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    International migration and population changes in Moldova
    (INCE, 2021) Tabac, Tatiana
    The paper focuses on analyzing the implications of international migration on changes in the number and structure of the population in Moldova in the 2014-2020 period. The paper is based on revised data on the population with usual residence and international migration. The research methodology consists of estimating and analyzing specific indicators of migration and population change: emigration and immigration rates, gross and net migration rates, age-specific net migration rates by sex, population growth rate, and others. Results show that the emigration rate during this period increased from 43 to 58 emigrants per 1000 population. The cumulative net migration is -221,3 thousand or -7,7% of the population of 2014. The mobility of Moldova's population is higher than the population mobility of Moscow or Luxembourg. The share of women involved in the migration process is lower than that of men. Youth (aged 20-34) make up a third of the annual flow of emigrants, while return migration increases at pre-retirement ages. At the same time, there is an increase in the number of children involved in international migration, which indicates the increase in families’ migration for settlement. The population of Moldova decreased by -225,3 thousand in 2014-2020 or by -7.9%. The population growth rate varies between -0,7% and -1,8% annually. The paper concludes that the most important contribution to population decline is negative international migration. Population decline remains the biggest demographic challenge for Moldova.
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    Gestionarea migrației în Uniunea Europeană
    ("Biotehdesign”, 2019) Tabac, Tatiana
    Migrația internațională este prezentă în UE de mai bine de jumătate de secol. Încă din anii 1960, țările din UE-15 au înregistrat o migrație netă pozitivă (aprox. 800 mii persoane), care a crescut la 2,3 milioane în anii 1970 și a rămas la fel de înaltă în 1980 [3, 13 p.]. În următoarele decenii migra-ția s-a intensificat și mai mult contribuind semnificativ la creșterea populației din regiune. De mai bine de 20 de ani, creșterea populației este asigurată într-o măsură mai mare de migrație, decât de creșterea naturală.