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Item Abordarea interdisciplinară a comportamentului de sănătate al tinerilor(INCE, 2018) Crismaru, MarianaÎn prezent, stilul de viață reprezintă unul dintre cei mai importanți predictori ai sănătății sau, dimpotrivă, a bolii. În acest articol sunt prezentate aspecte multidisciplinare ale comportamentului relaționat cu sănătatea, focusându-ne asupra trăsăturilor caracteristice ale tinerilor. Sunt trasate principalele tendințe sociale și epidemiologice și impactul acestora asupra comportamentului uman. Este descrisă starea sănătății tinerilor prin prisma indicatorilor statistici și datelor din sondaje sociologice. Analiza situației în materie de sănătate și comportamente de sănătate atestă o rată înaltă a mortalității provocate de cauze externe, o creștere a numărului cazurilor de infecţie cu virusul HIV, o rată înaltă a sarcinilor în rândul adolescentelor. O mare parte din tinerii adoptă comportamente cu risc pentru sănătatea proprie, cu repercusiuni mai târziu în viață.Item Abordări conceptuale ale contextului social în explicarea comportamentului de sănătate(INCE, 2019) Crismaru, MarianaArticolul prezintă o analiză a abordărilor conceptuale ale contextului social pentru a înțelege multiplele influențe sociale, organizaționale, istorice, politice și culturale asupra comportamentului de sănătate. Contextul social este definit ca fiind acele forțe socioculturale care modelează experiențele cotidiene ale oamenilor și care afectează în mod direct și indirect sănătatea și comportamentul de sănătate. În lucrare sunt descrise modelele şi teoriile sociale în domeniul sănătăţii în baza concepțiilor lui Bourdieu și Giddens cu privire la ”practicile sociale”și evidențiată aplicabilitatea lor în explicarea unor comportamente de sănătate. Acesteabordări reliefeazăo perspectivămai profundă a studierii relației dintre factorii structurali, viața de zi cu zi, sănătate și comportament de sănătate.Item Aspecte socio-demografice ale tranziției tinerilor la viața de adult în Republica Moldova(Foxtrot, 2021) Crismaru, MarianaThe paper looks at transition to adulthood breakdown by socio-demographivariables. Major life events, including completion of studies, employment, family formation anparenthood, using data of ”Generations and Gender” Survey (2020) are analyzed. The targetpopulation for analysis are young people aged 21-35 (N = 1915). Descriptive analysis of datbased on young people’s status is presented. Logistic regression is used to analyze the determinants that influence young people's access to the labor market as one of the maimarkers of the transition to adulthood. The quantitative analysis of the socio-demographic aspects of the transition tadulthood showed differentiated patterns based on gender and place of residence, which have significant impact on the occurrence of certain life events. Events related to family formation anparenting practically overlap and occur earlier among young women, with a higher share irural areas. In the urban areas there is a higher share of young people who have a more extensiveeducational background. Labor market access is one of the main challenges for young people,especially in rural areas. Logistic regression analysis showed that gender (male), residence(urban) and level of education (high) of young people are the determining factors for thetransition from education to work.Item A critical review of youth-oriented policies in the Republic of Moldova from the perspective of youth transition regime(INCE, 2020) Crismaru, MarianaYouth issues have long been a focus of policy in Moldova, despite an uneven trend over time. The aim of the article is to analyze the main policy documents devoted to youth within key policy areas that invest in the development and efficient use of human capital from the perspective of the Youth Transition Regime. A mixed-method approach was applied: situation and contextual analysis, review and analysis of policy documents, reports and studies targeting young people. The review and analysis of policy framework has revealed that although youth issues are promoted through various policies, there is a lack of an integrated approach and a comprehensive evaluation mechanism on the implementation of youth policies, including cross-sectoral dimension. Youth-related policies falls into a `transitional` regime characterized by an integrated education system, high rate of early leavers from education and training, high level of youth rate Not in Education Employment or Training – NEET, low popularity/ prominence of Vocational Education and Training, poor concordance between the education system and the labour market. The evaluation of policy measures intended to facilitate the transition of young people to adulthood shows that individualized and compensatory approaches predominate. Policy actions are focused mainly on youth skills development and less on structural policy measures in cross- sectoral areas. There is a need to review and adapt youth policies and strategies to the current and real needs of youth by promoting participatory approaches that would reflect the diversity of youth in Moldova, especially in socially vulnerable groups.Item Indicatorii internaționali în evaluarea capitalului uman(INCE, 2017) Buciuceanu-Vrabie, Mariana; Croitor, Rodica; Crismaru, MarianaThe present paper contains an analysis and interpretation of trends, opportunities and challenges in the development of human capital and its quality at country level, as well as in the comparative evaluation of success (the Republic of Moldova with three reference countries: Romania, Ukraine, Lithuania) in capitalizing on human capital. The Republic of Moldova registers modest results, both at national and international level, in capitalizing its own human capital. There is a serious shift on that: the low living standards of the population with a pronounced inequality of income; the inefficiency of state investments in education and health which is demonstrated by indicators that do not show significant quality changes; the failure of the socio-economic policies to capitalize on the demographic dividend, the country failing to integrate this potential in the labor market, but on the contrary it is losing it due to labor migration abroad, by accelerating the changing age structure of the population.Item Modele de inegalitate educațională în rândul tinerilor din Republica Moldova(INCE, 2022) Crismaru, MarianaThe paper investigates the patterns of multiple advantages and disadvantages of parents’ educational attainment as well as place of residence and their impact on children`s education level by using data from Generations and Gender Survey (2020). There were employed correlation and multiple regression analysis. The results show that parents’ educational attainment is a much stronger predictor than the age or gender of an individual’s education level. Young people (25-35 years) whose parents have general secondary education (gymnasium) or less are about twice as likely to complete similarly secondary education as those who have at least one parent who has higher education. Place of residence were also shown to have significant influences young people’s level of education. Rural area of residence meant less years in education and urban area signified more years of in education, both for male and female. It is concluded that parents’ educational level (less educated) and place of living (rural) are factors that determine the unequal opportunities among young people and they face difficulties to get rid of the disadvantages of family and environment background. Persistence of these issues over the years in our country denote that social policy do not reach their goal to break cycles of intergenerational disadvantage and thus to prevent the development of a self-replicating underclass. The article was elaborated within the State Program Project (2020-2023) 20.80009.0807.21 „Migration, demographic changes, and situation stabilisation policies”.Item Rolul autorităților în gestionarea crizei COVID-19: probleme și soluții(INCE, 2020) Crismaru, MarianaIn acest articol se analizeaza rezultatele studiului calitativ „Atenuarea efectelor negative ale pandemiei COVID-19 asupra familiilor” realizat cu reprezentanți ai autoritaților publice locale și asistența sociala. Studiul a scos in evidența gravitatea problemelor in contextul pandemiei, amplificarea riscurilor preexistente in comunitați si creșterea vulnerabilitaților diferitor categorii de populație. Cele mai grave probleme țin de reducerea considerabila a activitații economice și scaderea veniturilor, dificultați de acces la servicii medicale și sociale, supravegherea copiilor in procesul de educație la distanța.Item Social patterns of smoking and alcohol drinking among young people in Moldova(INCE, 2019) Crismaru, MarianaThis paper explores the incidence and individual determinants of smoking and alcohol drinking with a high prevalence among young people in Moldova. It goes beyond epidemiological approach and descriptive analysis and provides a sociological explanation for these risk-taking behaviours by linking them to local social context in which young people in habit. The study is based on secondary data analysis of National Youth Survey of Moldova among 14-29 aged population (1112 respondents) carried out in 2016, commissioned by the EU-OECD Youth inclusion project and Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova. Data were processed in SPSS. Multivariate analysis, adjusting for demographic covariates was performed using logistic regression. The results of this study show that rates of male smoking and alcohol drinking are high, while rates in women are far lower. According to multivariate data analysis, gender and age are strong individual determinants for both health-risk practices. As well, another important predictor for these behaviors is young people’s educational level – those with lower education level were particularly likely to smoke and drink alcohol. The study revealed also a strong interrelation between these health-risk practices. In paper is argued that high prevalence of smoking and drinking in male may reflect a normative structure for male socializing. Taking into consideration that strongest predictor variable overall is male gender, and strong relationship between heavy drinking and smoking, these behavioral factors might be responsible for the increasing in premature deaths among males in middle age.