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Item Changes in mortality inequalities between rural and urban populations in the Republic of Moldova after independence(INCE, 2022) Penina, OlgaIn the Republic of Moldova, life expectancy started growing moderately since 2005 after decades of deterioration. Little is known about changes in mortality differences between rural and urban populations. The research aimed to analyse rural-urban disparities in mortality by sex and cause of death in the Republic of Moldova since independence. Material and methods. Age-standardized death rates were computed by sex and cause for different periods since 1991. Absolute and relative inequalities in mortality were computed with 95% confidence intervals. Results. A positive rural-urban gradient was identified for major cause-of-death groups, except for neoplasms and infectious diseases. The socioeconomic crisis of the 1990s was accompanied by a reduction in mortality disparities as a result of considerable growth in cardiovascular mortality among urban men and women. In rural areas, the crisis led to an increase in mortality, mainly from respiratory system diseases and digestive system diseases. Recent progress in population health observed nationally after 2005 has been accompanied by a widening rural-urban gap due to faster improvements in urban areas. Conclusions. Even though all-cause mortality was consistently lower for the urban population than for the rural population, the former was more sensitive to the socioeconomic crisis of the 1990s and the COVID-19 pandemic than the latter. To reduce rural-urban inequalities in mortality, preventive measures need to target key risk factors for diseases of the circulatory, digestive and respiratory systems and external causes in rural areas. The study was carried out in the framework of Project 21.00208.8007.02/PD “Socio-demographic and regional mortality disparities in the Republic of Moldova”Item Эпидемиологический переход в постсоветских странах.(INCE, 2014) Penina, OlgaThe paper analyses the dynamics of life expectancy and cause-specific mortality trends in Moldova compared to other former USSR republics and western countries over the last almost half a century in the light of the modern concept of the epidemiological transition (sanitary transition). Moldova failed to achieve the progress in life expectancy at birth over the last forty-five years and lagged far behind the industrialized countries. This stagnation is explained by two factors. On the other hand, significant improvements in infant and child mortality were achieved, on the other hand – an enormous rise in adult mortality, especially among working ages. Adult mortality was especially sensitive to the social circumstances of the 1980s and 1990s occurred in the former USSR countries (Gorbachev anti-alcohol campaign and social crisis in the 1990s). Disregarding these fluctuations, adult male mortality recommenced its growth in 2000s. Cardiovascular diseases, liver cirrhosis and external causes of death are the three causes of death driving the Moldovan life expectancy.Item Смертность взрослого населения в Республике Молдова(2013) Penina, OlgaBased on the 1965-2012 cause-of-death time series reconstructed for Moldova in terms of the 10 revision of the International Classification of Causes of Death, the analysis of mortality trends among the adults is presented. The special attention is paid to diseases of the circulatory system, violent deaths and diseases of the digestive system. These groups of causes of death turned out the most sensitive to the social and economic events of the 1980s and 1990s (the 1985 anti-alcohol campaign and the social and economic crisis of the 1990s) and represent the main sources of excessive adult mortality in Moldova compared to the developed countries with low mortality level.Item Mortalitatea excesivă în Republica Moldova(Complexul Editorial, INCE, 2014) Penina, OlgaÎn prezentul articol sunt analizate principalele cauze de deces şi grupele de vârstă care sunt responsabile pentru formarea mortalităţii excesive în Republica Moldova. Tabelele mortalităţii pe cauze de deces în funcţie de sex au fost construite pentru Republica Moldova şi Franţa, care a fost aleasă în calitate de standard. Mortalitatea excesivă în grupele de vârstă până la 70 de ani se estimează la un nivel de 30-35 decese la bărbaţi şi 20-25 decese la femei la o sută de decese pentru toate cauzele şi grupele de vârstă. La bărbaţi, ponderea majoră a deceselor excesive se referă la bolile aparatului circulator, bolile aparatului digestiv şi cauze violente în grupele de vârstă peste 40 de ani. Reducerea mortalităţii provocate de bolile aparatului circulator şi a celui digestiv în grupele de vârstă peste 50 de ani sunt direcţiile prioritare ale politicilor ce vizează lichidarea decalajului dintre Moldova şi ţările de Vest după nivelul speranţei de viaţă la naştere.Item Reconstruction of the continuity of cause-specific mortality trends for the Republic of Moldova(Complexul Editorial al INCE, 2015) Penina, OlgaThe paper presents the stages of reconstruction of the continuity of cause-of-death time series for Moldova based on a special method developed by French demographers Jacques Vallin and France Mesle (Institut national d’etudes demographiques, INED). The method eliminates the disruptions in death time series provoked by periodic changes in the classification and was successfully used in a number of industrialized countries. For the Republic of Moldova we reconstructed death time series by sex and age according to the short list of the 10th Revision of the International Classification of diseases and Causes of Death for the 1965-2012 period.