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    Particularitățile îmbătrânirii demografice în profil administrativ-teritorial în Republica Moldova
    (INCE, 2017) Hrusciov, Elena
    The article presents the particularities of demographic aging in administrative- territorial profile, according to the 2014 Population and Housing Census data. The data show that during 2004-2014, Republic of Moldova lost from its population about 20.6%, due to the massive migration of the young population. The degree of population aging is much higher in the North region of the country, especially in rural areas. The age and sex structure of population shows that the share of elderly females in the administrative-territorial structure of the population is much higher than that of males. Demographic aging in the Republic of Moldova generates a series of consequences on the demographic, economic, social and cultural plans, which require the development of the necessary policies for the integration and welfare of elderly.
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    Oportunități de dezvoltare și provocări iminente legate de procesul de îmbatrânire a populației
    (Foxtrot, 2016) Hrusciov, Elena
    In the article are analysed development opportunities related to demographic ageing process, besides the modification of age structure, ageing brings to changes in socio-economic development of the country, which give new challenges to the society. The research shows that Republic of Moldova is ageing rapidly and our society is not enough ready to cope with this process. Thus, decisive factors should be more interested to promote reforms in the pension system and ensure stability.
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    Impactul îmbătrînirii asupra cheltuielilor publice: previziuni și fonduri
    (INCE, 2014) Tomceac, Ana
    Accelerating aging in Moldova is a major challenge to modernize social policies, especially its major component - social services which worsening due to demographic trends. The social services in Moldova are in transition from a placement of persons with disabilities in institutions, in a system based on providing social services at the community level. We should pay attention to the national system of social services, because the aging population is facing the following challenges: services tend to be more variety in the way of providing services and their types, while their cost tends to increase further and number of service users with different needs show a tendency to increase. Faced with these challenges, the goal of long-term strategic policy will be to ensure the elderly needs access to social services and the financial sustainability of social service systems on the local level.
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    Reflecții asupra problemei de îmbatrânire a populației în presa scrisă din Republica Moldova
    (INCE, 2014) Tabac, Tatiana
    The phenomenon of demographic aging became more discussed in the media last time. This article presents the results of the study of image and problems of elders reflected in the written press. The research is based on the content analysis of the national newspapers, which was observed during 2011-2013. Image of elders is presented only in a unilateral way by the mass media.
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    Evaluarea impactului îmbătrânirii demografice: abordări, principii
    (IEFS, 2011) Savelieva, Galina; Zaharov, Svetlana; Birca, Iulita
    Îmbătrânirea populaţiei, ca un proces natural, face o schimbare în structura pe vârste a populaţiei. Îmbătrânirea populaţiei este liniştită complicată şi se modifică în conformitate cu dezvoltarea societăţii umane. Procesul de îmbătrânire este studiat de diferite științe, inclusiv demografie, medicină, economie, sociologie, geografie, ecologie, genetica și altele. Necesitatea de aplicare a abordărilor metodologice specifice şi principii este importantă pentru evaluarea impactului de interrelații. Acest articol propune abordări complexe şi sistemice, ca fiind cele mai acceptabile pentru evaluarea impactului îmbătrânirii populaţiei asupra dezvoltării sociale şi economice a ţării, precum şi a principiilor utilizate în acest caz.
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    Aspectul social al situaţiei bătrînilor în Republica Moldova : probleme şi soluţii
    (IEFS, 2012) Savelieva, Galina; Tomceac, Ana; Taragan, Raisa
    Research in this areashows that, in the Republic of Moldova(RM) and structural changesof the aging population poses a challenge to increasing demand for social services and cont ributes to accelerate the modernization of social service delivery policies. In RM growing number of people with advanced age, every seventh person in the age of 60 years and older was in a 2010 people aged 80 years and more the fact that prioritizes care problem. Social services are a part of the social assistance system includesnot only care institutions and policy measures envisaged to prevent marginalization and social exclusion of older people.
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    Population ageing determinants in the Republic of Moldova and selected european countries
    (INCE, 2017) Hrusciov, Elena
    The article presents the results of the research on the determinant factors of demographic aging in the Republic of Moldova and some European countries (Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Belarus). The results showed that in Italy, Germany and the Czech Republic the deepening of the aging process is associated with a significant increase of the life expectancy at advanced ages. Despite the fact that the decline in fertility contributes to the changing of the age structure and aging of population, migration flows reduce the negative effects of changes in the age structure and prevent the decline of the population. In Eastern European countries – Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, the reduced tempo of decreasing mortality and increasing life expectancy at the advanced ages does not contribute to the demographic aging from "top". The decline in fertility, the peculiarities of age structure and emigration are the main factors of demographic aging and population decline.