Evaluarea indicatorilor de performanță ai economiei verzi în sectorul de transport din Republica Moldova

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Environmental pollution and the depletion of non-renewable resources are major international, national, regional and local problems that threaten the biological diversity, human health and the further development of the economy. As a result of an acute perception of these issues, an ecological movement has emerged, which has resulted in the adoption of international conventions, national acts and the study and application of the principles of a sustainable and, especially, green economy, which focuses on the use of non-fossil energy and the reuse of waste. Recently, the Republic of Moldova, too, adopted a number of acts designed to promote these principles. So, the purpose of this article is to evaluate the performance indicators of the green economy in the transport sector of the Republic of Moldova, a sector in which, at least, the effects of pollution are evident. The main methods used in the research included mainly legal analysis and statistical analysis. The results of the analysis showed that although the promotion of a sustainable economy was one of the objectives of the national development strategy and an action plan for the implementation of the principles of green economy was developed, however, transport performance indicators, at least, show that a greater emphasis was on economic growth as such, the promotion of the green economy having a secondary role, an orientation that on the long term for sustainable development needs to be changed.


Referinţe bibliografice: pp. 75-76 (18 titl.). JEL Classification: L25,L91, Q5,R4.


enterprise, green economy, performance indicators, Republic of Moldova, transport


CIOBANU, Mihail. Evaluarea indicatorilor de performanță ai economiei verzi în sectorul de transport din Republica Moldova. In: Dezvoltarea economico-socială durabilă a euroregiunilor și a zonelor transfrontaliere: materialele conferinței științifice, ediția a XV-a, 25 octombrie 2019. Iași, 2019, vol XXXV. pp. 66-76. ISBN 978-606-685-687-4.




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