Эпидемиологический переход в постсоветских странах.
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The paper analyses the dynamics of life expectancy and cause-specific mortality
trends in Moldova compared to other former USSR republics and western countries over the
last almost half a century in the light of the modern concept of the epidemiological transition
(sanitary transition). Moldova failed to achieve the progress in life expectancy at birth over
the last forty-five years and lagged far behind the industrialized countries. This stagnation is
explained by two factors. On the other hand, significant improvements in infant and child
mortality were achieved, on the other hand – an enormous rise in adult mortality, especially
among working ages. Adult mortality was especially sensitive to the social circumstances of
the 1980s and 1990s occurred in the former USSR countries (Gorbachev anti-alcohol
campaign and social crisis in the 1990s). Disregarding these fluctuations, adult male
mortality recommenced its growth in 2000s. Cardiovascular diseases, liver cirrhosis and
external causes of death are the three causes of death driving the Moldovan life expectancy.
Abstract în lb. engl. Bibliogr.: pp. 40-41(33 titl.).
mortality, epidemiological transition, causes of death, life expectancy, mortalitate, tranzitie epidemiologica, cauzele decesului, speranta de viața, Republic of Moldova, Republica Moldova
ПЕНИНА, Ольга. Эпидемиологический переход в постсоветских странах. In: Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării: conferinţa internaţională ştiintifico-practică. Sesiunea știintifică " Structura demografică și calitatea potențialului uman ", ediția a 9-a, 16-17 octombrie 2014, Chişinău. Chişinău : S. n., 2014, pp. 30-41. ISBN 978-9975-9932-5-8.