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    Методологический подход к оценке финансовой устойчивости пенсионной системы в Республике Молдова
    (INCE, 2022) Savelieva, Galina; Zaharov, Svetlana
    In this article, an assessment of the changes in the balance between revenues and expenditures of the social insurance budget was carry out on the basis the analysis of the consequences of demographic ageing as an irreversible factor of change in the age structure of labour market, as well as transformational changes in the pension system. In order to assess the financial stability of the social insurance budget for the coming period, mechanism for assessing the expenditures of pension provision proposed by the authors was used. There is examined the issue of financial consequences of the reduction in the number of employees. Based on the results of research the proposals for improving socio-economic policies were developed, taking into account the use of modern innovative methods, approaches and forecast calculations to mitigate the impact of demographic factors. The article was elaborated within the State Program Project (2020-2023) 20.80009.0807.21 „Migration, demographic changes, and situation stabilisation policies”.
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    Imbătrânirea demografică și impactul asupra structurii sociale
    („Tipografia Centrală”, 2017) Gagauz, Olga
    Demographic aging has a significant impact on dynamics of social structure. In the coming decades social inequality deepening will be determined by a few major issues: social, financial and economic differentiation of the regions of the country, rapid depopulation of small settlements, increasing gap in living standards between urban and rural areas. Social risks are related to decreased accessibility of social and health services for older people, permanence and deepening poverty. Currently the low labor market participation of pre-retirement age population and low labor market adjustment in terms of labor use of the elderly, is one of the causes of their social exclusion. Poor health of the population, the high level of morbidity and disability reduce the profitability of employees, witch contribute to early retirement or removal from the labor market. Healthy aging and active aging presents the main factors for the future sustainability of the health system and social protection, for sustainable economic development.
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    Provocări demografice și socioeconomice pentru consolidarea sistemului de pensii
    (INCE, 2019) Gagauz, Olga; Savelieva, Galina
    În articol se analizează impactul factorilor demografici și socioeconomici asupra sistemului de pensii. Rezultatele cercetării arată сă incapacitatea sistemului actual de pensii de a asigura pensii decente persoanelor vârstnice în mare măsură este determinată de situația nefavorabilă pe piața muncii, în special de rata scăzută a activității economice a populației, proporția înaltă a persoanelor ocupate în sectorul informal,numărul semnificativ de categorii de lucrători eligibil să se pensioneze mai devreme decât vârsta de pensionare etc. Factorul demografic nu a avut o influență negativă asupra sistemului de pensionare. Prognozele demografice arată că pe parcursul ultimelordecenii raportul dintre numărul populației în vârsta aptăde muncă și numărul de pensionari se va menține la un nivel relativ favorabil. În acest context, valorificarea potențialului uman, inclusiv al vârstnicilor, rămâne un obiectiv important al politicilor de stat.
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    Impactul îmbătrînirii asupra cheltuielilor publice: previziuni și fonduri
    (INCE, 2014) Tomceac, Ana
    Accelerating aging in Moldova is a major challenge to modernize social policies, especially its major component - social services which worsening due to demographic trends. The social services in Moldova are in transition from a placement of persons with disabilities in institutions, in a system based on providing social services at the community level. We should pay attention to the national system of social services, because the aging population is facing the following challenges: services tend to be more variety in the way of providing services and their types, while their cost tends to increase further and number of service users with different needs show a tendency to increase. Faced with these challenges, the goal of long-term strategic policy will be to ensure the elderly needs access to social services and the financial sustainability of social service systems on the local level.
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    Reflecții asupra problemei de îmbatrânire a populației în presa scrisă din Republica Moldova
    (INCE, 2014) Tabac, Tatiana
    The phenomenon of demographic aging became more discussed in the media last time. This article presents the results of the study of image and problems of elders reflected in the written press. The research is based on the content analysis of the national newspapers, which was observed during 2011-2013. Image of elders is presented only in a unilateral way by the mass media.
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    Îmbătrinirea populației și influența acesteia asupra pieței muncii
    (INCE, 2014) Pantea, Larisa
    Many countries face at the moment a serious demographic problem – the increase in the number of people over 65 years old correlated with a decrease in the number of young people. The process of population ageing sets challenges to the labour market, since it shortens the number of active population and increases the dependency ratio. As a result, workforce structure is affected. Authorities introduce measures to decline the negative effects of population ageing, for instance they raise the age of retirement, or try to operate some changes in the pension system, however the society is reluctant to these changes. The process has multiple aspects to be considered and their a lot of possible effects to be put in balance.
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    Evaluarea impactului îmbătrânirii demografice: abordări, principii
    (IEFS, 2011) Savelieva, Galina; Zaharov, Svetlana; Birca, Iulita
    Îmbătrânirea populaţiei, ca un proces natural, face o schimbare în structura pe vârste a populaţiei. Îmbătrânirea populaţiei este liniştită complicată şi se modifică în conformitate cu dezvoltarea societăţii umane. Procesul de îmbătrânire este studiat de diferite științe, inclusiv demografie, medicină, economie, sociologie, geografie, ecologie, genetica și altele. Necesitatea de aplicare a abordărilor metodologice specifice şi principii este importantă pentru evaluarea impactului de interrelații. Acest articol propune abordări complexe şi sistemice, ca fiind cele mai acceptabile pentru evaluarea impactului îmbătrânirii populaţiei asupra dezvoltării sociale şi economice a ţării, precum şi a principiilor utilizate în acest caz.
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    Основные тенденции трудовой миграции в Республике Молдова
    (INCE, 2018) Savelieva, Galina; Zaharov, Svetlana
    In this article, the authors attempted to investigate one of the important problems of the Republic of Moldova as labour migration. The analysis of labour migration tendencies in dynamics has been carried out since 2000, including age and sex structure, in the gender aspect, depending on the place of residence (urban/rural) and the education level of migrants. The consequences of migration processes are considered in the context of changing the labour market situation. The main aim of the study is to determine the consequences and challenges of labour migration, which will be used to develop proposals for the development of socio-economic policies to ensure the stability and competitiveness of the national labour market. Methods of research: analysis, synthesis, monographs, comparisons, monitoring. Results: the existing problems and the reasons connected with external labour migration of population are defined, the conclusions and proposals for improvement the situation connected with migration of work age population outside the country are elaborated. Given article will be useful for public autorities, researchers, students, as well as for professionals who develop socio-economic policies and policies for employment of labour force.
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    Влияние демографического старения на рынок труда Молдовы
    (INCE, 2016) Savelieva, Galina; Zaharov, Svetlana
    Actualitatea cercetării problemelor privind impactul îmbătrânirii populației asupra pieţei muncii este condiţionată de schimbările structurale ce au loc pe piața forței de muncă și, ca urmare, căutarea de soluții posibile, legate de funcționarea unei piețe naționale a muncii competitive. Scopul: necesitatea unei mai bune înţelegeri a impactului îmbătrânirii demografice a populaţiei asupra pieţei muncii din Republica Moldova. Metode: în procesul de cercetare au fost utilizate abordarea sistemică, metodele comparativă, logică, grafică. Rezultatele: concluziile, obţinute în urma studiului cu privire la schimbările structurii de vârstă a forței de muncă, a nivelului educațional, şi altele pot fi folosite pentru a reduce efectele negative ale îmbătrânirii demografice a populaţiei pe piața forței de muncă la elaborarea politicilor socioeconomice de către autoritățile publice, precum și pentru monitorizarea evaluării nivelului de ocupare în Republica Moldova.
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    Aspectul social al situaţiei bătrînilor în Republica Moldova : probleme şi soluţii
    (IEFS, 2012) Savelieva, Galina; Tomceac, Ana; Taragan, Raisa
    Research in this areashows that, in the Republic of Moldova(RM) and structural changesof the aging population poses a challenge to increasing demand for social services and cont ributes to accelerate the modernization of social service delivery policies. In RM growing number of people with advanced age, every seventh person in the age of 60 years and older was in a 2010 people aged 80 years and more the fact that prioritizes care problem. Social services are a part of the social assistance system includesnot only care institutions and policy measures envisaged to prevent marginalization and social exclusion of older people.