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    Subutilizarea forţei de muncă ca problemă social-economică în Republica Moldova
    (INCE, 2017) Savelieva, Galina
    In the article, the level of labour force participation of the working-age population was analysed. The research was performed by combining current indicators and new indicators for measuring the underutilization of labour force. The analysis was performed based on statistical data and on the departmental data of the National Employment Agency. The new indicators of labour force participation offers the possibility to reflect the real situation on the labour market, and to determine the potential labour force. The reflection of different population groups with a certain pressure on the labour market will allow the analysis of the socio-economic development in connection with the employment and unemployment indicators, aiming at taking effective decisions related to labour force participation. Some recommendations of the article are elaboration of efficient labour remuneration and employment policies, the promotion of an employment regime, which matches the demand, and supply of the labour force, and deepening of the studies in the field.
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    Анализ потенциала рабочей силы в Республике Молдова
    (INCE, 2015) Savelieva, Galina
    În articolul prezent sunt analizați indicatorii principali ai forței de muncă în baza datelor din Ancheta Forței de Muncă. Se constată scăderea numărului populației salariate, ratei de ocupare a forței de muncă, șomajul latent. Nivelul scăzut al salariilor a condus la micșorarea ponderii salariului în totalul veniturilor populației, provocând diminuarea funcției stimulative și motivaționale a salariului. Funcționalitatea imperfectă a pieței muncii contribuie la refluxul migrațional al populației în vârsta aptă de muncă etc. În baza datelor analizate se propun unele recomandări de perfecționare a politicilor în domeniu.
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    Îmbunătățirea cadrului legislativ ca o condiție de creștere a ocupării forței de muncă
    (INCE, 2018) Savelieva, Galina; Cotelnic, Valentina
    In this article, the authors tried to investigate one of the most current problems in the Republic of Moldova, such as employment. An important moment for the resolution of this issue is to the right, compliance with international standards and its performance, primarily European ones. The analysis of practical implementation of employment policies, the emphasis put on the need to find update the framework law in the field, taking into consideration the specifics of the local labour market. Consequences of the processes taking place in the labour market are taken into account in the context of existing legislation and improving the necessitated drawing up proposals in this field. The main objective of the study is to determine the consequences and challenges of the labour market, which will be used to develop proposals for the development of socio-economic policies and ensuring the competitiveness of the national labour market. Methods of research: analysis, synthesis, monitoring, comparison and monographs. Results: have been identified existing problems, causes the current situation regarding employment, drawn some conclusions and proposals for improving the situation in the area. Given article will be useful for public autorities, researchers, students, as well as for professionals who develop socio-economic policies and policies for employment of labour force.