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Item Migrația internațională în Republica Moldova în profil teritorial(INCE, 2022) Tabac, TatianaThe paper focuses on analyzing the general and territorial trends of international migration in the period 2014-2020. The paper is based on revised data on the population with usual residence and international migration. The methodological approach consists of the estimation and analysis of specific indicators of migration: net migration and net migration rate according to age, gender, residence, and administrative-territorial units (districts). The results showed that the total net migration in 2014-2020 constituted -228.8 thousand people, which means a decrease of the population by -8.3% during this period. The population decrease in urban areas was -9.8%, and in rural areas was -7.3%. The analysis also revealed the active involvement of the rural female population in migration processes. Negative migration is particularly high at ages 0-39, while positive migration is seen in the population aged 40 and over. Positive migration is a specific phenomenon in rural areas. The population of the municipality of Chisinau decreased by -86.1 thousand or -12.6% during this period. The largest population decrease due to migration was recorded in the districts of Ialoveni -15.9%, Cantemir -14.9% and Cahul -13.4%. Four districts had a positive increase due to migration: Ocnița (0.3%), Rîșcani (0.3%), Dondușeni (0.2%), and UTA Găgăuzia (0.1%). The paper concludes that the prevention of future demographic disasters can be achieved through urgent measures to improve the socioeconomic situation and improve the quality of life of the population. The article was elaborated within the State Program Project (2020-2023) 20.80009.0807.21 „Migration, demographic changes, and situation stabilization policies”.Item International migration and population changes in Moldova(INCE, 2021) Tabac, TatianaThe paper focuses on analyzing the implications of international migration on changes in the number and structure of the population in Moldova in the 2014-2020 period. The paper is based on revised data on the population with usual residence and international migration. The research methodology consists of estimating and analyzing specific indicators of migration and population change: emigration and immigration rates, gross and net migration rates, age-specific net migration rates by sex, population growth rate, and others. Results show that the emigration rate during this period increased from 43 to 58 emigrants per 1000 population. The cumulative net migration is -221,3 thousand or -7,7% of the population of 2014. The mobility of Moldova's population is higher than the population mobility of Moscow or Luxembourg. The share of women involved in the migration process is lower than that of men. Youth (aged 20-34) make up a third of the annual flow of emigrants, while return migration increases at pre-retirement ages. At the same time, there is an increase in the number of children involved in international migration, which indicates the increase in families’ migration for settlement. The population of Moldova decreased by -225,3 thousand in 2014-2020 or by -7.9%. The population growth rate varies between -0,7% and -1,8% annually. The paper concludes that the most important contribution to population decline is negative international migration. Population decline remains the biggest demographic challenge for Moldova.Item Migrația populației din Republica Moldova în Germania în anii 1992-2016(INCE, 2017) Tabac, TatianaIn this article, the evolution and emigration structure from Republic of Moldova to Germany during post-Soviet period is analyzed. The study demonstrates that in the last years there has been an intensification of population emigration to Germany. The increase in the stock of emigrants by 45% in 2016, compared to 2013, indicates a beginning of a new emigration wave. It has been observed that emigration of young families has occurred in recent years, as evidenced by the growing number of children up to the age of 10.Item Impactul crizei COVID-19 asupra situației economice a migranților și remitențelor: cazul Republicii Moldova(INCE, 2020) Tabac, TatianaLucrarea are ca scop estimarea impactului pandemiei COVID-19 asupra situației economice a migranților și remitențelor în Republica Moldova. Rezultatele studiului demonstrează impactul negativ asupra activității de muncă a migranților, în special în cazul migranților temporari și a migranților aflați peste hotare în baza pașaportului Republicii Moldva. Cca o treime din migranți s-au confruntat cu scăderea considerabilă a veniturile, iar o pătrime au încetat să transfere remitențe în Republica MoldovaItem Acquisition of foreign citizenship by Moldovan immigrants(INCE, 2019) Tabac, TatianaThe paper explores some aspects of the acquisition of foreign citizenship by immigrants from Moldova. The purpose of the study is to estimate the size and geography of acquisition of foreign citizenship in context of migration policies changes in countries of destination. The study is based on statistical analysis of the OECD, Eurostat database and other representative sources, as well as an analysis of migration policy of the countries of citizenship acquisition. The results show that about a million people received foreign citizenship from 1992 up to present. The main countries for acquiring citizenship are: Romania, Russia, USA, Portugal, Italy, Bulgaria, Canada and Germany. The access of Moldova population to citizenship of developed countries contributes to the intensification and expansion of international migration. For Moldovan immigrants, the policies of the countriesof destination have an important role in the process of acquiring citizenship.Item Reflecții asupra problemei de îmbatrânire a populației în presa scrisă din Republica Moldova(INCE, 2014) Tabac, TatianaThe phenomenon of demographic aging became more discussed in the media last time. This article presents the results of the study of image and problems of elders reflected in the written press. The research is based on the content analysis of the national newspapers, which was observed during 2011-2013. Image of elders is presented only in a unilateral way by the mass media.