Percepţia bătrâneţii și imaginea persoanelor vârstnice
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Institutul de Cercetări Juridice şi Politice al Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei
Increasing knowledge about the main problems faced by the elderly, general perceptions towards this sector of the population, measuring compliance with the rights of the elderly in various fields, frequency discrimination and mistreatment of the elderly is of great importance in order to shape future policies addressed this area, particularly in the context of population aging. Based on results of national survey ”Discrimination, abuse and violence against older people”, in the article, stereotypes and perceptions about aging and elder people are shown.
Abstract: lb. engl. Bibliogr.: p. 123 (5 titl.)
aging, ageism, elderly, social distance, persoane varstnice, batrani, imbatranirea populatiei
GAGAUZ, Olga, BUCIUCEANU-VRABIE, Mariana. Percepţia bătrâneţii și imaginea persoanelor vârstnice = Perception of aging and image of elder people. In: Revista de Filosofie, Sociologie şi Ştiinţe Politice. 2015, nr. 1(167), pp. 112-123. ISSN 1857-2294.