countries dependent on Ukrainian grain, as well as the impact of sanctions and Russia's international isolation on the global food market, is discussed. This topic has important practical implications for action planning both at the national level and for the international community, and requires timely attention to 347 minimize economic losses and ensure food security in both war and post-conflict reconstruction. The article describes a situation where military action has caused enormous damage to Ukraine's food security, but despite the difficult conditions, the country is taking active measures to minimize the impact and restore agriculture in the future.
Analysis and perspectives of rural tourism in the Republic of Moldova
(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Colesnicova, Vlada; Daschevici, Ionelia
Rural tourism in the Republic of Moldova has gained momentum as a strategy to revitalize rural areas, boost the local economy, and preserve cultural heritage. The sector, with its picturesque landscapes and traditional villages, attracts both domestic and international tourists. However, it faces several challenges, including seasonality, limited infrastructure, and dependence on foreign tourists. This scientific work explores the benefits, challenges, and future perspectives of rural tourism in Moldova, emphasizing the need for sustainable development strategies.