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    Рынок труда и структурные изменения экономики
    (INCE, 2018) Savelieva, Galina
    The transition to a market economy, the impact of external and internal factors on the country's economy, the restructuring, made reforms and, as a consequence, changes in socio-economic infrastructure, all had an impact on the labour market, which, being derived, reflects fully the successes or failures of the country's socio-economic development. The article presents the results of a study on the dependency between the changes in the economy, the employment of a potentially productive labour force and the level of the labour income of the population. Based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of economic growth, the main issues in the employment area, the sources of income formation, including those with different types of economic activity and the working regime, are identified. As a result, it was found that the difficult situation on the labour market is due to the discrepancy between the labour relations and the market mechanism of the economy, the low salary level, which led to the decrease of the salary share in the total income, to the loss of the motivational and stimulating functions of salaries, to an imperfect legislative and normative framework that does not correspond to the realities of the socio-economic development, under the conditions of the market mechanisms. In addition to the above-mentioned causes, one of the most important factors that obstructs the stable socio-economic development of the country and the development of a competitive labour market is the existing inertial economic development model, oriented towards consumption. The study was conducted based on statistical data and secondary indicators calculated by the author. Based on the obtained results, have been developed the approaches for changing the stable and sustainable socio-economic development model, improving the employment legislative base in line with the European standards, performing payroll policies and indexing labour income, increasing the employment rate of the working population, and the need to deepen studies in this area to justify the promotion of state policies.
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    Subutilizarea forţei de muncă ca problemă social-economică în Republica Moldova
    (INCE, 2017) Savelieva, Galina
    In the article, the level of labour force participation of the working-age population was analysed. The research was performed by combining current indicators and new indicators for measuring the underutilization of labour force. The analysis was performed based on statistical data and on the departmental data of the National Employment Agency. The new indicators of labour force participation offers the possibility to reflect the real situation on the labour market, and to determine the potential labour force. The reflection of different population groups with a certain pressure on the labour market will allow the analysis of the socio-economic development in connection with the employment and unemployment indicators, aiming at taking effective decisions related to labour force participation. Some recommendations of the article are elaboration of efficient labour remuneration and employment policies, the promotion of an employment regime, which matches the demand, and supply of the labour force, and deepening of the studies in the field.
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    Impactul pieței muncii asupra creșterii economice
    (Foxtrot, 2016) Savelieva, Galina
    In this article analyzed the impact of the labor market on economic growth. The research was conducted using by Beveridge and Phillips curves, Okun's Law for Moldova. The analysis was based on data from the Labour Force Survey and the National Agency for Employment of the labor market and macroeconomic data of the Ministry Econmiei. As a result, was found that Moldova has specifics economic development model were determined factors exogenous and endogenous growth and influence their quantitative, labor market is a secondary market that fully reflects the successes or failures occurring socio-economic development of the country. All these aspects of the situation are addressed in the context of disclosure causes of existence. The recommendations propose prevention and resolution. including changing the model of economic development inertial through the dynamic model, the forecasts the working age population, the correlation of demand and supply of labor, deepening studies in the field.
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    Анализ потенциала рабочей силы в Республике Молдова
    (INCE, 2015) Savelieva, Galina
    În articolul prezent sunt analizați indicatorii principali ai forței de muncă în baza datelor din Ancheta Forței de Muncă. Se constată scăderea numărului populației salariate, ratei de ocupare a forței de muncă, șomajul latent. Nivelul scăzut al salariilor a condus la micșorarea ponderii salariului în totalul veniturilor populației, provocând diminuarea funcției stimulative și motivaționale a salariului. Funcționalitatea imperfectă a pieței muncii contribuie la refluxul migrațional al populației în vârsta aptă de muncă etc. În baza datelor analizate se propun unele recomandări de perfecționare a politicilor în domeniu.
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    Aspecte ale sărăciei populaţiei apte de muncă
    („Tipografia Centrală”, 2017) Savelieva, Galina; Tomceac, Ana
    Poverty population falling in to the workforce is a highly sensitive issue because it has a profound impact on the sustainable development of the labor market in Moldova. The research was focused on analysis of poverty risks falling population in employment and to identify social policies, existing impediments and proposals for improvements in this areas. In the study it was used NBS calculations based on data of Household Budget Survey 2014. Assessing the poverty profile of the work, were find the problems, which determine the risk of poverty, including rural areas. The article will be useful for public authorities, students and researchers who are engaged in economic science and specialists who are developing the social policies.
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    Оценка напряженности рынка труда в мун. Кишинэу
    (INCE, 2019) Savelieva, Galina; Zaharov, Svetlana
    В данной статье представлены результаты исследования уровня занятости населения трудоспособного возраста в муниципии Кишинэу. Оценивается возможная занятость в зависимости от наличия рабочих мест на разных этапах экономического развития (кризис, рецессия, восстановление экономики). Исследование основано на построении кривой Бевериджа и анализе вторичных показателей, рассчитанных авторами. В результате исследования выявляется ряд проблем в области использования труда и развития местного рынка труда. Сложная ситуация на рынке труда является следствием несоответствия трудовых отношений рыночному механизму–низкий уровень оплаты труда, высокая мобильность рабочей силы и несовершенства законодательной и нормативной базы. Однако количество безработных и коэффициент стресса на рынке труда в Кишиневе ниже средних значений по республике. Анализ безработицы на основе кривой Бевериджа выявил наличие структурных изменений. Это является следствием инерционной модели экономического развития страны, ориентированной на потребление. На основании полученных результатов разработаны предложения по улучшению ситуации на рынке труда. Подчеркивается необходимость проведения более глубоких исследований для создания и развития конкурентного внутреннего рынка труда.
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    Provocări demografice și socioeconomice pentru consolidarea sistemului de pensii
    (INCE, 2019) Gagauz, Olga; Savelieva, Galina
    În articol se analizează impactul factorilor demografici și socioeconomici asupra sistemului de pensii. Rezultatele cercetării arată сă incapacitatea sistemului actual de pensii de a asigura pensii decente persoanelor vârstnice în mare măsură este determinată de situația nefavorabilă pe piața muncii, în special de rata scăzută a activității economice a populației, proporția înaltă a persoanelor ocupate în sectorul informal,numărul semnificativ de categorii de lucrători eligibil să se pensioneze mai devreme decât vârsta de pensionare etc. Factorul demografic nu a avut o influență negativă asupra sistemului de pensionare. Prognozele demografice arată că pe parcursul ultimelordecenii raportul dintre numărul populației în vârsta aptăde muncă și numărul de pensionari se va menține la un nivel relativ favorabil. În acest context, valorificarea potențialului uman, inclusiv al vârstnicilor, rămâne un obiectiv important al politicilor de stat.
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    Regional aspect of labour market: the case of Moldova
    ("Constantin Brancoveanu" University of Pitesti, 2019) Savelieva, Galina; Zaharov, Svetlana
    The problem of population economic activity in the Republic of Moldova is actual in the conditions of population decline, population ageing and labour migration processes. The economic activity rate of work age population decreased by 2.1 percentage points(p.p.), and the employment rate, respectively, by 2.0 p.p., while the number of employed population decreased by 43.5 thousand people. At the same time, it should be noted that the share of employed population in economically active has practically not changed and amountsto 96%, that is, the average unemployment rate for this period varied between 4-5%.However, if we analyze the involvement of work age population in the regional aspect, then there are differences in these indicators, which is associated with the possibility of being employed, the existing socio-economic infrastructure, age-sex structure of population and other factors. Therefore, the evaluation of demo-socio-economic processes impact on labour market formation has of scientific and practical importance for determining the main strategic directions of stable long-term development of the country, which determines the actuality of topic.The purpose of research is to analyze the regional characteristics of labour market in conditions of changes in age-sex structure of labour market, the motives for the presence of non-working population that is not involved in labour market for any reason, including the youth of NEET, employment in urban-rural aspect, including the tendencies in labour market changes mun. Chisinau in regional aspect (mun. Chisinau, Center, South, North).Such methods as analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, grouping, and a systematic approach will be used in the process of research. As a result of research, recommendations have been made to improve the efficiency of employment policies of work age population, which can be used by public officials, as well as students, doctoral students, and scientific researchers.
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    Aspecte metodologice de măsurare a nivelului de securitate demografică prin unii indicatori agregați
    (INCE, 2014) Savelieva, Galina; Vremis, Maria
    This article describes the mechanism for determining the integral indicator to assess the level of demographic security in territorial terms. The main goal is to identify possible methods for quantitative measurement of the influence of demographic security policies. Based on obtained model was performed ranking of territories according to indicators reflecting respective policies and have proposed some recommendations to improve the territorial demographic situation by streamlining the socio-economicdemographic policies.
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    Aplicarea mecanismelor optime la determinarea indicatorilor principali ai securității demografice în Republica Moldova
    (INCE, 2014) Savelieva, Galina; Vremis, Maria
    This paper reflects the determination and analysis toolkit of indicators related to demographic security by using correlation and regression analysis. The main goal is to identify opportunities to improve the demographic situation of the country through the development of forecasts in the field. After the results of applying that analysis were developed recommendations on the possibility of its use in the practice of public authorities, which will serve as a basis for improving those policies by preventing possible threats and timely preparation of the required policies.