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Item Analysis of labour migration profile in the Republic of Moldova(Performantica, 2022) Savelieva, Galina; Zaharov, SvetlanaThe present article reflects the results of the research on the causes contributing to labour migration flows both at national and regional level, as given issue is relevant for the Republic of Moldova as a donor country of labour force. The economic and social infrastructure are modified through structural reforms, the promotion of market mechanisms, the decline and ageing of population, that affected the development of the regions, including local labour markets, and reduced the opportunities for economically active population to be involved in labour market. Factors such as low wages, the risk of unemployment and poverty intensified of migration processes in search of work abroad. In this context, research was carried out on factors determining the labour migration and their impact on local labour markets. The research was carried out on the basis of official statistics on labour market and labour migration, as well as departmental data in given field. As a result of the research, the principal findings on specifics of development the migration flows in the regional aspect, their impact on the development of national and local labour markets, the challenges of migration on public policies were highlighted and elaborated some proposals on increasing the employment rate with taking into account to reducing social tension and decreasing the flow of working age population as labour migrants abroad, stabilizing the national and local labour market. This article was elaborated within the framework the Scientific Project ―Migration, Demographic Changes and Policies of Stabilization the Situation‖, registeredin theStateRegisterofprojectsin the fieldofscienceand innovationofthe Republicof Moldovawith thecode 20.80009.0807.21 of the State Program (2020-2023).Item Riscul de sărăcie a persoanelor încadrate în muncă(Foxtrot, 2016) Tomceac, AnaPoverty population falling into the workforce is a highly sensitive issue because it has a profound impact on the sustainable development of the labor market in Moldova and has a role in the adoption of measures and policies for economic growth. The research was focused on analysis of poverty risks falling population in employment in 2014, identifying determinants that generate economic vulnerability of this category of people. In the study it was used NBS calculations based on data of Household Budget Survey 2014. Assessing poverty profile work, we find that the problems, which determine the risk of poverty in Moldova are similar to the challenges outlined in the OECD activity on rural development. The dimensions of the problem are significant, so every third person of the poor are busy employees. The article suggested some recommendations to promote labor market policies, development of social infrastructure at the local level, system reform of salary, pension, social security and improving the methodological approach Assessment this phenomenon, which are applied at European level.Item Unele aspecte ale perfecţionării sistemului de protecţie socială a copiilor(INCE, 2015) Tomceac, AnaIn situatia demo-socioeconomica nefavorabila creata in Republica Moldova solutionarea problemelor cu care se confrunta familia cu copii a devenit un obiectiv prioritar al protectiei sociale. Scopul: analiza eficienței politicilor de protecție sociala a copiilor și masurilor de suport pentru familiile cu copii, rolul acestora in prevenirea riscurilor care pot genera marginalizarea copiilor in vederea asocierii Republicii Moldova la Uniunea Europeana. Metode: analiza impactului, monitorizarea, analiza datelor privind saracia, meta-analiza, utilizate rezultatele cercetarilor anterioare și experiența internaționala in domeniu. Rezultate: au fost identificate problemele existente ce vizeaza asigurarea financiara prestațiilor acordate familiilor cu copii la nivel necesar pentru reducerea saraciei in rindul familiilor cu copii. Elaborate concluzii și propuneri privind intensificarea și reorientarea politicilor in domeniu spre un sistem de garantii multisectoriale pentru familii cu copii.Item Copiii instituţionalizaţi: cauze, consecinţe, opţiuni de prevenire(„Tipografia Centrală”, 2015) Cusnir, LilianaAs is common in the region, Moldova has traditionally relied on institutionalization of children as a protection measure. Poverty and limited family support services at community level led to placement of thousands of children from poor families and of children with disabilities in residential care. This is beginning to change, and the country has made great progress in reforming the system; with 60% fewer children in residential care now than just ten years ago. Moldova relied heavily on the institutionalization of children as a protection measure. Poverty and limited family support services at the community level led to placement of thousands of children from poor families and of children with disabilities in residential care. Loss of parental care in Moldova is caused by a complex array of underlying and immediate factors, including: household poverty; violence, abuse and neglect at home; parental migration; lack of access to quality education and healthcare and a lack of social protection services close to home.Item Provocări și rezultate pe termen lung pentru bunăstarea și dezvoltarea populației(INCE, 2019) Buciuceanu-Vrabie, MarianaThe article is foccused on the successes and challenges of the Republic of Moldova in the population development, addressed through the international instruments for measuring the quality of human capital, such as Human Capital Index; Human Development Index; Global Competitiveness Index. An evaluation of the composite indicators that measure the efficiency of investments in the population was done. The dynamics of the last five years, as well a comparative analysis accorss countries in the region was emphasized. In the conditions of rapid technological progress, but also of demographic changes, investments in the population become an imperative that changes the nature of human work. The results of the analysis show that despite the actions carried out in the field, Republic of Moldova continues to record the lowest indicators among the countries of Eastern Europe in terms of population development, quality and capitalization of human potential. The country develops only 62% of its human capital and has a low competitive potential (only 57%). Meanwhile among the main long-term challenges remain the fundamental elements: population health, quality of education, labor market functionality, and the infrastructure and population well-being.Item Servicii de infrastructură socială: provocări şi riscuri(INCE, 2016) Tomceac, AnaActualitatea: Schimbările demografice în condițiile sociale și economice nefavorabile ale Moldovei au contribuit la dezvoltarea unor măsuri de îmbunătățire a calității vieții prin dezvoltarea infrastructurii sociale și asigurarea serviciilor adecvate. Scopul: evidențierea riscurilor în ce privește accesul la serviciile infrastructurii publice și analiza rolului acestora în prevenirea marginalizării populației defavorizate. Metode: analiza impactului, monitorizarea, analiza datelor privind sărăcia, utilizarea rezultatelor cercetărilor anterioare în domeniu. Rezultate: au fost identificate problemele existente ce vizează asigurarea accesului la servicii de infrastructură socială și impactul acestora asupra bunăstării populație. Elaborate concluzii și propuneri privind eficientizarea sistemului de acordare a serviciilor publice.Item Problemele sociale ale tineretului în Republica Moldova(Complexul Editorial, INCE, 2016) Savelieva, Galina; Tomceac, AnaActualitate: În acest articol autorii au încercat să examineze problemele sociale, în special al tinerilor, accentuând atenţia asupra riscurilor sociale. Scopul: cercetarea a fost orientată spre identificarea politicilor sociale şi barierelor existente în domeniu, precum şi propuneri de ameliorare a situaţiei în domeniu. Metode: analiza, monitorizarea, utilizarea rezultatelor cercetărilor anterioare în domeniu. Rezultate: au fost identificate problemele existente ce vizează situaţia tinerilor, elaborate concluzii și propuneri privind îmbunătăţirea salarizării şi protecţiei sociale a acestora. Articolul va fi util pentru autorităţile publice, studenţi şi cercetători care se ocupă cu ştiinţele economice, precum şi specialiştilor care elaborează politicile sociale.