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    Deficitul ciclului de viață al populației în vârstă: dovezi și implicații în baza conturilor naționale de transfer
    (INCE, 2022) Buciuceanu-Vrabie, Mariana
    The paper presents some results of the analysis of the Life Cycle Deficit (LCD) of the population aged 60 and over, based on the data frame of the National Transfer Accounts (NTA) for 2019. Based on age profiles of aggregate data is attested that the LCD of the elderly population in Moldova is about 41% of the LCD of all ages. The primary sources of livelihood for the elderly are not so much income from work but public transfers (payments for social programs, including pensions, healthcare and social services) – 37.8%. Redistribution of private asset-based reallocations plays a fairly significant role in financing the consumption of older people (30.7% of consumption). Along with advancing age, the economic activity of the population inevitably decreases. During the pre-retirement period, the self-employment labor income remains to have a special role in supplementing incomes and becoming the only source after age 75. People aged 60-75 continue to be donors in intergenerational transfers. Only after the age of 75+, do the elderly become recipients of private transfers. A gender characteristic is that older women remain the main beneficiaries of private transfers due to higher life expectancy. The aging of the population will accelerate in the coming decades, according to forecasts. Therefore, the share of the economically dependent population and the LCD will increase. More vigorous policy efforts are required to improve productivity and increase the potential of the working-age population, including by ensuring active and healthy aging and social security for the elderly. The article was elaborated within the State Program Project (2020-2023) 20.80009.0807.21 „Migration, demographic changes, and situation stabilization policies”.
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    Indicatorii internaționali în evaluarea capitalului uman
    (INCE, 2017) Buciuceanu-Vrabie, Mariana; Croitor, Rodica; Crismaru, Mariana
    The present paper contains an analysis and interpretation of trends, opportunities and challenges in the development of human capital and its quality at country level, as well as in the comparative evaluation of success (the Republic of Moldova with three reference countries: Romania, Ukraine, Lithuania) in capitalizing on human capital. The Republic of Moldova registers modest results, both at national and international level, in capitalizing its own human capital. There is a serious shift on that: the low living standards of the population with a pronounced inequality of income; the inefficiency of state investments in education and health which is demonstrated by indicators that do not show significant quality changes; the failure of the socio-economic policies to capitalize on the demographic dividend, the country failing to integrate this potential in the labor market, but on the contrary it is losing it due to labor migration abroad, by accelerating the changing age structure of the population.
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    Tinerii excluși din educație și ocupare
    (Foxtrot, 2016) Buciuceanu-Vrabie, Mariana
    The article aims to focus attention on the youth neither in employment nor in education or training, so called NEET youth. It examines the determinants of belonging to the NEET group in Republic of Moldova and particularities of this phenomenon. In addition, it assesses a comparative analysis of labour market indicators in Moldova and UE country and differences in the NEETs rates that seems to be practically twice higher for Moldova.
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    Oportunități de îmbătrânire activă în Republica Moldova
    (Foxtrot, 2021) Buciuceanu-Vrabie, Mariana
    The article presents an analysis of the opportunities for the population active aging, in light of the multidimensional indicators of the Active Aging Index for 2016-2020 and their relation to the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. It is found that almost three quarters of Moldova's population aged 55 and over have very few opportunities to live a long, healthy, professionally active and safe life. At the same time, in the last five years, the most obvious progress in achieving thouse 17 Nationalized SDGs and related to the elderly population is registered in: strengthening the skills of ICT use (SDG 17); promoting lifelong learning opportunities (SDG 4); ensuring a healthy life and promoting the well-being of all at all ages (SDG 3).
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    Implicații sociale ale pandemiei COVID-19 asupra vârstnicilor
    (INCE, 2020) Buciuceanu-Vrabie, Mariana
    Sunt evaluate aspectele sociodemografice ale populației in varsta in condițiile pandemiei COVID-19. In baza rezultatelor preliminare ale studiului calitativ ”Atenuarea efectelor negative ale pandemiei COVID-19 asupra familiilor” și a statisticii curente sunt analizate implicațiile sociale ale crizei COVID-19 asupra bunastarii și nivelului de trai al varstnicilor in Republica Moldova.
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    Competitivitatea capitalului uman al Republicii Moldova în evoluție comparativă
    (INCE, 2015) Buciuceanu-Vrabie, Mariana
    Capitalul uman este o componentă esențială a competitivității economice naționale, iar investiția în capitalul uman, cu accent pe dezvoltarea calitativă, devine prioritate pentru dezvoltarea durabilă a țării, în special în condițiile îmbătrânirii demografice. Potrivit Indicelui Capitalului Uman (Human Capital Index), Republica Moldova este pe ultimul loc printre țările Europei și Asiei Centrale cu cel mai mic punctaj (66,8) al performanților atinse în dezvoltarea și valorificarea potențialului uman. Evaluând profilul calitativ al resurselor umane din Moldova, constatăm, pe de o parte, o evoluție pozitivă în sensul creșterii nivelului de studii și pregătirea profesională în ultimele două decenii, o involuție a pieții muncii în capacitatea sa de a valorifica eficient acest potențial. Totodată, indicatorii analizați, înregistrează valori modeste în comparație cu țările comparate, indicând despre un nivel scăzut de competitivitate a capitalului uman prezent, dezavantajele implicând și o piață a muncii în formare, competențe neadecvate, dar și o intensitate deosebită a emigrației populației cu înaltă calificare (fenomenul de „brain drain“) etc.
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    The well-being of the older people in the Republic of Moldova: determinants and challenges
    (INCE, 2020) Buciuceanu-Vrabie, Mariana
    It is attested at the national level that three-quarters of human capital aged 55 and over in Moldova represent an untapped potential for active aging, which means limited opportunities to get old in good health, to be active economically, to have a safe and secure social life. Meanwhile, more older people are in a group risk with high socio-economic vulnerability. According to national demographic prognoses, by the year 2035, every third person would be over 60. At the regional level, Moldova has the lowest indicators on the quality of life of the older people, on the human capital in older age and on the opportunities to empower this category of the population. The paper focuses to calculate and evaluate some indicators of well-being and social inclusion of the older people in the Republic of Moldova. The challenges which the older people population is facing (poor living conditions, financial and material deprivation, limited access, and quality of health services, restricted physical security, etc.) are highlighted. The analysis is based on the latest available national statistics and empirical data. To emphasize determinants of material wellbeing of the older people the binary logistic regression model had been developed based on primary data of the “Discrimination, abuse and violence against older people in Moldova” (2014, CDR, HelpAge) sociological survey of persons aged 60 and over. The factors, which have a significant impact on the material welfare of the older people, are residence area and age, labour market position, the migrant experience, educational attendance, self-perceived health, age-friendly community perception.
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    Standards for skills in family support: mapping the international organizations
    (INCE, 2020) Buciuceanu-Vrabie, Mariana; Mešl, Nina; Zegarac, Nevenka
    Preliminary results of the analytical study conducted to identify the international agencies on skills' qualification are presented in the paper. The resented study is part of a comprehensive research project launched in the framework COST Action CA18123. The European Family Support Network, and aims to map the international organizations working in the field and to identify, describe and catalogue available evidence on basic professional competencies of family support workforces.
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    Provocări și rezultate pe termen lung pentru bunăstarea și dezvoltarea populației
    (INCE, 2019) Buciuceanu-Vrabie, Mariana
    The article is foccused on the successes and challenges of the Republic of Moldova in the population development, addressed through the international instruments for measuring the quality of human capital, such as Human Capital Index; Human Development Index; Global Competitiveness Index. An evaluation of the composite indicators that measure the efficiency of investments in the population was done. The dynamics of the last five years, as well a comparative analysis accorss countries in the region was emphasized. In the conditions of rapid technological progress, but also of demographic changes, investments in the population become an imperative that changes the nature of human work. The results of the analysis show that despite the actions carried out in the field, Republic of Moldova continues to record the lowest indicators among the countries of Eastern Europe in terms of population development, quality and capitalization of human potential. The country develops only 62% of its human capital and has a low competitive potential (only 57%). Meanwhile among the main long-term challenges remain the fundamental elements: population health, quality of education, labor market functionality, and the infrastructure and population well-being.
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    Старение населения и развитие социальной политики: опыт Республики Молдова
    (Воронежский государственный педагогический университет, 2019) Gagauz, Olga; Buciuceanu-Vrabie, Mariana
    В настоящей статье рассматриваются некоторые аспекты процесса старения населения в Республике Молдова и положения пожилых людей, а также меры социальной политики, направленные на снижение негативного влияния демографического старения, создание условий для активного старения и поддержания качества жизни пожилых людей.