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Item Modelarea structurii teritorial-administrative în condiţiile depopulării naţionale(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Sainsus, ValeriuProblema organizarii teritorial-administrative este parte componenta a statelor centralizate. Astfelca, administrarea teritoriala are o importanta crescanda pe masura sporirii rolului statului în societate, rar diversificarea serviciilor solicitate de cetateni impune adaptare la noile realitati. Populaţia constituie una dintre cele mai complexe colectivităţi statistice datorită diversităţii caracteristicilor care fac obiectul observării, al modificărilor frecvente în structura şi dimensiunea sa. Populaţia unităţilor administrativteritoriale figurează în calitate de unitate primară sub aspectul divizării teritorialadministrativă. Acest lucru se datorează, în principal, legăturii inevitabile care există între nivelul de venituri ale autorităților locale (deci, şi astfel, numărul rezidenților impozabili) şi costurile prestării serviciilor pe cap de locuitor. Modificarile demografice reprezinta una dintre cele mai mari provocari cu care se confrunta tara la moment, atat pe termen mediu, cat si pe termen lung. Dezechilibrele determina diverse provocari atat în zonele în care pierd populatie, cat si în marile zone urbane receptoare.Item Modelarea structurii teritorial-administrative în condițiile depopulării naționale(INCE, ASEM, 2024) Sainsus ValeriuProblema organiza rii teritorial-administrative este parte componenta a statelor centralizate. Astfel ca, administrarea teritoriala are o important a cresca nda pe ma sura sporirii rolului statului î n societate, rar diversificarea serviciilor solicitate de ceta t eni impune adaptare la noile realita t i. Populaţia constituie una dintre cele mai complexe colectivităţi statistice datorită diversităţii caracteristicilor care fac obiectul observării, al modificărilor frecvente în structura şi dimensiunea sa. Populaţia unităţilor administrativ-teritoriale figurează în calitate de unitate primară sub aspectul divizării teritorial-administrativă. Acest lucru se datorează, în principal, legăturii inevitabile care există între nivelul de venituri ale autorităților locale (deci, şi astfel, numărul rezidenților impozabili) şi costurile prestării serviciilor pe cap de locuitor. Modificarile demografice reprezinta una dintre cele mai mari provocari cu care se confrunta tara la moment, atat pe termen mediu, cat si pe termen lung. Dezechilibrele determina diverse provocari atat în zonele în care pierd populat ie, cat si în marile zone urbane receptoare. Suprafaţa unităţii administrativ-teritoriale, densitatea populaţiei şi aşezările rezidenţiale, influențează de asemenea eficiența autorităților locale, însă, cu impact mai redus decât populaţia. Unde exemplu, costurile asociate prestării serviciilor publice cresc odată cu distanța, însă populația rămâne factorul determinant în conturarea unei unități administrativ-teritoriale autonome. Dimensiunea medie a populației din unitățile administrativ-teritoriale de nivelul întâi variază semnificativ, în funcție de factori precum: tradițiile, condițiile geografice, interesele politice, vitregii istorice, etc.Item Managementul proiectelor de cercetare: particularități și provocări( INCE, ASEM, 2024) Gagauz, OlgaItem Cadrul de drept privind protecţia muncii şi insecuritatea sănătăţii în muncă(Artifex, 2023) Cotelnic, ValentinaThrough this article, we aim to bring clarity to the legal provisions regarding work accidents as well as the steps to be followed in the event of such situations. As well as the cost in terms of lost lives and suffering to workers and their families, accidents affect business and society as a whole. Fewer accidents mean fewer sick leaves, which result in lower costs and less disruption of the production process. It also saves employers the expense of recruiting and training new staff, and can cut the cost of early retirement and insurance payouts. To prevent accidents occurring in the workplace, employers should establish a safety management system that incorporates risk assessment and monitoring procedures. Prin prezentul articol ne propunem să aducem claritate asupra prevederilor legale privind accidentele de muncă, precum și pașii care trebuie urmați în cazul confruntării cu astfel de situații. Accidentele de muncă afectează mediul de afaceri și societatea în întregime, manifestate prin afectarea sănătății sau pierderea de vieți omenești și cauzarea de suferințe salariaților și membrilor familiilor lor. Mai puține accidente de muncă implică mai puține costuri pentru concediile medicale și perturbări ale activității obișnuite a unităților, evitarea cheltuielilor pentru recrutarea șiformarea noului personal. Pentru a preveni accidentele la locul de muncă, angajatorii ar trebui să stabilească un sistem de management al siguranței care să includă proceduri de evaluare a riscurilor.Item Analysis of labour migration profile in the Republic of Moldova(Performantica, 2022) Savelieva, Galina; Zaharov, SvetlanaThe present article reflects the results of the research on the causes contributing to labour migration flows both at national and regional level, as given issue is relevant for the Republic of Moldova as a donor country of labour force. The economic and social infrastructure are modified through structural reforms, the promotion of market mechanisms, the decline and ageing of population, that affected the development of the regions, including local labour markets, and reduced the opportunities for economically active population to be involved in labour market. Factors such as low wages, the risk of unemployment and poverty intensified of migration processes in search of work abroad. In this context, research was carried out on factors determining the labour migration and their impact on local labour markets. The research was carried out on the basis of official statistics on labour market and labour migration, as well as departmental data in given field. As a result of the research, the principal findings on specifics of development the migration flows in the regional aspect, their impact on the development of national and local labour markets, the challenges of migration on public policies were highlighted and elaborated some proposals on increasing the employment rate with taking into account to reducing social tension and decreasing the flow of working age population as labour migrants abroad, stabilizing the national and local labour market. This article was elaborated within the framework the Scientific Project ―Migration, Demographic Changes and Policies of Stabilization the Situation‖, registeredin theStateRegisterofprojectsin the fieldofscienceand innovationofthe Republicof Moldovawith thecode 20.80009.0807.21 of the State Program (2020-2023).Item Особенности и тенденции брачности в Молдове(INCE, 2022) Chivaciuc, AnaThe article analyzes the changes in the marriage rate in Moldova over the study period. It was revealed that against the background of a general trend of gradual decline, a significant drop in the number of marriages was recorded in 2020, which is largely due to measures to counter the spread of COVID-19 infection. Along with this, other factors are considered that have an adverse effect on the dynamics of marriages in the republic. The dynamics of marriage rates against the background of a general decline in the population and an unfavorable age-sex structure of young generations entering childbearing age is becoming one of the characteristics that explain the expected low fertility in the future. The article was elaborated within the State Program Project (2020-2023) 20.80009.0807.21 „Migration, demographic changes, and situation stabilization policies”.Item Abordări metodologice privind calculul pierderilor economice din dizabilitatea populației în Republica Moldova(INCE, 2022) Cotelnic, ValentinaIn this article, the author tried to investigate/analyze one of the most sensitive problems that exist in the Republic of Moldova, related to social protection, integration and inclusion in society of people with disabilities. The aim being to study the degree of their social inclusion in society, in particular, by supporting employment. Based on the analysis carried out, the author develop methodology for evaluating and determining the size of economic losses, because of the disability of the adult population. The scientific novelty consists in the development of economic methods, in order to estimate the economic losses from the disability of the population of the Republic of Moldova. The methodology is based on the concept of human capital, which considers the high level of public health as one of the most important conditions for the economic and social development of the country. The economic evaluation of the losses from the disability of the country's population is an important component in making decisions in the field of health and investment policy in the social sphere, as an economic justification for the development of social programs. The article was elaborated within the State Program Project (2020-2023) 20.80009.0807.21 „Migration, demographic changes, and situation stabilization policies”.Item Mortalitatea prematură în pandemia COVID-19(INCE, 2022) Pahomii, IrinaThe COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on mortality and led to a significant decrease in life expectancy at birth all around the world. The actual data demonstrate that not just the old population, but the young and adult population is also at risk of death due to COVID-19. The aim of this study is to analyse the level of premature mortality in observed COVID-19 deaths in the Republic of Moldova. The actuality of this study lies in the need to highlight the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the young and adult population, which at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic was not considered a high-risk group. The analysis is based on official data on the number of deaths due to COVID-19 presented on the official page of the Ministry of Health. The analysis used the share of premature deaths in total deaths due to COVID-19 and the relative indicator PYLL (Potential Years of Life Lost). The analysis demonstrates that half of all registered deaths due to COVID-19 could be considered premature. Also, was not observed the typical gender gap in aspects of premature mortality. The most affected population is adults and “younger elders”. Further and deeper analysis is required in order to serve as a base for efficient politics and intervention tools. The article was elaborated within the State Program Project (2020-2023) 20.80009.0807.21 „Migration, demographic changes, and situation stabilization policies”.Item Factori asociați cu nivelul scăzut al fertilității în Republica Moldova(INCE, 2022) Grigoras, EcaterinaThe article presents a multivariate analysis of the groups of factors with an impact on the number of children born in the Republic of Moldova. Based on the Gender and Generations Survey conducted in Moldova in 2020, a total sample of 2705 women aged 15-49 years who gave birth to at least one child was selected. Using the binomial logistic regression method, the determinant factors of low levels of fertility were identified. The results showed that the place of residence, level of education, ever using contraceptives, age at first marriage, age at first birth, woman's work status, marital status of women, and the ideal number of children, were significant determinants of the number of children ever born. Women's sociodemographic characteristics showed a low contribution in the prediction of having two children and more: the urban place of residence, higher level of education, late age of mother at first birth, late age at first marriage, the ideal number of children in the family (up to two children), unmarried women, employed women. Orientation of policies to support couples in general and women, in particular, is necessary by combining the activity of raising children with a professional one, women with higher education, families with one child and employed women, and formation of public opinion regarding family planning. The article was elaborated within the State Program Project (2020-2023) 20.80009.0807.21 „Migration, demographic changes, and situation stabilization policies”.Item Modele de inegalitate educațională în rândul tinerilor din Republica Moldova(INCE, 2022) Crismaru, MarianaThe paper investigates the patterns of multiple advantages and disadvantages of parents’ educational attainment as well as place of residence and their impact on children`s education level by using data from Generations and Gender Survey (2020). There were employed correlation and multiple regression analysis. The results show that parents’ educational attainment is a much stronger predictor than the age or gender of an individual’s education level. Young people (25-35 years) whose parents have general secondary education (gymnasium) or less are about twice as likely to complete similarly secondary education as those who have at least one parent who has higher education. Place of residence were also shown to have significant influences young people’s level of education. Rural area of residence meant less years in education and urban area signified more years of in education, both for male and female. It is concluded that parents’ educational level (less educated) and place of living (rural) are factors that determine the unequal opportunities among young people and they face difficulties to get rid of the disadvantages of family and environment background. Persistence of these issues over the years in our country denote that social policy do not reach their goal to break cycles of intergenerational disadvantage and thus to prevent the development of a self-replicating underclass. The article was elaborated within the State Program Project (2020-2023) 20.80009.0807.21 „Migration, demographic changes, and situation stabilisation policies”.