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Item Factori asociați cu nivelul scăzut al fertilității în Republica Moldova(INCE, 2022) Grigoras, EcaterinaThe article presents a multivariate analysis of the groups of factors with an impact on the number of children born in the Republic of Moldova. Based on the Gender and Generations Survey conducted in Moldova in 2020, a total sample of 2705 women aged 15-49 years who gave birth to at least one child was selected. Using the binomial logistic regression method, the determinant factors of low levels of fertility were identified. The results showed that the place of residence, level of education, ever using contraceptives, age at first marriage, age at first birth, woman's work status, marital status of women, and the ideal number of children, were significant determinants of the number of children ever born. Women's sociodemographic characteristics showed a low contribution in the prediction of having two children and more: the urban place of residence, higher level of education, late age of mother at first birth, late age at first marriage, the ideal number of children in the family (up to two children), unmarried women, employed women. Orientation of policies to support couples in general and women, in particular, is necessary by combining the activity of raising children with a professional one, women with higher education, families with one child and employed women, and formation of public opinion regarding family planning. The article was elaborated within the State Program Project (2020-2023) 20.80009.0807.21 „Migration, demographic changes, and situation stabilization policies”.Item Fertility transition from traditional to modern model in Moldova: exploration in base on the “Generation and gender survey”(INCE, 2022) Grigoras, Ecaterina; Gagauz, OlgaIn Moldova, like in other countries of Eastern Europe, after the 1990s,fertility transition fromthe traditional model to the modern one is occurring. Astable fertility decline was observed up to 2004, while the total fertility rate settled at 1.7-1.8 births per woman in the following years. Although the indicatoris higher compared to other states,the factors determining this level and the likelyfuture trends are essentialquestionsto be asked. We assumesome of the sociodemographic characteristics of women, the socioeconomic and cultural context impact the reproductive behavior and determine whether to keep the traditional model or switch to the modern one. The research isconducted to highlight the differences in women's reproductive behavior and the sociodemographic characteristics that impact the number of children born.The research is based on the" Generations and Gender Survey"conducted in Moldova in 2020. A detailed profile of women's reproductive behaviour was presented on the base of four identified clusters, which characterize the fertility transition from the traditional to the modern model. Findings reveal that the traditional model of reproductive behavior with a large family or, at most, with two childrenis prevalent. Medium and high education, late age at marriage and urban residence of women have a negativeeffect on the number of children ever born. The study quantifies the heterogeneity of reproductive behavior and has important implications forthe scientific perception of current trends and prospective fertility dynamicsin Moldova.Item Impactul nivelului de educație al femeilor asupra fertilității(INCE, 2018) Grigoras, EcaterinaModificarea comportamentului reproductiv al femeilor din Republica Moldova și creșterea perioadei de formare implică necesitatea studierii diferențierilor fertilității după nivelul de studii. În prezenta lucrare în baza datelor de la Recensământul populației și al locuințelor din 2014 (RPL 2014) și statisticii curente sunt analizate caracteristicile principale ale populației feminine după numărul de copii născuți, în funcție de nivelul de studii al femeilor. Scopul acestei lucrări este de a identifica relația dintre comportamentului reproductiv al femeilor din Republica Moldova și nivelul de studii. În urma analizei efectuate constatăm că nivelul de educație al femeilor influențează mult profilul fertilității, femeile cu studii superioare dețin cea mai înaltă proporție printre femeile care nu au născut nici un copil pe parcursul vieții reproductive, precum și se caracterizează prin maternitate mai târzie și de ranguri mai mici. Către vârstele mai mature fertilitatea finală este la nivelul apropiat de cel necesar pentru reproducerea generațiilor. Astfel, femeile educate recuperează nașterile amânate la vârste mai mature în comparație cu femeile mai puțin educate care nasc la vârste timpurii iar rata totală a fertilității între cele două categorii nu diferă foarte mult.Item Monitorizarea fertilităţii în profil teritorial(INCE, 2015) Grigoras, EcaterinaPrezenta lucrare este axată pe analiza natalității în Republica Moldova în profil teritorial în anii 2000 și 2014. Cel mai scăzut nivel de fertilitate s-a constatat în mun. Chișinău, iar cel mai înalt în zona economico-geografică Centru, Nordul și Sudul având nivelul similar al fertilității. În toate zonele se înregistrează scăderea continuă a fertilității și restructurarea calendarului nașterilor, curba fertilității având un profil al modelului intermediar cu tendință spre modelul tardiv de fertilitate. Intensitatea activității de reproducere menținându-se la un nivel cu mult mai înalt la femeile din mediul rural decât mediul urban.Item Рarticularities of Fertility Transition in the Republic of Moldova and Selected Former-Soviet Countries(Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2019) Grigoras, EcaterinaThe article provides the particularities of fertility transition in the Republic of Moldova and former Soviet Republics from European region (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and the Baltic countries). The postponing fertility of younger women and the tendencies of recuperation of postponed fertility in the older group of women and the change in complete cohort fertility are examined.The aim of the research is to distinguish the main particularities of fertility transition in the Republic of Moldova and selected former Soviet countries during the period 1971–2014. The main objectives are the delimitation of divergences and convergences among them, the determination of fertility transition stages, the assessment of births postponement level, and the quantification of fertility recuperation level in cohorts that have completed their reproductive period.A postponement and recuperation model proposed by T. Frejka was used as the main method of analysis. The study is based on the Human Fertility Database (HFD) and the vital statistics for the Republic of Moldova. The period analysed is 1971–2014. The quantification of fertility postponement and recuperation was realised through the comparative analysis of the cumulated age-specific fertility of the 1960 cohort (the reference cohort) and the cumulated age-specific fertility of the 1975 and 1980 cohorts.The results show that after 1990, the postponement index is in continuing increase in all countries. The Baltic countries have the highest index of postponement while the Republic of Moldova the lowest. Russia, Belarus and Ukraine register the medium level of postponement index.A slower pace than in other countries characterizes the fertility transition in the Republic of Moldova. The fertility profile has an intermediate character, which moves from the early to the late model, recording the first and second phase The Baltic countries are characterized by a faster fertility transition and have been closer to the West European fertility model, especially Estonia, which reached the end of the fertility transition. The fertility transition in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine has been largely influenced by financial incentives for fertility, which are reflected in the pattern of the fertility transition and the shift through different phases.Item Factorii migrării la studii a studenților din Republica Moldova(INCE, 2014) Grigoras, EcaterinaIn the article, we examine the mobility of students from Republic of Moldova. Currently, the phenomenon of student’s migration abroad is an extremely strong process. The statistics of country of origin are registered about 25% compared to the number of students in the Republic of Moldova, it is an increase in the mobility of Moldovan students about 4 times higher than national statistics show. In the article were analyzed the factors of students migration which are: offer for Moldovan students; better future; international experience, personal training; the quality of education; multinational entourage; degree graduated recognized in Europe. The migration of lot of students usually goes hand in hand with any governmental transition that must to change the education policies.