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Item Migrația internă în Moldova: schimbări în profil teritorial(INCE, 2022) Stirba, VitalieInternal migration is one of the main demographic processes that determine changes in the population structure in the districts of Moldova. The intensity of internal migration is determined by multiple social and economic factors and the migratory potential of the regions of migrants’ origin. This study analyses internal migration in Moldova at the district level using the National Bureau of Statistics data on permanent residence changes. The results show that the internal migration flows are dominated by the young and working-age population between the age of 15-50, who are mainly involved in rural-urban migration. Among the overall number of internal migrants, females exceed males, which creates a disparity in the sex ratio at certain ages in certain localities. Internal migrants are primarily attracted by the main cities, such as Chisinau and Balti, and by the districts in the vicinity of the capital city. As a result, the population increase in these cities is mainly due to internal migration. The article was elaborated within the State Program Project (2020-2023) 20.80009.0807.21 „Migration, demographic changes, and situation stabilisation policies”.Item Diaspora ca exponent vital în condițiile dezvoltării durabile a Republicii Moldova(INCE, 2018) Stirba, VitalieLucrarea prezintă o observație asupra rezultatului fenomenului migrației ce a influențat acumulărea unui stoc de migranți originari din Republica Moldova. Este sugerată ideea, precum că diaspora poate fi privită în calitate de deținător al unui potențial solid din punct de vedere al capitalului uman, ce poate asigura o creștere economică în contextul dezvoltării durabile din țara de origine.Item Impactul migrației interne asupra structurii demografice în raioanele Republicii Moldova(INCE, 2017) Stirba, VitalieÎn acest articol sunt analizate schimbările în structura populației ca rezultat al mișcărilor migratorii interne în perioada anilor 2010-2014. Prin prisma acestui studiu, menționam și în cazul când numărul populației în localitățile care sunt centre economice și socioculturale nu este în creștere, migrația internă creează unele schimbări în componența generațiilor, unde creșterea numerică ajunge la 4,7% pentru populația tânără și în vârsta aptă de muncă. Localitățile care au un spor negativ al migrației pierd, în primul rând, populația în vârstele tinere și cele apte de muncă, ca rezultat fiind supuse riscului să nu își valorifice potențialul său de creștere economică pe termen mediu sau lung, fapt ce va stimula continuarea acestui proces.Item Migrația internă: direcții și dimensiuni(Foxtrot, 2016) Stirba, VitalieIn the article is analysed internal migration based on current statistics regarding permanent residence registration and the census from 2004. There is a slow reduction of this phenomenon; annual population involved in changing place of residence is an average of 1%. The main places that attract residents of small towns and villages are Chisinau and Balti. The urban population from internal migration records a slight increase, the degree of urbanization annual increases just under 0.2%.Item Schimbările în speranța de viață sub influența pandemiei Covid-19(Foxtrot, 2021) Stirba, VitalieThis article highlights the changes in life expectancy in Moldova under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The results show a decrease in life expectancy in 2020, compared to 2019, by 0.9 years in males and 1.3 years in females. The increase in mortality has been particularly pronounced in the ages above 55 and 40 for males and females, respectively. The observed rise in the number of deaths occurred as a result of joint factors, such as the increasing number of persons diagnosed with COVID-19, postponement of planned treatments for the patients with chronic diseases, overloading of the medical system during the pandemic, etc. During the period of self-isolation and a decrease in economic activities, a decrease in mortality caused by external factors could be observed, which contributed to the increase in the life expectancy components among the young population.Item Principalele provocări în contextul evaluării situației epidemiologice din Republica Moldova(INCE, 2020) Stirba, VitalieIn contextul creșterii numarului de cazuri de infectari cu noul tip de coronavirus, autoritațile Republicii Moldova s-au confruntat cu un șir de provocari in domeniul sanatații publice, iar acțiunile actorilor de decizie, in mare parte, au derivat din capacitatea de a evalua situația epidemiologica creata. Acest articol vine sa accentueze unele probleme privind sanatatea publica in contextul pandemiei de COVID-19, dar și celor legate cuantificarea eficacitații masurilor luate in baza indicatorilor demografici.Item Traffic-related mortality in Moldova(INCE, 2020) Stirba, VitalieThis article analyses the mortality caused by road accidents in Moldova depending on the degree of involvement of pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, drivers and passengers of transport units, depending on age and sex. Results suggest that traffic-related mortality in Moldova has shown an increased incidence among the young and working-age population, where a significant difference between males and females is observed. Among the youth, traffic-related deaths register between 10-27% of the overall mortality in both sexes. The risk exposure of dying in a traffic accident decreases with age and is less significant in the retired ages. During the years 1998-2015, avoidance of traffic related deaths would have assured an increase in life expectancy between 0.40-0.56 years in males, and 0.09-0.23 years in females. The continuous increase in the number of transport units on public roads, as well as in the number of hours spent in traffic, influences the degree of exposure to the risk of death or injury as a result of road traffic accidents. Trauma resulting from road accidents increases the incidence of premature mortality and disability among the population, which is reflected by the decrease of healthy life expectancy. It is ascertained that the road accident mortality requires a detailed and comprehensive analysis given the multitude of factors influencing deaths and injuries related to a traffic accident among the population. Thus, in order to improve road safety and reduce mortality incidence among traffic participants, a range of actions has to be implemented by the liable actors, including through the international experience.Item Dinamica numărului și structurii populației din mun. Chișinău în perioada intercensitară(INCE, 2019) Stirba, VitalieÎn contextul situației demografice din Republica Moldova, când se evidențiază reducerea numărului populației, accentuată prin creșterea gradului de îmbătrânire și depopularea unor localități, mun. Chișinău înregistrează o creștere ușoară a numărului de rezidenți, în același timp menținând o structură a populației relativ tânără. Creșterea numărului populației a derivat din mișcarea naturală pozitivă, dar și a sporului migrației interne. Ponderea considerabilă a populației de vârstă fertilă, în decursul perioadei analizate, a asigurat un număr anual de 6,4–8,0 mii nașteri, ceea ce depășește numărul anual de decese cu circa 0,5–1,8 mii. Recensămintele din 2004 și 2014 au evidențiat în mun. Chișinău prezența fenomenului migrației internaționale, în care locuitorii suburbiilor sunt implicați în mai mare măsură. În perioada anilor 2011–2016, sporul migrației interne din mun. Chișinău a asigurat o creștere a numărului populației cu circa 4,1–5,9 mii persoane, preponderent în grupele de vârstă 20–39 ani. Afluxul migranților interni are un rol de compensare a pierderilor în urma implicării locuitorilor mun. Chișinău în migrația internațională. Având în vedere situația curentă, evoluția situației demorafice din mun. Chișinău va evidenția creșterea gradului de îmbătrânire a populației, dar și descreșterea sporului migrației interne.Item The contribution of avoidable mortality to the life expectancy change in the Republic of Moldova(Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2019) Stirba, Vitalie; Pahomii, IrinaDuring the last decades, life expectancy in the Republic of Moldova has shown slow and fluctuating growth, which has been largely due to high mortality caused by degenerative diseases (cardiovascular diseases and neoplasms) in adult and elderly population. A potential reduction in mortality can be achieved by reducing preventable deaths, which accentuates the necessity for studying this phenomenon in the current conditions of the Republic of Moldova. The purpose of the paper is to analyze avoidable mortality in the Republic of Moldova and its contribution to the life expectancy at birth change during the years 2000–2014. Given the contested quality of the official denominator, the alternative data on population exposure is used for more accurate calculations. In order to compare the life expectancy at birth components, the method of decomposition of mortality is used. In the period 2000–2014 life expectancy increased by 1.21 years for males and 2.45 years for females. It is substantiated that in 2000–2014 avoidable mortality decreased. In 2014 the share of deaths that could be avoided of the total registered number of deaths was 56.6 % for males and 34.1 % for females compared to 61.5 % for males and 43.9 % for females in 2000. It is revealed that reductions in avoidable mortality determine the substantial part of gains in life expectancy at birth – 1.17 years for males and 1.99 years for females. The highest share of avoidable deaths in total observed deaths is recorded at age 0 and above 50. In the 2000–2014 period, numerical reduction of the avoidable deaths led to a structural change in the causes of death in total mortality. The most considerable part of preventable and amenable deaths is caused by circulatory system diseases, neoplasms, respiratory system diseases and external causes of death. The excess of deaths among the young population is the most disadvantageous factor in the life expectancy changes and highlights a solid number of potential years of life lost. An excess of deaths among the middle of the young population, the most unpleasant factor in the growth of life’s triviality, and the reduction in the number of potential life losses. Further studies will be focused on the identification of the most vulnerable age groups exposed to the risk and calculations of the potential resources for increasing the life expectancy.Item Mortality from external causes of death in the Republic of Moldova(INCE, 2018) Pahomii, Irina; Stirba, VitalieThe Republic of Moldova is among the countries with a high mortality from external causes of death, for males being 2.6 times higher than in the Western European countries and 1.5 times higher for females. The purpose of the study is to analyse trends in mortality from external causes of death and to estimate its contribution to the change of life expectancy at birth between 2000-2014 years. The study is based on the Human Cause-of-Death Database and on the residence population data. The results of the research show that mortality due to external causes of death stagnates for both sexes in 2000-2014 years. A higher level of mortality due to external causes of death is specific for men. External causes of death account for 20% of total increase in life expectancy at birth for 2000-2014 period in case of males, for females the impact of external causes is just over 9%. Mortality due to external causes of death is characterized by a much younger structure compared to general mortality. In case of males over 80% of the total deaths for the 15-19 age group are due to external causes of death. The increase of the share of deaths due to external causes is observed in the 20-24 and 25-29 age group. For males, the main five subgroups of external causes are suicide and self-inflicted injuries, other accidents and late effects of accidents, transport accidents, other accidental breathing threats, accidental poisoning with other substances. For females, there are other causes: other accidents and late effects of accidents, other accidental breathing threats, suicide and self-inflicted injuries, transport accidents, assault. Males mortality for different subgroups from external causes of death is four times higher than that observed for females.