Impactul îmbătrînirii asupra cheltuielilor publice: previziuni și fonduri

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Accelerating aging in Moldova is a major challenge to modernize social policies, especially its major component - social services which worsening due to demographic trends. The social services in Moldova are in transition from a placement of persons with disabilities in institutions, in a system based on providing social services at the community level. We should pay attention to the national system of social services, because the aging population is facing the following challenges: services tend to be more variety in the way of providing services and their types, while their cost tends to increase further and number of service users with different needs show a tendency to increase. Faced with these challenges, the goal of long-term strategic policy will be to ensure the elderly needs access to social services and the financial sustainability of social service systems on the local level.


Abstract în lb. engl. Bibliogr.: pp. 169-170 (7 titl.).


politici sociale, servicii sociale, imbatranire demografica, cheltuieli sociale, social policy, social services, demographic aging, social expenditure


TOMCEAC, Ana. Impactul îmbătrînirii asupra cheltuielilor publice: previziuni și fonduri. In: Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării: conferinţa internaţională ştiintifico-practică. Sesiunea știintifică " Structura demografică și calitatea potențialului uman ", ediția a 9-a, 16-17 octombrie 2014, Chişinău. Chişinău: S. n., 2014, pp. 161-170. ISBN 978-9975-9932-5-8.




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