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Item Abordări metodologice privind evaluarea situaţiei economico-sociale a copiilor aflaţi în dificultate(CEP USM, 2022) Ciobanu, MihailThis article aims to make a review of current methodological approaches that are used in the evaluation of the economic and social situation of children in difficulty after establishing some theoretical-conceptual considerations on the term ”child in difficulty” and other terms associated with it. In the paper are analyzed such approaches as: quantitative and qualitative; transversal and longitudinal; participatory; observational; graphical; imaginative and others.Item Analiza cheltuielilor de consum ale populației RM pentru procurarea bunurilor de folosință îndelungată în perioada pandemiei COVID-19(Complexul Editorial, INCE, 2020) Ciobanu, Mihail; Savcenco, SilviaLucrarea prezintă unele rezultate preliminare ale unui studiu despre evaluarea modificărilor cheltuielilor populației din RM în timpul pandemiei COVID-19. Rezultatele studiului care se referă la cheltuielile pentru bunurile de folosință îndelungată arată că ele nu s-au modificat pentru circa jumătate – două treimi din populație, iar pentru circa o treime ele s-au micșorat semnificativ.Item Analiza indicatorilor de activitate ai IMM-urilor după forme de proprietate în Republica Moldova(INCE, 2017) Ciobanu, MihailSectorul IMM joacă un rol foarte important în economia națională, reprezentând majoritatea întreprinderilor, jumătate din forța de muncă din țară și o treime din veniturile din vânzări din țară. Starea economică actuală a țării depinde, în mare măsură, de activitatea IMM-urilor. Dată fiind diversitatea formelor de proprietate ale acestora, apare necesitatea de a determina contribuția companiilor cu diferite forme de proprietate în sectorul IMM. Scopul cercetării este identificarea contribuţiei acestor IMM-uri şi evoluţiei acesteia în dependenţă de formele de proprietate ale întreprinderilor în baza studierii indicatorilor lor de activitate. Metodele de cercetare utilizate includ: analiza datelor statistice, comparaţia, indici în lanț, grafice. Rezultatele obţinute au arătat că întreprinderile private deţin întâietatea, practic, la toţi indicatorii de activitate, fiind urmate de cele cu capital în totalitate sau parțial străin și capital total sau parțial public.Item Aplicarea managementului adaptiv de caz în abordarea problemelor socioeconomice ale copiilor aflați în dificultate(INCE, 2022) Ciobanu, MihailStudiul teoretic care include și un ghid metodic e orientat spre cercetarea științifică a managementului adaptiv de caz - o direcție specifică ce a căpătat contur recent în cadrul managementului de caz. Apărută iniţial în activităţile de afaceri pentru a oferi infrastructura pentru munca bazată pe cunoștințe pe care sistemele de business actuale nu o pot suporta, deoarece procesele sunt prea dinamice, variabile și nestructurate, ulterior a avut aplicări și în alte domenii ale activităţii umane, ca ocrotirea sănătății, sectorul public, domeniul juridic, iar mai recent - în suportul social și economic al grupurilor vulnerabile de populație. Autorul analizează evoluția conceptului de management adaptiv de caz, descrie principalele sale caracteristici, analizează cadrul lui de funcționare, precum și asemănările și deosebirile în raport cu concepte similare. De asemenea, e propus un model de aplicare a managementului adaptiv de caz în abordarea problemelor socioeconomice ale unor așa grupuri vulnerabile de populație, cum ar fi copiii aflați în dificultate. Pe lângă componentele tradiționale în managementul adaptiv de caz, precum genograma și sociograma, sunt introduse elemente noi, ca psihograma și econograma, care sunt definite și modele pentru ele sunt propuse.Item Aprecierea accesibilităţii la infrastructura educaţională de către populaţia Republicii Moldova(Artifex, 2023) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Ciobanu, MihailEducation is one of the pillars on which a society is founded. Educational infrastructure is one of the main factors influencing the quality of education. Access to educational infrastructure is a component of population welfare. In order to evaluate how the accessibility of the educational infrastructure is appreciated by the population of the Republic of Moldova, a sociological survey was developed. This article presents some of the results of this survey. The present work was elaborated and financed within the framework of the Scientific Project for the period 2020-2023, registered in the State Register of Science and Innovation Projects of the Republic of Moldova with the code 20.80009.0807.29 State Program Project "Improvement of mechanisms for the application of innovative tools aimed at sustainable growth of the welfare of the population of the Republic of Moldova". Educația reprezintă unul dintre pilonii pe care se fundamentează o societate. Infrastructura educațională este unul dintre factorii principali care influențează calitatea educației. Accesul la infrastructura educațională este o componentă a bunăstării populației. Pentru a evalua cum este apreciată accesibilitatea la infrastructura educaţională de către populaţia Republicii Moldova a fost elaborat un sondaj sociologic. În acest articol sunt prezentate unele rezultate ale acestui sondaj. Prezenta lucrare a fost elaborată și finanțată în cadrul Proiectului Științific pentru perioada 2020-2023, înregistrat în Registrul de Stat al proiectelor din domeniul științei și inovării al Republicii Moldova cu codul 20.80009.0807.29 Proiect Program de Stat ”Perfecționarea mecanismelor de aplicare a instrumentelor inovaționale orientate spre creșterea durabilă a bunăstării populației Republicii Moldova”.Item Attitudes of moldovan employees towards some issues concerning the employment by gender in the Republic of Moldova(Performantica, 2020) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Ciobanu, MihailOne the current issues that society is facing and that is acutely perceived is gender discrimination. Besides many countries that have been involved in the fight against this multifaceted phenomenon Republic of Moldova is involved, too. A number of studies have covered various aspects of this phenomenon in the country, but in this paper will be identified the actual perception of gender discrimination of Moldovan employees, the types of gender discrimination that employees from Republic of Moldova face from their own perception and the perceived severity of gender discrimination by gender, facets that were scarcely covered in other studiesItem Cardurile de reduceri ca masura de susținere socioeconomic a familiilor cu mulți copii(Tipogr. "A& VPoligraf", 2021) Ciobanu, MihailThis article analyzes the international experience of discount cards for families with many children as a measure of their socio-economic support. Apart from a small number of countries, such as Spain, Poland, Latvia, discount cards for families with many children are not state instruments in the framework of public-private partnerships, but are usually only the private initiatives of some regions or companies or associations, the use of products and services for which it is family-oriented and usually includes a specific and limited set of options and have a small distribution area.Item Câteva tendințe în evoluția instituțiilor de învătământ pentru copiii aflați în dificultate în Republica Moldova(Artifex, 2020) Ciobanu, MihailOne of the most vulnerable categories of the population is children, because they are dependent on the support of adults to ensure their growth, protection and education. In an even more disadvantaged situation are children in difficulty, who for some reason can not receive this support from parents or guardians. Often, these children, due to their material situation or specific physical and mental needs, need education in special education institutions. The efforts of the state authorities of the Republic of Moldova to deinstitutionalize these children have led to a number of changes in this sector of institutions. Insufficient treatment of this subject in the specialized literature requires special research. Therefore, in this article we will analyze the main developments regarding educational institutions for children in difficulty in the last two decades in the Republic of Moldova.Item Conceptual aspects regarding the socioeconomic term of child in difficulty(2022) Ciobanu, MihailThis article analyzes the conceptual approaches in historical aspect of the children in difficulty. It addresses the attitude towards children in difficulty in different historical periods from antiquity to the present, taking into account aspects of socio-economic support. The differences in theparticularities of the approaches of the children in difficulty are highlighted.Item Copiii aflaţi în dificultate: istoric, definiţii şi unele aspecte legale şi sociale în Republica Moldova(2019) Ciobanu, Mihail; Glinyana, KaterinaAfter gaining independence, Republic of Moldova being in a transitional period, has got people who lost their jobs, became hopeless, in poverty, in vices and other deviant behaviours, part of which went abroad. A picture that reminds us of the "journey through the wilderness" of the Jewish people. These represent only part of the whole spectrum of consequences that have been inflicted on children, which has led to the emergence of children in difficulty, children, which, in general, can be characterized by lack, insufficient parental care or inadequate parental care. The authors of this paper intend to analyze some legal and social aspects of this category of children in the Republic of Moldova based on the legislation of the country and the data provided by the National Bureau of Statistics, doing beforehand a foray into the history and definition of this group of children.Item Cultural voucher – a new instrument for bolstering cultural consumption in the Republic of Moldova(Artifex, 2022) Ciobanu, MihailThe trend of reduction of cultural consumption, especially among youth, in the Republic of Moldova in the last years has been accentuated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the process of digitalization. In order to stimulate the cultural consumption among youth from Moldova has been implemented recently the national program ”Cultural Voucher” which represents a financial instrument that offers an amount of money that can only be used on expenditures for cultural goods and services. In this paper is analyzed the international experience in adopting cultural vouchers on which was based this program in Moldova, the current development in the country and future prospects.Item Current situation and prospects of income and consumption expenditure of households with children in the Republic of Moldova(INCSMPS, 2019) Ciobanu, MihailAs is generally known, usually the households with children have some peculiarities that differentiate them from the households with no children. The presence and the dependent status of children from their parents or other significant adults in their households determine changes in the level and the structure of disposable income and consumption expenditure in the households. Republic of Moldova like other countries as well was affected by the so-called COVID-19 pandemic. In this paper the peculiarities of the current situation of households with children in Moldova are emphasized and analyzed based on their disposable income and consumption expenditure, using as a source of the statistical data the National Bureau of Statistics of Moldova. Also, in the view of recent research on COVID-19 consequences, are outlined the prospects of the situation of households with children in Moldova.Item Dinamica structurii indicatorilor de activitate a întreprinderilor mici și mijlocii după forme de proprietate și forme organizatorico-juridice în Republica Moldova(Artifex, 2018) Ciobanu, Mihail; Moscalu, OlgaThe SME sector comprises the majority of enterprises from Moldova, two-thirds of the country's employees and almost half of the turnover in all enterprises from Moldova. This article analyzes in recent years the dynamics of the structure of activity indicators of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Republic of Moldova. The following research methods have been used in this article: statistical data analysis, comparison, chain indices, graphs. The results showed in the SME sector according to the organizational-legal form of the enterprise, the increase of the share of the turnover in the limited liability companies and its reduction to the individual ones, to cooperatives and joint stock companies. Also, in the SME sector, according to the ownership form of the enterprise, the results showed the increase of the share of the turnover in the public companies and its decrease to the partially foreign and partially public ones, as well as the increase of the employees' weight in the case of the foreign companies and its reduction to partially foreign and partially public ones.Item Educational infrastructure grading index as an evaluation tool of higher-educational institutions in the Republic of Moldova(2024) Ciobanu, Mihail; Colesnicova, TatianaThis paper proposes an index of grading for evaluation of educational infrastructure. It is based on the results from a survey regarding the assessment of the accessibility of the population of the Republic of Moldova to the educational infrastructure of higher-educational institutions from the viewpoint of the students. The aspects covered by the survey include: assesment of quality of the sanitary and hygienic conditions in the educational institution, the technical and material base of the institution, the professional-pedagogical qualities of the staff, the quality of food products in the institution (if it offers them, e.g. in the canteen), the living conditions in the dormitory (in the case of accommodation in the institution's dormitory).Item Evaluarea indicatorilor de performanță ai economiei verzi în sectorul de transport din Republica Moldova(Performantica, 2019) Ciobanu, MihailEnvironmental pollution and the depletion of non-renewable resources are major international, national, regional and local problems that threaten the biological diversity, human health and the further development of the economy. As a result of an acute perception of these issues, an ecological movement has emerged, which has resulted in the adoption of international conventions, national acts and the study and application of the principles of a sustainable and, especially, green economy, which focuses on the use of non-fossil energy and the reuse of waste. Recently, the Republic of Moldova, too, adopted a number of acts designed to promote these principles. So, the purpose of this article is to evaluate the performance indicators of the green economy in the transport sector of the Republic of Moldova, a sector in which, at least, the effects of pollution are evident. The main methods used in the research included mainly legal analysis and statistical analysis. The results of the analysis showed that although the promotion of a sustainable economy was one of the objectives of the national development strategy and an action plan for the implementation of the principles of green economy was developed, however, transport performance indicators, at least, show that a greater emphasis was on economic growth as such, the promotion of the green economy having a secondary role, an orientation that on the long term for sustainable development needs to be changed.Item Evaluarea percepției populației asupra modificărilor cheltuielilor de consum privind medicina și ocrotirea sănătății în municipiul Chisinău în perioada pandemică(Artifex, 2021) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Ciobanu, Mihail; Timus, AndreiThe COVID-19 pandemic motivated the implementation of restrictive measures that negatively affected economic activity, and therefore the income of the population, which in turn influenced both involuntarily and voluntarily the reduction of consumer spending. Along with other countries, the Republic of Moldova has been affected by this pandemic and the restrictions that have been established. This article will present the results of the analysis of data from a sociological questionnaire conducted to assess the perception of the population of Chisinau Municipality in the Republic of Moldova on changes in their consumption expenditures on medicine and health care during the pandemic. The results of the research showed that a significant part of the respondents increased their expenses for over-the-counter medicines, vitamins and nutritional supplements and for prescription drugs.Item Evaluating accessibility of IT summer camps for children in the Republic of Moldova(2024) Ciobanu, Mihail; Bejenaru, Iulia; Savcenco, SilviaThe rapid growth of information technologies over recent decades led to the emergence of IT-oriented summer camps for children. Initially rare, these camps have become more prevalent, especially following the COVID-19 pandemic, to equip youth with essential IT skills early on. Covering a range of fields from programming and mobile app development to robotics, cybersecurity, digital citizenship, AI, and virtual realities, these camps aim to enhance digital literacy, foster innovation, and prepare children for future IT careers. As part of the IT industry, these camps reflect its evolving challenges and opportunities, promoting a culture of collaboration and learning. In response to global IT trends, Moldova has launched initiatives to boost IT education and digital literacy, especially among girls and young people. In 2015, GirlsGoIT was founded to encourage girls towards STEM careers, and the STEP IT Academy Moldova branch was opened, offering IT education for all ages. 2016 saw the launch of IUCOSOFT LLC, focusing on Java programming courses. The Tekwill ICT Innovation Center, established in 2017, represents a significant public-private partnership, which includes Tekwill Academy Kids for IT and digital arts education for youth. The same year also saw the start of RoboCode School, focusing on robotics, and Impact Academies & Camps Organization, which promotes programming, digital literacy, and soft skills through summer camps. These efforts aim to develop the IT potential of Moldova's younger generation. The question is how accessible are the IT summer camps to beneficiaries – the children.Item Evoluția taberelor de vară pentru copii în Republica Moldova(Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2023) Ciobanu, Mihail; Savcenco, SilviaRest and recreation are of crucial importance for the appropriate physical and cognitive development of the children. Being also a form of tourism, summer camps are an already well-known way for organization of rest and recreation for children. In the conditions of pervading trend of digitalization in the human society and to face the various restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic or obstacles of other nature that makes in-person contact difficult, a relatively recent way to organize children recreation are the virtual summer camps. Republic of Moldova is also no exception to such a trend. Therefore, in this paper are analyzed some aspects of the evolution of summer camps for children in the Republic of Moldova, including the implementation of virtual summer camps and it’s peculiarities. This paper was elaborated and financed within the Scientific Project for the period 2020-2023, registered in the State Register of Science and Innovation Projects of the Republic of Moldova with the code 20. 80009. 0807. 29 State Program Project „Improving the mechanisms for applying innovative tools oriented towards the sustainable growth of the welfare of the population of the Republic of Moldova”.Item Evolution of disposable incomes and consumption expenditures of the population in the Republic of Moldova during the pandemic period.(Artifex, 2021) Ciobanu, Mihail; Colesnicova, Tatiana; Savcenco, SilviaRestrictive measures following the COVID-19 pandemic adverselyaffected the well-being of the population, so that the disposable income of the population and their consumption expenditures suffered. One year has already passed since the first restrictive measures established in the Republic of Moldova. During this period, a series of researches were carried out to establish the evolution of these basic components of the population's wellbeing, such as disposable income and consumption expenditures. This article provides an analysis of statistical data of the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova on these indicators, and also on data from a questionnaire conducted by authors the previous year on the evolution of population perception on changes in consumer spending during the pandemic. Research results have shown that the population has prioritized spending on basic goods over other goods and services.Item Evolution of energy vulnerability compensation system in the Republic of Moldova(Artifex, 2023) Ciobanu, MihailGas prices’ high increases hit hard the population of Republic of Moldova which determined the government to implement a system of compensations based on energetic vulnerability of the household. Each household is ascribed a category of energetic vulnerability, on the basis of its income and its expenditures, in particular, energy expenditures. It includes compensations on various energy sources: gas, electricity, centralized heating system. In this paper the particularties of this system are described, the data on last heating seasons are analyzed, changes in the current heating season are discussed. Although costly, the program of compensations for household energy expenditures during heating season is still helpful for the socioeconomic support of population of Republic of Moldova.
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