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    The well-being of the older people in the Republic of Moldova: determinants and challenges
    (INCE, 2020) Buciuceanu-Vrabie, Mariana
    It is attested at the national level that three-quarters of human capital aged 55 and over in Moldova represent an untapped potential for active aging, which means limited opportunities to get old in good health, to be active economically, to have a safe and secure social life. Meanwhile, more older people are in a group risk with high socio-economic vulnerability. According to national demographic prognoses, by the year 2035, every third person would be over 60. At the regional level, Moldova has the lowest indicators on the quality of life of the older people, on the human capital in older age and on the opportunities to empower this category of the population. The paper focuses to calculate and evaluate some indicators of well-being and social inclusion of the older people in the Republic of Moldova. The challenges which the older people population is facing (poor living conditions, financial and material deprivation, limited access, and quality of health services, restricted physical security, etc.) are highlighted. The analysis is based on the latest available national statistics and empirical data. To emphasize determinants of material wellbeing of the older people the binary logistic regression model had been developed based on primary data of the “Discrimination, abuse and violence against older people in Moldova” (2014, CDR, HelpAge) sociological survey of persons aged 60 and over. The factors, which have a significant impact on the material welfare of the older people, are residence area and age, labour market position, the migrant experience, educational attendance, self-perceived health, age-friendly community perception.
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    Provocări și rezultate pe termen lung pentru bunăstarea și dezvoltarea populației
    (INCE, 2019) Buciuceanu-Vrabie, Mariana
    The article is foccused on the successes and challenges of the Republic of Moldova in the population development, addressed through the international instruments for measuring the quality of human capital, such as Human Capital Index; Human Development Index; Global Competitiveness Index. An evaluation of the composite indicators that measure the efficiency of investments in the population was done. The dynamics of the last five years, as well a comparative analysis accorss countries in the region was emphasized. In the conditions of rapid technological progress, but also of demographic changes, investments in the population become an imperative that changes the nature of human work. The results of the analysis show that despite the actions carried out in the field, Republic of Moldova continues to record the lowest indicators among the countries of Eastern Europe in terms of population development, quality and capitalization of human potential. The country develops only 62% of its human capital and has a low competitive potential (only 57%). Meanwhile among the main long-term challenges remain the fundamental elements: population health, quality of education, labor market functionality, and the infrastructure and population well-being.
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    Bunăstarea populaţiei: evaluarea stării sociale actuale și direcţiile de creștere
    (INCE, 2018) Tomceac, Ana
    This paper analyzes the effects of the demo-social-economic situation created in the Republic of Moldova on the welfare level of the employed population. The main element is income level and differentiation, as their level best reflects the link between household incomes and welfare, being under the influence of economic, demographic and social factors. The information, theoretical and methodological basis of the research served the data of the National Bureau of Statistics. The factors that contribute to the welfare of the population, namely the level of well-being of households with children, have been highlighted. The conclusions and proposals aim at the continuous consolidation and modernization of the promoted socio-economic policies as well as the coordination of the activities of the central and local public administration bodies in solving the problems of increasing the welfare of the population in the Republic of Moldova.
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    The socioeconomic status of the elderly
    (INCE, 2015) Gagauz, Olga; Buciuceanu-Vrabie, Mariana
    Actuality of the study is to extend knowledge on the key issues facing older people. The purpose of the research is to establish the socio-economic position of the elderly, level of respect of their rights in various areas and their vulnerability. The study methodology includes a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. First, by using the method of social survey based on questionnaire on two target-groups samples (one for people aged 60 and over (1096 respondents) and another for employable people aged 20-55 (500 respondents)). Second, by conducting individual 10 in-depth interviews with experts and three focus group with elderly (aged 60 and over) that live in their own household/housing (38 elderly). The study allowed identifying the main problems faced by older people in various social areas, to identify cases of discrimination, as well as to develop a series of recommendations to improve the situation.