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Item Securitatea demografică din perspectiva sănătății populației(INCE, 2017) Tomceac, AnaUn impact direct asupra dezvoltării demografice are starea sănătății a populației. Prin prezentul studiu se urmărește analiza efectelor produse de situația socială creată în Republica Moldova asupra nivelului de securitate demografică efectuat cu ajutorul Indicatorului Integral Teritorial de Securitate Demografică (IITSD). Baza informațională, teoretică și metodologică a cercetării au servit datele Biroului Național de Statistică. Prin abordările metodologice noi, sinteză şi analiza comparativă, corelație, regresie și modelare a fost analizat nivelul securității demografice în profil teritorial. Au fost evidențiate factorii de impact asupra sănătății populației în Republica Moldova și determinați factorii sociali care contribuie la reducerea securității demografice. Concluziile și propunerile vizează consolidarea şi modernizarea continuă a sistemului de sănătate în aspect teritorial, precum și coordonarea activităților organelor administrației publice centrale şi locale în soluționarea problemelor de sănătate şi asigurarea accesului populației la servicii medicale calitative.Item Features of modern labour market in the Republic of Moldova(2015) Zaharov, SvetlanaThe main aim of this article is to consider the problems of development of the labour market in the Republic of Moldova. Labour market analysis, carried out by zones and districts of the republic, enables to evaluate the processes of change in the labour market in the temporal and territorial aspects. There are the description of RM’s districts ranging in the frameworks of evaluation of the republic – labour market on the basis of Territorial Integral Index of Demographic Security (TIIDS). Using this mechanism, the calculation of Territorial Integral Index of Demographic Security (TIIDS) on the basis of statistical data allows to evaluate the situation on the labour market of each district, to compare it with other districts and to make recommendations for the practical work of local public authorities to eliminate of deformities on the labour market.Item Aspecte metodologice de măsurare a nivelului de securitate demografică prin unii indicatori agregați(INCE, 2014) Savelieva, Galina; Vremis, MariaThis article describes the mechanism for determining the integral indicator to assess the level of demographic security in territorial terms. The main goal is to identify possible methods for quantitative measurement of the influence of demographic security policies. Based on obtained model was performed ranking of territories according to indicators reflecting respective policies and have proposed some recommendations to improve the territorial demographic situation by streamlining the socio-economicdemographic policies.Item Aplicarea mecanismelor optime la determinarea indicatorilor principali ai securității demografice în Republica Moldova(INCE, 2014) Savelieva, Galina; Vremis, MariaThis paper reflects the determination and analysis toolkit of indicators related to demographic security by using correlation and regression analysis. The main goal is to identify opportunities to improve the demographic situation of the country through the development of forecasts in the field. After the results of applying that analysis were developed recommendations on the possibility of its use in the practice of public authorities, which will serve as a basis for improving those policies by preventing possible threats and timely preparation of the required policies.Item Unele concepte şi caracteristici ale îmbătrânirii(INCE, 2014) Tomceac, Ana; Taragan, RaisaIn this research reflected study results of population aging in two aspects: on the one hand – examining factors – determinants and, on the other hand – the consequences caused by population aging. So the aging phenomenon examined in two aspects: - As "human aging" which is a challenge in determining the age limits aging and age a pension of state social insurance system; - And that "population aging" or "aging of population" as a process demo-socio-economic impact on: demographic security, economic development, promoting of social policies, labor market sensibility public finance, infrastructure, environment etc.Item Variabilele economice ca o premiză a securităţii demografice în Republica Moldova(INCE, 2014) Savelieva, GalinaThis paper presents an evaluation of demographic security depending on the evolution of economic indicators in the territorial aspect, is reflected problems in this area there are wide territory and security threats in both population level and at the territory level country. The main goal – is to identify opportunities for improvement of policies pursued in socio-economic and demographic security of the country. After the results of the research were developed recommendations on the possibility of preventing threats demographic and socio-economic development continues. These recommendations will serve as a basis for developing and promoting those policies by government and drafting laws and regulations in the field.Item Aspectul social al situaţiei bătrînilor în Republica Moldova : probleme şi soluţii(IEFS, 2012) Savelieva, Galina; Tomceac, Ana; Taragan, RaisaResearch in this areashows that, in the Republic of Moldova(RM) and structural changesof the aging population poses a challenge to increasing demand for social services and cont ributes to accelerate the modernization of social service delivery policies. In RM growing number of people with advanced age, every seventh person in the age of 60 years and older was in a 2010 people aged 80 years and more the fact that prioritizes care problem. Social services are a part of the social assistance system includesnot only care institutions and policy measures envisaged to prevent marginalization and social exclusion of older people.Item Abordări metodologice în elaborarea indicelui integral teritorial de securitate demografică(Institutul de Cercetări Juridice şi Politice al Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2016) Gagauz, Olga; Pahomii, IrinaIn this paper, we analyze the methodological approaches in developing of an Integral Territorial Indicator of a Demographic Security. Starting from the basic question in developing of composite indicators, the paper aims to enhance territorial aspects of the demographic security in base of the forth fi elds: demographic development, population health, social security and labour conditions, measuring its for diff erent administrative - territorial units of the Republic of Moldova. The results demonstrates that fl uctuates in territorial profi le with the limits 70,2 to 44,6 points, the diff erence between maximum and minimum value constituted 36,5%. None of administrative-territorial units of the country approach the maximum possible score (100 points), this emphasizing low degree of demographic security, caused by low levels of the composite index: demographic index, health index, social and economic index, which in turn presents a refl ection of the long-term socio-economic crisis in the Republic of Moldova and negative demographic trends.