Основные тенденции изменения численности возрастной структуры занятого населения

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The socio-demographic structure of employed population was considered in this article. The study was conducted according to data of Labour Force Survey of NationalBureau of Statistics. As a result of the realized analysis the following conclusions have been obtained: increase in the number of working-age population with a decrease of employed population has led to an increase in the number of inactive population, changes in sociodemographic structure the employed population conditioned the reducing the inflow of young people into the labour market, reducing the employment rate in rural, increase in the number of employed people in the age group 55-64 years (as one of the factors increasing the total employed population in 2013-2015.). As a recommendation in conditions of ageing populations and changes in the age structure of labour force in favor of older age groups, it was suggested: improvement of employment policy at the expense of promotion flexible forms of employment, improvement of skills, implementationof new competences.


Abstract în lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice: p. 57 (10 titl.).


labour market, employed population, demographic dividend, ageing, piata muncii, populatie ocupata, dividend demografic, imbatranire


ЗАХАРОВ, Светлана. Основные тенденции изменения численности возрастной структуры занятого населения. In: Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării. Sesiunea ştiinţifică: “Dinamica populației și calitatea potențialului uman” : conferinţa internaţională ştiinţifico-practică, ediția a XI-a, 13-14 octombrie 2016, Chişinău. Chişinău. 2016, рp. 52-57. ISBN 978-9975-89-004-1.




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