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    Modele de inegalitate educațională în rândul tinerilor din Republica Moldova
    (INCE, 2022) Crismaru, Mariana
    The paper investigates the patterns of multiple advantages and disadvantages of parents’ educational attainment as well as place of residence and their impact on children`s education level by using data from Generations and Gender Survey (2020). There were employed correlation and multiple regression analysis. The results show that parents’ educational attainment is a much stronger predictor than the age or gender of an individual’s education level. Young people (25-35 years) whose parents have general secondary education (gymnasium) or less are about twice as likely to complete similarly secondary education as those who have at least one parent who has higher education. Place of residence were also shown to have significant influences young people’s level of education. Rural area of residence meant less years in education and urban area signified more years of in education, both for male and female. It is concluded that parents’ educational level (less educated) and place of living (rural) are factors that determine the unequal opportunities among young people and they face difficulties to get rid of the disadvantages of family and environment background. Persistence of these issues over the years in our country denote that social policy do not reach their goal to break cycles of intergenerational disadvantage and thus to prevent the development of a self-replicating underclass. The article was elaborated within the State Program Project (2020-2023) 20.80009.0807.21 „Migration, demographic changes, and situation stabilisation policies”.
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    Aspecte socio-demografice ale tranziției tinerilor la viața de adult în Republica Moldova
    (Foxtrot, 2021) Crismaru, Mariana
    The paper looks at transition to adulthood breakdown by socio-demographivariables. Major life events, including completion of studies, employment, family formation anparenthood, using data of ”Generations and Gender” Survey (2020) are analyzed. The targetpopulation for analysis are young people aged 21-35 (N = 1915). Descriptive analysis of datbased on young people’s status is presented. Logistic regression is used to analyze the determinants that influence young people's access to the labor market as one of the maimarkers of the transition to adulthood. The quantitative analysis of the socio-demographic aspects of the transition tadulthood showed differentiated patterns based on gender and place of residence, which have significant impact on the occurrence of certain life events. Events related to family formation anparenting practically overlap and occur earlier among young women, with a higher share irural areas. In the urban areas there is a higher share of young people who have a more extensiveeducational background. Labor market access is one of the main challenges for young people,especially in rural areas. Logistic regression analysis showed that gender (male), residence(urban) and level of education (high) of young people are the determining factors for thetransition from education to work.