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    Producing reliable mortality estimates in the context of distorted population statistics: the case of Moldova
    (2015) Penina, Olga; Jdanov, Dmitri; Grigoriev, Pavel
    Background and AimDespite having a functioning population register, the official demographic indicators in Moldova are seriously biased. The problem arises primarily because the registration of deaths and births covers only the events that occur within the country (the de facto population), whereas the population at risk includes Moldovan citizens who live abroad(the de jure population). Because the country has high levels of emigration, there are substantial differences between the de factoand thede jure population numbers. Thus, thenominator-denominator bias must be taken into account in the population statistics. To obtain plausible demographic rates, appropriate corrections of population size have to be made. Our aim is to estimate the size of the de facto Moldovan population, and to produce reliable mortality estimates for the longest period possible. Data and Methods We rely on official data obtained from various sources. These include mortality data, census counts, and annual population estimates collected from archives or obtained directly from the Moldovan National Bureau of Statistics. Using alternative administrative data sources, we first correct the size of the Moldovan population. We then generate adjusted population estimates. Finally, on the basis of the adjusted population estimates, we produce life tables. All of the calculations are performed using the methodology and programming tools developed within the Human Mortality Database(HMD) Project. Results Our corrected population estimates are 18 percent lower than the official figures. The adjusted estimates of life expectancy at birth in 2014 are 64.94 years for males and 73.74 years for females. These figures are, respectively, 2.58 years and 1.65 years lower than the official estimates. Our estimates of the size of the population are consistent with unpublished 2014 population census data. Complete life tables for the period 1970–2014, as well as some other HMD statistics, are provided as supplementary material.ConclusionsWe show that even when there is a serious distortion of population statistics, it is possible to obtain plausible mortality estimates. This issue is highly relevant not just for Moldova, but for other European countries that have also been experiencing problems with the incorrect registration of migration. To improve the quality of their population estimates, countries will increasingly have to consult alternative administrative data sources.
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    Dezvoltarea și experiența europeană de implimentare a indicilui de îmbătrinire activă
    (INCE, 2014) Cusnir, Liliana
    The Active Ageing Index (AAI) is a tool to measure the untapped potential of older people for active and healthy ageing across countries. It measures the level to which older people live independent lives, participate in paid employment and social activities as well as their capacity to actively age. The index is constructed from 22 individual indicators that are grouped into four distinct domains. Each domain presents a different aspect of measuring the untapped potential of older people for active and healthy ageing. The results of the AAI are presented in a country ranking by the overall AAI and the domain-specific indices. The ranking of countries might change depending on what are the results for the overall AAI or the domain-specific indices. AAI also offers breakdown of results by gender.
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    Aplicarea mecanismelor optime la determinarea indicatorilor principali ai securității demografice în Republica Moldova
    (INCE, 2014) Savelieva, Galina; Vremis, Maria
    This paper reflects the determination and analysis toolkit of indicators related to demographic security by using correlation and regression analysis. The main goal is to identify opportunities to improve the demographic situation of the country through the development of forecasts in the field. After the results of applying that analysis were developed recommendations on the possibility of its use in the practice of public authorities, which will serve as a basis for improving those policies by preventing possible threats and timely preparation of the required policies.
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    Молдова на пути второго демографического перехода: структурные изменения рождаемости
    (2013) Gagauz, Olga
    After the 1990s, fertility started declining in Moldova. The adjusted period total fertility rate remains at the level of 1.5 children per woman over the recent years. The youngest cohort born in 1970 year, presently almost completed its reproductive function, has a relatively high fertility rate, about two children per woman. In the mid-1990s, the Second Demographic Transition in Moldova began. Nevertheless, the Moldovan fertility still shows its traditional features like relatively high age-specific fertility rate among females aged 15-19 years of old, pre-marital conception and marriages enforced by unplanned pregnancy. However, postponement of childbearing to later ages, an increase of mean protogenetic interval, particularly among women with higher education, are manifested.
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    Demographic challenges and needed policies
    (Complexul Editorial al INCE, 2013) Gagauz, Olga
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    Transformarea familiei în Republica Moldova: convergenţa şi divergenţa în contextul tendinţelor europene
    (INCE, 2015) Pahomii, Irina
    Actualitatea articolului constă în descrierea tendinţelor recente în formarea şi în funcţionarea familiei în Republica Moldova în contextul tendinţelor europene, al consecinţelor acestora din perspectiva dezvoltării socioeconomice şi demografice, dar şi al provocărilor noi pentru politicile sociale, demografice şi familiale. Scopul articolului a fost descrierea comparativă a procesului de tranziţie a familiei în Republica Moldova şi în alte state europene. Metoda de bază utilizată a fost analiza datelor statistice în aspect comparativ. Drept rezultate şi concluzii, menţionăm că lucrarea oferă o schiţă a unei game largi de aspecte problematice şi de preocupări care vin să susţină factorii de decizie în eforturile acestora de a îmbunătăţi politicile familiale.
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    Трудовая структура населения Республики Молдова : социально-демографический анализ
    (Complexul Editorial, IEFS, 2013) Piscenco, Marina
    Human resources are the most important sector of the national economy. In the article, the dynamics of the working population structure of the Republic of Moldova for the period 2000 - 2012 is presented. A special attention is paid to the population structure changes and gender differences at working ages. The key determinant factors of the given processes are shown.