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Item Aspecte teritoriale ale mortalității în Republica Moldova(INCE, 2015) Pahomii, IrinaEgalitatea este una din prioritățile actuale pentru majoritatea țărilor, pentru că dezvoltarea durabilă a unei țări poate fi posibilă doar în condițiile asigurării unei echități în toate domeniile și pentru toți. Dezvoltarea demografică a unei țări este la fel de importantă ca oricare alt domeniu, iar analiza mortalității ne poate oferi un tablou generalizator a acesteia. Scopul acestui articol este realizarea unei analize descriptive a mortalității la nivel teritorial prin compararea ratelor standardizate a mortalității pentru raioanelor republicii. Pentru a putea realiza acest scop am aplicat metodele de standardizare indirectă, iar pentru prezentarea acestora am utilizat programul QGIS. În rezultat am reușit atât să identificăm situația reală cât și să construim o ierarhizare veridică a raioanelor republicii.Item Mortality from external causes of death in the Republic of Moldova(INCE, 2018) Pahomii, Irina; Stirba, VitalieThe Republic of Moldova is among the countries with a high mortality from external causes of death, for males being 2.6 times higher than in the Western European countries and 1.5 times higher for females. The purpose of the study is to analyse trends in mortality from external causes of death and to estimate its contribution to the change of life expectancy at birth between 2000-2014 years. The study is based on the Human Cause-of-Death Database and on the residence population data. The results of the research show that mortality due to external causes of death stagnates for both sexes in 2000-2014 years. A higher level of mortality due to external causes of death is specific for men. External causes of death account for 20% of total increase in life expectancy at birth for 2000-2014 period in case of males, for females the impact of external causes is just over 9%. Mortality due to external causes of death is characterized by a much younger structure compared to general mortality. In case of males over 80% of the total deaths for the 15-19 age group are due to external causes of death. The increase of the share of deaths due to external causes is observed in the 20-24 and 25-29 age group. For males, the main five subgroups of external causes are suicide and self-inflicted injuries, other accidents and late effects of accidents, transport accidents, other accidental breathing threats, accidental poisoning with other substances. For females, there are other causes: other accidents and late effects of accidents, other accidental breathing threats, suicide and self-inflicted injuries, transport accidents, assault. Males mortality for different subgroups from external causes of death is four times higher than that observed for females.Item Youth health and health-risk behaviour(INCE, 2017) Gagauz, Olga; Pahomii, IrinaThis article presents the results of the research on the main health indicators of young people from the Republic of Moldova for 2006-2016 years. Mortality rates, Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) prevalence, youth smoking, alcohol and drug use are selected as main indicators of youth health. The study is based on the National Bureau of Statistics data and on the secondary analysis of different Surveys. The indicators of youth health in the Republic of Moldova have been gradually improved over the past 20 years, however, their performance is lower compared to the developed countries. There are significant differences by gender and area of residence. The young people from the rural area are more exposed to the risk factors that influence youth health. Avoidable causes of death, such as accidents, injuries, falls, intoxications and suicides, are the main causes of youth mortality. The risk behaviour specific for young males determined almost 2/3 of the male deaths, and less than half of the female deaths. Despite the decrease in the incidence of HIV/AIDS among youth the gender gap persists. There is an unfavourable situation with regard to STDs, especially syphilis and gonorrhoea. Welfare as a factor of health-risk behaviour has a contradictory significance. Thus, the highest proportion of smokers among men is registered in the lowest quintile, but among women in the lowest and highest quintile. Share of adolescents, current consumers of alcohol, is higher for those from families with a higher level of welfare, but also for those from poor families.Item Life expectancy dynamics in post-soviet countries from european region: convergences and divergences( INCE, 2017) Pahomii, Irina; Gagauz, Olga; Avram, CristinaThis article presents the results of the comparative study on the mortality and life expectancy at birth dynamics in Moldova and six other post-Soviet countries in the European region – Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. The aim of the research is to highlight the convergences and divergences, as well as the causes which lead Moldova to lag behind in this field. The study is based on Human Mortality Database (HMD) and Human Causes-of-Death Database (HCD) data. For Moldova, mortality tables for the resident population were used (with the exclusion of migrants who have been absent from the country for more than 12 months). Despite the similar trends in the dynamics of life expectancy at birth in the selected countries since the mid-1990s, there is an increasing divergence in this respect. The Baltic countries, especially Estonia, have succeeded in achieving significant progress in reducing mortality and increasing life expectancy at birth, while Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and Moldova remain outliers. Decomposition of mortality by causes of death demonstrates that the reduction in mortality by cardiovascular diseases has had a major impact on the development of the gap in life expectancy at birth observed between Estonia and Moldova.