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Item Deficitul ciclului de viață al populației în vârstă: dovezi și implicații în baza conturilor naționale de transfer(INCE, 2022) Buciuceanu-Vrabie, MarianaThe paper presents some results of the analysis of the Life Cycle Deficit (LCD) of the population aged 60 and over, based on the data frame of the National Transfer Accounts (NTA) for 2019. Based on age profiles of aggregate data is attested that the LCD of the elderly population in Moldova is about 41% of the LCD of all ages. The primary sources of livelihood for the elderly are not so much income from work but public transfers (payments for social programs, including pensions, healthcare and social services) – 37.8%. Redistribution of private asset-based reallocations plays a fairly significant role in financing the consumption of older people (30.7% of consumption). Along with advancing age, the economic activity of the population inevitably decreases. During the pre-retirement period, the self-employment labor income remains to have a special role in supplementing incomes and becoming the only source after age 75. People aged 60-75 continue to be donors in intergenerational transfers. Only after the age of 75+, do the elderly become recipients of private transfers. A gender characteristic is that older women remain the main beneficiaries of private transfers due to higher life expectancy. The aging of the population will accelerate in the coming decades, according to forecasts. Therefore, the share of the economically dependent population and the LCD will increase. More vigorous policy efforts are required to improve productivity and increase the potential of the working-age population, including by ensuring active and healthy aging and social security for the elderly. The article was elaborated within the State Program Project (2020-2023) 20.80009.0807.21 „Migration, demographic changes, and situation stabilization policies”.Item Implicații sociale ale pandemiei COVID-19 asupra vârstnicilor(INCE, 2020) Buciuceanu-Vrabie, MarianaSunt evaluate aspectele sociodemografice ale populației in varsta in condițiile pandemiei COVID-19. In baza rezultatelor preliminare ale studiului calitativ ”Atenuarea efectelor negative ale pandemiei COVID-19 asupra familiilor” și a statisticii curente sunt analizate implicațiile sociale ale crizei COVID-19 asupra bunastarii și nivelului de trai al varstnicilor in Republica Moldova.Item Старение населения и развитие социальной политики: опыт Республики Молдова(Воронежский государственный педагогический университет, 2019) Gagauz, Olga; Buciuceanu-Vrabie, MarianaВ настоящей статье рассматриваются некоторые аспекты процесса старения населения в Республике Молдова и положения пожилых людей, а также меры социальной политики, направленные на снижение негативного влияния демографического старения, создание условий для активного старения и поддержания качества жизни пожилых людей.Item Percepţia bătrâneţii și imaginea persoanelor vârstnice(Institutul de Cercetări Juridice şi Politice al Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2015) Gagauz, Olga; Buciuceanu-Vrabie, MarianaIncreasing knowledge about the main problems faced by the elderly, general perceptions towards this sector of the population, measuring compliance with the rights of the elderly in various fields, frequency discrimination and mistreatment of the elderly is of great importance in order to shape future policies addressed this area, particularly in the context of population aging. Based on results of national survey ”Discrimination, abuse and violence against older people”, in the article, stereotypes and perceptions about aging and elder people are shown.Item The socioeconomic status of the elderly(INCE, 2015) Gagauz, Olga; Buciuceanu-Vrabie, MarianaActuality of the study is to extend knowledge on the key issues facing older people. The purpose of the research is to establish the socio-economic position of the elderly, level of respect of their rights in various areas and their vulnerability. The study methodology includes a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. First, by using the method of social survey based on questionnaire on two target-groups samples (one for people aged 60 and over (1096 respondents) and another for employable people aged 20-55 (500 respondents)). Second, by conducting individual 10 in-depth interviews with experts and three focus group with elderly (aged 60 and over) that live in their own household/housing (38 elderly). The study allowed identifying the main problems faced by older people in various social areas, to identify cases of discrimination, as well as to develop a series of recommendations to improve the situation.