Determinarea funcţiilor economice restrictive şi a tendinţelor de evoluţie a sistemelor agricole în regiunea Sud-Est a României

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The purpose of the work is to determine the development trend of the agricultural activities in South-Eastern Region of Romania, in order to improve the plant and animal systems efficiency. To elucidate these systems trends in territorial profile, has been used the regression function method or least squares method, represented graphically by the line (curve) of regression. This is expressed as an analytic function appropriate to the link between factorial feature and outcome. In relation to the approximating function shape F (x) can be applied several types of regression: polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, hyperbolic etc. If the approximation polynomial has degree p = 1, the criterion of least squares application leads to linear regression: F(x) = a + bx. If the approximation polynomial has degree p = 2, applying the least squares criterion leads to the quadratic regression: F (x) = a + bx + cx2. The practical results of applying statistical and mathematical presented methods are reflected in the analysis of agricultural systems in South-Eastern Region, during 2000-2010, and graphic projecting of their trends (forecasts) in the region studied, by the year 2021.


Text: lb. rom. Abstrac: lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice : p. 199 (3 titl.).


economic function, trend, regression, agriculture, evolution, Romanian, functie economica, tendinta, regresie, agricultura, Romania


IURCHEVICI, Lidia, CHETROIU, Rodica. Determinarea funcţiilor economice restrictive şi a tendinţelor de evoluţie a sistemelor agricole în regiunea Sud-Est a României. In: Economic growth in conditions of globalization = Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării : international scientific and practical conference, VII-th edition, october 18-19, 2012, Chisinau. Chisinau: IEFS, 2012, vol. II, pp. 193-199. ISBN 978-9975-4381-1-7.




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