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Item Evaluarea impactului îmbătrânirii demografice: abordări, principii(IEFS, 2011) Savelieva, Galina; Zaharov, Svetlana; Birca, IulitaÎmbătrânirea populaţiei, ca un proces natural, face o schimbare în structura pe vârste a populaţiei. Îmbătrânirea populaţiei este liniştită complicată şi se modifică în conformitate cu dezvoltarea societăţii umane. Procesul de îmbătrânire este studiat de diferite științe, inclusiv demografie, medicină, economie, sociologie, geografie, ecologie, genetica și altele. Necesitatea de aplicare a abordărilor metodologice specifice şi principii este importantă pentru evaluarea impactului de interrelații. Acest articol propune abordări complexe şi sistemice, ca fiind cele mai acceptabile pentru evaluarea impactului îmbătrânirii populaţiei asupra dezvoltării sociale şi economice a ţării, precum şi a principiilor utilizate în acest caz.Item Aspectul social al situaţiei bătrînilor în Republica Moldova : probleme şi soluţii(IEFS, 2012) Savelieva, Galina; Tomceac, Ana; Taragan, RaisaResearch in this areashows that, in the Republic of Moldova(RM) and structural changesof the aging population poses a challenge to increasing demand for social services and cont ributes to accelerate the modernization of social service delivery policies. In RM growing number of people with advanced age, every seventh person in the age of 60 years and older was in a 2010 people aged 80 years and more the fact that prioritizes care problem. Social services are a part of the social assistance system includesnot only care institutions and policy measures envisaged to prevent marginalization and social exclusion of older people.Item Unele transformări ale sistemului de pensionare în contextul îmbătrinirii în Republica Moldova(2013) Savelieva, Galina; Zaharov, SvetlanaThe process of population ageing which started from 1990-years has an irreversible nature at present. Given process is a direct threat to the demography security and stable social-economic development of the country along with the reduction of population number of the country and, particularly, employed population. The growth of pensioners number and the decrease of employed population, low retirement age in the conditions of growth of population’s life expectancy and further increase of elderly population’s numbers (according to forecasts) lower a financial stability of pension system. The evaluation of impact of demography ageing to pension system including the forecast of expenditure on pensions is performed.Item Provocări demografice şi politici necesare(Complexul Editorial al INCE, 2013) Gagauz, OlgaItem Трудовая структура населения Республики Молдова : социально-демографический анализ(Complexul Editorial, IEFS, 2013) Piscenco, MarinaHuman resources are the most important sector of the national economy. In the article, the dynamics of the working population structure of the Republic of Moldova for the period 2000 - 2012 is presented. A special attention is paid to the population structure changes and gender differences at working ages. The key determinant factors of the given processes are shown.Item Demographic challenges and needed policies(Complexul Editorial al INCE, 2013) Gagauz, OlgaItem Evoluţia familiei în Republica Moldova din perspectiva celei de-a doua tranziţii demografice(IEFS, 2013) Gagauz, OlgaThe article discusses the spatial patterns in the Second Demographic Transition in the Republic of Moldova. The data show significant changes in trends affecting families, such as accelerated postponement in family formation(trends towards marriage and births at later years of life); decline of entry into marriage and spread of non-marital cohabitation; abrupt drop in births and rise in extra-marital births. The results show that the spatial pattern is mainly determined according to the regional socioeconomic situation, but the cultural characteristics have a secondary effect. In the Republic of Moldova, the changes in timing of demographic events (marriage and childbirth) occur at much slower pace compared to other countries, including those in the Central and Eastern Europe. The family formation at relatively young ages provides more space for birth planning. The beginning of the reproductive cycle in the family is relatively early, so that the couples have more time to review their reproductive plans in comparison with the Western countries, where the procreation process starts at the age of 30 years old.Item Nașterea copilului la vârsta adolescenței: dimensiuni și cauze ale extinderii(2013) Gagauz, Olga; Tatar, MarinaIn the present article, the problem of adolescent childbearing is examined. In Moldova, compared to other European countries, fertility rates among the adolescents are relatively high, especially in rural areas. A certain proportion of births among the adolescents happen out of marriage. An unplanned pregnancy may induce female adolescents get married, childbearing occurs in a short time after the marriage (mean protogenetic interval less than nine months). Another part of pregnancies among the adolescent end in abortion. The causes of childbearing among female adolescents are analyzed; some recommendations concerning the improvement of the situation are proposed.Item Unele aspecte ale creșterii eficienței politicilor familiale(Institutul de Cercetări Juridice şi Politice al Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2013) Gagauz, Olga; Buciuceanu-Vrabie, Mariana; Tatar, MarinaThe article presents the synthesis of national survey of experts „Socio-demographic evolution of family and the necessary policies”. The research was based on qualitative method, depth individual interview of national and local experts, and completed by the analysis of official statistics and others studies in the field. The aim of the survey was to assess the experts’ knowledge and perception in the field of family policy and socio-demographic problems and their awareness of the need for correlation between the demographic changes and the policies for the sustainable development of society.Item Трудовые ресурсы населения Республики Молдова в условиях демографического старения(2013) Piscenco, Marina; Penina, OlgaThe problem of the quality of Moldovan population data for the period of Independence is arisen. Based on the census data and the proper annual population estimates, we analysed the dynamics of working age population and gave the projection till 2035 based on different hypothesis assuming the changes in pension age.Item Молдова на пути второго демографического перехода: структурные изменения рождаемости(2013) Gagauz, OlgaAfter the 1990s, fertility started declining in Moldova. The adjusted period total fertility rate remains at the level of 1.5 children per woman over the recent years. The youngest cohort born in 1970 year, presently almost completed its reproductive function, has a relatively high fertility rate, about two children per woman. In the mid-1990s, the Second Demographic Transition in Moldova began. Nevertheless, the Moldovan fertility still shows its traditional features like relatively high age-specific fertility rate among females aged 15-19 years of old, pre-marital conception and marriages enforced by unplanned pregnancy. However, postponement of childbearing to later ages, an increase of mean protogenetic interval, particularly among women with higher education, are manifested.Item Динамика численности и возрастно-половой структуры населения Приднестровья(2013) Кивачук, АннаThe paper discusses the dynamics of the population between the two last censuses conducted in Transnistria in 1989 and 2004. The inter-censal total population estimates revealed a huge under-estimation of the official migration data. Based on the results of the 2004 census, the analysis of the population age structure is presented. Transnistria like other part of Moldova faces the process of population ageing resulted from the massive emigration of the population and a decline in fertility.Item Смертность взрослого населения в Республике Молдова(2013) Penina, OlgaBased on the 1965-2012 cause-of-death time series reconstructed for Moldova in terms of the 10 revision of the International Classification of Causes of Death, the analysis of mortality trends among the adults is presented. The special attention is paid to diseases of the circulatory system, violent deaths and diseases of the digestive system. These groups of causes of death turned out the most sensitive to the social and economic events of the 1980s and 1990s (the 1985 anti-alcohol campaign and the social and economic crisis of the 1990s) and represent the main sources of excessive adult mortality in Moldova compared to the developed countries with low mortality level.Item Ameliorarea calității vieții copiilor: o premisă pentru securitatea demografică a Republicii Moldova(2013) Buciuceanu-Vrabie, MarianaThe article integrates a general approach to the situation of children in the country and their living standards. It is known that a criterion to establish the level of development of a country is how well it cares for its children. Supplementing the indicators necessary of evaluation and comparability of the situation of children with other countries, is partial for Moldova. However, the quality of life of children and opportunities for sustainable development of future generation can be perceptible. In Moldova, the most acute social problem reported to children is their poverty, inequality of income and expenditures for children in rural areas, accessibility of medical and education services, behavioral risks as a result of parents’ labor migration.Item Experienţa internaţională în domeniul promovării politicilor de ocupare a forţeie muncă în contextul îmbătrânirii demografice(Complexul Editorial, IEFS, 2013) Savelieva, Galina; Taragan, Raisa; Tomceac, AnaThe article was reviewed international experience in promoting employment policies in the context of aging workforce demographic in some EU countries and the CIS. Particular attention was paid to highlighting and analyzing the problems faced by the elderly in the labor market. It was analyzed in the generalized experience of employment, the elderly, as outlined proposals to improve the situation and their use in RM.Item Impactul îmbătrînirii asupra cheltuielilor publice: previziuni și fonduri(INCE, 2014) Tomceac, AnaAccelerating aging in Moldova is a major challenge to modernize social policies, especially its major component - social services which worsening due to demographic trends. The social services in Moldova are in transition from a placement of persons with disabilities in institutions, in a system based on providing social services at the community level. We should pay attention to the national system of social services, because the aging population is facing the following challenges: services tend to be more variety in the way of providing services and their types, while their cost tends to increase further and number of service users with different needs show a tendency to increase. Faced with these challenges, the goal of long-term strategic policy will be to ensure the elderly needs access to social services and the financial sustainability of social service systems on the local level.Item Factorii migrării la studii a studenților din Republica Moldova(INCE, 2014) Grigoras, EcaterinaIn the article, we examine the mobility of students from Republic of Moldova. Currently, the phenomenon of student’s migration abroad is an extremely strong process. The statistics of country of origin are registered about 25% compared to the number of students in the Republic of Moldova, it is an increase in the mobility of Moldovan students about 4 times higher than national statistics show. In the article were analyzed the factors of students migration which are: offer for Moldovan students; better future; international experience, personal training; the quality of education; multinational entourage; degree graduated recognized in Europe. The migration of lot of students usually goes hand in hand with any governmental transition that must to change the education policies.Item Impactul restructurării ciclului reproductiv asupra indicatorilor fertilității(INCE, 2014) Gagauz, OlgaThe present stage of fertility change in the Republic of Moldova has seen a shift of childbearing towards later ages and a concomitant decline in fertility level. This article is based on the analysis of demographic changes in the fertility level and age profile of childbearing for period and cohort fertility indicators. These two approaches allow making a conclusion that the increase or decrease in fertility for certain periods of the reproductive cycle does not have a significant influence on complete cohort fertility, while the female reproductive behavior is mostly determined by the number of children born rather than women’s age.Item Variabilele economice ca o premiză a securităţii demografice în Republica Moldova(INCE, 2014) Savelieva, GalinaThis paper presents an evaluation of demographic security depending on the evolution of economic indicators in the territorial aspect, is reflected problems in this area there are wide territory and security threats in both population level and at the territory level country. The main goal – is to identify opportunities for improvement of policies pursued in socio-economic and demographic security of the country. After the results of the research were developed recommendations on the possibility of preventing threats demographic and socio-economic development continues. These recommendations will serve as a basis for developing and promoting those policies by government and drafting laws and regulations in the field.Item Impactul îmbătrînirii asupra forței de muncă(INCE, 2014) Zaharov, SvetlanaThe aim of this article is to examine the impact of population ageing on the labour market change. The author analyzes the labour market indicators on the basis of the aims and objectives of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing. Considered indicators will be included in the labour market monitoring of implementation of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing in the Republic of Moldova.