Unele aspecte ale perfecţionării sistemului de protecţie socială a copiilor
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In situatia demo-socioeconomica nefavorabila creata in
Republica Moldova solutionarea problemelor cu care se confrunta familia cu copii a
devenit un obiectiv prioritar al protectiei sociale. Scopul: analiza eficienței politicilor de
protecție sociala a copiilor și masurilor de suport pentru familiile cu copii, rolul acestora in
prevenirea riscurilor care pot genera marginalizarea copiilor in vederea asocierii
Republicii Moldova la Uniunea Europeana. Metode: analiza impactului, monitorizarea,
analiza datelor privind saracia, meta-analiza, utilizate rezultatele cercetarilor anterioare și
experiența internaționala in domeniu. Rezultate: au fost identificate problemele existente
ce vizeaza asigurarea financiara prestațiilor acordate familiilor cu copii la nivel necesar
pentru reducerea saraciei in rindul familiilor cu copii. Elaborate concluzii și propuneri
privind intensificarea și reorientarea politicilor in domeniu spre un sistem de garantii
multisectoriale pentru familii cu copii.
Given the ongoing unfavorable demographic, social and economic trends in the Republic of Moldova, protection of the families with children became a top objective of the social protection system. The goal of the article is to analyze the effectiveness of the social protection system for children and to outline the necessary measures to support families with children and to prevent the risks that may lead to the marginalization of children in the country. We used the impact analysis methods, data monitoring, including data on poverty, meta-analysis. The results of previous researches and international experience in the field were used. The study identified problems related to providing financial benefits at a sufficient level to reduce poverty among families with children. Elaborated conclusions and proposals on intensifying and targeting policies to a system of guarantees multisectoral for families with children.
Given the ongoing unfavorable demographic, social and economic trends in the Republic of Moldova, protection of the families with children became a top objective of the social protection system. The goal of the article is to analyze the effectiveness of the social protection system for children and to outline the necessary measures to support families with children and to prevent the risks that may lead to the marginalization of children in the country. We used the impact analysis methods, data monitoring, including data on poverty, meta-analysis. The results of previous researches and international experience in the field were used. The study identified problems related to providing financial benefits at a sufficient level to reduce poverty among families with children. Elaborated conclusions and proposals on intensifying and targeting policies to a system of guarantees multisectoral for families with children.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 178 (5 titl.).
politici sociale, servicii sociale, cheltuieli, riscuri, saracie, social policy, social services, expenditure, risk, poverty
TOMCEAC, Ana. Unele aspecte ale perfecţionării sistemului de protecţie socială a copiilor. In: Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării: conferinţa internaţională ştiintifico-practică. Sesiunea ştiinţifică: Structura demografica si calitatea potentialului uman, ediţia a X-a, 15-16 octombrie 2015, Chişinău. Chişinău, 2015, pp. 167-178. ISBN 978-9975-9932-5-8.