Economie socială

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    Evoluția taberelor de vară pentru copii în Republica Moldova
    (Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2023) Ciobanu, Mihail; Savcenco, Silvia
    Rest and recreation are of crucial importance for the appropriate physical and cognitive development of the children. Being also a form of tourism, summer camps are an already well-known way for organization of rest and recreation for children. In the conditions of pervading trend of digitalization in the human society and to face the various restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic or obstacles of other nature that makes in-person contact difficult, a relatively recent way to organize children recreation are the virtual summer camps. Republic of Moldova is also no exception to such a trend. Therefore, in this paper are analyzed some aspects of the evolution of summer camps for children in the Republic of Moldova, including the implementation of virtual summer camps and it’s peculiarities. This paper was elaborated and financed within the Scientific Project for the period 2020-2023, registered in the State Register of Science and Innovation Projects of the Republic of Moldova with the code 20. 80009. 0807. 29 State Program Project „Improving the mechanisms for applying innovative tools oriented towards the sustainable growth of the welfare of the population of the Republic of Moldova”.
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    Aprecierea accesibilităţii la infrastructura educaţională de către populaţia Republicii Moldova
    (Artifex, 2023) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Ciobanu, Mihail
    Education is one of the pillars on which a society is founded. Educational infrastructure is one of the main factors influencing the quality of education. Access to educational infrastructure is a component of population welfare. In order to evaluate how the accessibility of the educational infrastructure is appreciated by the population of the Republic of Moldova, a sociological survey was developed. This article presents some of the results of this survey. The present work was elaborated and financed within the framework of the Scientific Project for the period 2020-2023, registered in the State Register of Science and Innovation Projects of the Republic of Moldova with the code 20.80009.0807.29 State Program Project "Improvement of mechanisms for the application of innovative tools aimed at sustainable growth of the welfare of the population of the Republic of Moldova". Educația reprezintă unul dintre pilonii pe care se fundamentează o societate. Infrastructura educațională este unul dintre factorii principali care influențează calitatea educației. Accesul la infrastructura educațională este o componentă a bunăstării populației. Pentru a evalua cum este apreciată accesibilitatea la infrastructura educaţională de către populaţia Republicii Moldova a fost elaborat un sondaj sociologic. În acest articol sunt prezentate unele rezultate ale acestui sondaj. Prezenta lucrare a fost elaborată și finanțată în cadrul Proiectului Științific pentru perioada 2020-2023, înregistrat în Registrul de Stat al proiectelor din domeniul științei și inovării al Republicii Moldova cu codul 20.80009.0807.29 Proiect Program de Stat ”Perfecționarea mecanismelor de aplicare a instrumentelor inovaționale orientate spre creșterea durabilă a bunăstării populației Republicii Moldova”.
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    Tendencies in the development of social and economic situation of children in the Republic of Moldova
    (Artifex, 2023) Ciobanu, Mihail; Savcenco, Silvia
    In 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic was announced and in 2023 the pandemic emergency was declared ended. The policies that were applied in this period, including the restrictive ones had influenced the socioeconomic development, especially of vulnerable groups of population. One of the most vulnerable category of people are children and their socioeconomic situation also underwent changes. Like other countries, Republic of Moldova also was affected, so in this paper based on the socioeconomic indicators we try to identify and highlight the tendencies in the development of social and economic situation of children in the Republic of Moldova, taking into consideration demographical aspects related to children, children education, the main characteristics of the households with children, social protection of children, children health, culture and sport for children and children in contact with the law.
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    Accesibilitatea economică a populaţiei Republicii Moldova la serviciile locativ-comunale
    (Artifex, 2023) Rojco, Anatolii; Heghea, Ecaterina
    The article substantiates the expediency of using indicators related to household consumer spending when assessing the economic accessibility of housing and communal services. The central place among them is occupied by the indicator “share of expenses for payment of housing and communal services in total household consumer spending”. Its analysis led to the conclusion that in 2019-2021 the economic accessibility of the population of the Republic of Moldova to housing and communal services increased, but in 2022 it significantly decreased. To compare the accessibility of housing and communal services for the population of the Republic of Moldova and foreign countries, the statistical data were brought to comparable values. It is shown that in no other EU country when paying for utilities there is such a big burden on household budgets as in the Republic of Moldova. The main reason for this situation is the establishment of high tariffs for water supply and sewerage, as well as for the use of energy resources.
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    Evaluating accessibility of IT summer camps for children in the Republic of Moldova
    (2024) Ciobanu, Mihail; Bejenaru, Iulia; Savcenco, Silvia
    The rapid growth of information technologies over recent decades led to the emergence of IT-oriented summer camps for children. Initially rare, these camps have become more prevalent, especially following the COVID-19 pandemic, to equip youth with essential IT skills early on. Covering a range of fields from programming and mobile app development to robotics, cybersecurity, digital citizenship, AI, and virtual realities, these camps aim to enhance digital literacy, foster innovation, and prepare children for future IT careers. As part of the IT industry, these camps reflect its evolving challenges and opportunities, promoting a culture of collaboration and learning. In response to global IT trends, Moldova has launched initiatives to boost IT education and digital literacy, especially among girls and young people. In 2015, GirlsGoIT was founded to encourage girls towards STEM careers, and the STEP IT Academy Moldova branch was opened, offering IT education for all ages. 2016 saw the launch of IUCOSOFT LLC, focusing on Java programming courses. The Tekwill ICT Innovation Center, established in 2017, represents a significant public-private partnership, which includes Tekwill Academy Kids for IT and digital arts education for youth. The same year also saw the start of RoboCode School, focusing on robotics, and Impact Academies & Camps Organization, which promotes programming, digital literacy, and soft skills through summer camps. These efforts aim to develop the IT potential of Moldova's younger generation. The question is how accessible are the IT summer camps to beneficiaries – the children.
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    Reziliența serviciului vamal
    (Artifex, 2023) Gutium, Mircea
    In the ever-evolving landscape of global trade, customs services play a pivotal role in facilitating commerce while ensuring compliance with regulatory frameworks. This article explores the resilience of legislative, digital, and administrative structures within the European customs landscape. By examining the interplay between legal frameworks, digitalization efforts, and administrative practices, it seeks to elucidate the mechanisms through which European customs administrations adapt to dynamic challenges. Drawing upon case studies and comparative analyses, the article evaluates the efficacy of legislative measures in response to emerging trade patterns, the integration of digital technologies to streamline customs procedures, and the administrative capabilities crucial for effective enforcement. Moreover, it investigates the collaborative initiatives among European Union member states to harmonize customs regulations and enhance interoperability across borders. Through a multidimensional lens, this article contributes to the understanding of how legislative, digital, and administrative resilience collectively bolsters the effectiveness and efficiency of customs services in Europe, fostering trade facilitation and compliance in a rapidly changing global context.
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    Perspectivele dezvoltării relațiilor comerciale dintre Moldova și Azerbaidjan
    (Artifex, 2023) Gutium, Tatiana; Gojaeva, Elmira
    As independent states, the Republics of Moldova and Azerbaijan have commercial relations that evolve unevenly. The research object is the competitiveness of Moldovan goods in the Republic of Azerbaijan market and the competitiveness of goods produced in Azerbaijan in the Republic of Moldova market. The purpose of the research is to identify those goods whose export is convenient for both countries. Prospects for the development of commercial relations between the republics were also established. In the structure of both export and import of the Republic of Moldova, the largest share belongs to the products of the chemical industry. However, empirical research has shown that it is convenient for Moldova to export pharmaceutical products and for the Republic of Azerbaijan to export fertilizers.
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    Evolution of energy vulnerability compensation system in the Republic of Moldova
    (Artifex, 2023) Ciobanu, Mihail
    Gas prices’ high increases hit hard the population of Republic of Moldova which determined the government to implement a system of compensations based on energetic vulnerability of the household. Each household is ascribed a category of energetic vulnerability, on the basis of its income and its expenditures, in particular, energy expenditures. It includes compensations on various energy sources: gas, electricity, centralized heating system. In this paper the particularties of this system are described, the data on last heating seasons are analyzed, changes in the current heating season are discussed. Although costly, the program of compensations for household energy expenditures during heating season is still helpful for the socioeconomic support of population of Republic of Moldova.
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    Vulnerabilitatea economico-socială la schimbările climatice a Republicii Moldova
    (Artifex, 2023) Gutium, Tatiana
    Climate change affects agriculture, biodiversity, water resources, and population health. The impact of climate change results from the interaction between climate hazards, exposure, and vulnerability of society and the economy. Among these three factors, vulnerability can be determined by sensitivity and adaptability and can be applied to the development of state programs and strategies to overcome the negative impact of climate change. The research object in this study is economic-social vulnerability to climate change. The main goal is to estimate the economic-social vulnerability to climate change of the Republic of Moldova in the division of districts. The results of the research showed that the highest degree of economic-social vulnerability to climate change was recorded by Hîncești, Fălești, Rezina, Basarabeasca, Leova, and the lowest level by Anenii Noi and Ialoveni.
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    Calitatea administrației serviciului vamal: particularitățile și perspectivele de dezvoltare
    (2024) Gutium, Mircea
    International trade strongly influences the level of development of the states' economy. Therefore, for the economy's sustainable growth and the Customs Service's continuous development, it is necessary to reduce the time required for customs clearance and accelerate the traffic of goods. This goal can be achieved by identifying the effective organizational structure and introducing beneficial experiences within the national customs administration. At the same time, developing and adapting information technologies to the needs of the Customs Service is beneficial. In this article, there is a comparison of the efficiency of the Customs Services of different states based on the time required to carry out the export procedures to identify the factors necessary to improve the activity of the Customs Service in the future.