Features of modern labour market in the Republic of Moldova
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The main aim of this article is to consider the problems of development of the labour market in the
Republic of Moldova. Labour market analysis, carried out by zones and districts of the republic, enables to
evaluate the processes of change in the labour market in the temporal and territorial aspects. There are the
description of RM’s districts ranging in the frameworks of evaluation of the republic – labour market on the
basis of Territorial Integral Index of Demographic Security (TIIDS). Using this mechanism, the calculation of
Territorial Integral Index of Demographic Security (TIIDS) on the basis of statistical data allows to evaluate the
situation on the labour market of each district, to compare it with other districts and to make recommendations
for the practical work of local public authorities to eliminate of deformities on the labour market.
Abstract în lb. engl. Bibliogr.: pp. 262-263 (11 titl.).
labour market, employment trends, unemployment, territorial integral index, demographic security, Republic of Moldova
ZAHAROV, Svetlana. Features of modern labour market in the Republic of Moldova. In: Aspecte ale dezvoltării potenţialului economico-managerial în contextul asigurării securităţii naţionale : materialele conferinţei ştiinţifice internaţionale dedicate aniversării a 20 de ani ai învățămîntului economic la USARB, 6-7 iulie 2015, Bălţi. Bălţi, 2015, secţ. 4-6, pp. 257-263. ISBN 978-9975-132-35-0.