Experienţa internaţională în domeniul promovării politicilor de ocupare a forţeie muncă în contextul îmbătrânirii demografice


The article was reviewed international experience in promoting employment policies in the context of aging workforce demographic in some EU countries and the CIS. Particular attention was paid to highlighting and analyzing the problems faced by the elderly in the labor market. It was analyzed in the generalized experience of employment, the elderly, as outlined proposals to improve the situation and their use in RM.


Abstract în lb. engl. Bibliogr.: p. 192(7 titl.). JEL Classification: J1, J8, J26, J32, J51.


aging, elderly, employment, demographic, aging workforce


SAVELIEVA, Galina, TARAGAN, Raisa, TOMCEAC, Ana (2013). Experienţa internaţională în domeniul promovării politicilor de ocupare a forţei de muncă în contextul îmbătrânirii demografice. In: Analele Institutului de Economie, Finanţe şi Statistică. 2013, pp. 187-192. ISSN 1857-3630; ISBN 978-9975-4326-6-5.




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