Evaluating accessibility of IT summer camps for children in the Republic of Moldova

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The rapid growth of information technologies over recent decades led to the emergence of IT-oriented summer camps for children. Initially rare, these camps have become more prevalent, especially following the COVID-19 pandemic, to equip youth with essential IT skills early on. Covering a range of fields from programming and mobile app development to robotics, cybersecurity, digital citizenship, AI, and virtual realities, these camps aim to enhance digital literacy, foster innovation, and prepare children for future IT careers. As part of the IT industry, these camps reflect its evolving challenges and opportunities, promoting a culture of collaboration and learning. In response to global IT trends, Moldova has launched initiatives to boost IT education and digital literacy, especially among girls and young people. In 2015, GirlsGoIT was founded to encourage girls towards STEM careers, and the STEP IT Academy Moldova branch was opened, offering IT education for all ages. 2016 saw the launch of IUCOSOFT LLC, focusing on Java programming courses. The Tekwill ICT Innovation Center, established in 2017, represents a significant public-private partnership, which includes Tekwill Academy Kids for IT and digital arts education for youth. The same year also saw the start of RoboCode School, focusing on robotics, and Impact Academies & Camps Organization, which promotes programming, digital literacy, and soft skills through summer camps. These efforts aim to develop the IT potential of Moldova's younger generation. The question is how accessible are the IT summer camps to beneficiaries – the children.


Text în lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice: p. 254 (5 titl.).


IT summer camps, children, Republic of Moldova, tabere de vara IT, copii, Republica Moldova


CIOBANU, Mihail, BEJENARU, Iulia, SAVCENCO, Silvia. Evaluating accessibility of IT summer camps for children in the Republic of Moldova. In: “Dördüncü sənaye inqilabı dövründə elm və texnologiyaların mövcud vəziyyəti və inkișaf perspektivləri” Beynəlxalq Elmi-Praktik Konfransın, Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin 101 illiyinə həsr olunmuș, 6-7 May 2024, Gəncə. Azərbaycan Texnologiya Universiteti. Gəncə, 2024, III-ci Hissə, pp. 252-254.
