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Item Youth attitudes towards gender roles within family(INCE, 2021) Gagauz, Olga; Chivaciuc, AnaYoung people are leaders of change in any society; therefore, studying their attitude towards gender roles in the family is of particular interest in predicting changes in their behaviour and identifying the policy measures needed to achieve sustainable progress in gender equality. The study aimed to research the attitude of youth towards gender roles in the family to determine the influence of the levels of education, gender and other characteristics on gender preferences in relations - traditional or egalitarian. It is based on data from a sociological survey of youth in Chisinau, conducted in 2019 on a representative sample (N = 506). The theoretical basis of the study was the multiple equilibrium theory (Esping-Andersen et al., 2013). The study results showed that the perception of young people regarding the essential qualities of men and women is still under the pressure of stereotypes and corresponds to the intermediate balance model characteristic of the transition from traditional roles based on the division of labour to modern egalitarian ones. This circumstance implies an equal division of responsibilities and family roles between women and men. On the one hand, youth tend to an egalitarian type of marriage and family relationships, and on the other, they adhere to traditional views of family roles. Although there are some differences in attitudes towards gender roles within the family between natives of Chisinau and young people from other localities, they are still not so pronounced. Youth with higher education are more likely to prefer an egalitarian distribution of gender roles than youth with a lower level of education. Girls more often than boys strive for gender equality in the family. However, in some aspects, such as the responsibility of men for the family's financial support, the importance of the material situation of a partner, they more often express traditional views.Item Динамика брачности в Республике Молдова за 2014-2020 гг.(Foxtrot, 2021) Chivaciuc, AnaThe article analyzes the changes in the marriage rate in Moldova over the study period. It was revealed that against the background of a general trend of gradual decline, a significant drop in the number of marriages was recorded in 2020, which is largely due to measures to counter the spread of the COVID-19 infection. Along with this, other factors are considered that have an adverse effect on the dynamics of marriages in the republic. The data on nuptiality in the territorial context, among men and women in different marriageable age groups, as well as the ratio of potential grooms and brides among Moldovan youth, are compared. The dynamics of marriage rates against the background of a general decline in the population and an unfavourable age-sex structure of young generations entering childbearing age is becoming one of the characteristics that explain the expected low fertility in the future.Item Изменение численности и возрастно-половой структуры населения мун. Кишинэу(INCE, 2014) Chivaciuc, AnaIn the article, the current demographic situation in mun. Chisinau is analized based on the population census and vital statistics data. The dynamics of population size and major trends in population sex and age structure changes influenced by unfavorable evolution of natural movement are shown.Item Особенности и тенденции брачности в Молдове(INCE, 2022) Chivaciuc, AnaThe article analyzes the changes in the marriage rate in Moldova over the study period. It was revealed that against the background of a general trend of gradual decline, a significant drop in the number of marriages was recorded in 2020, which is largely due to measures to counter the spread of COVID-19 infection. Along with this, other factors are considered that have an adverse effect on the dynamics of marriages in the republic. The dynamics of marriage rates against the background of a general decline in the population and an unfavorable age-sex structure of young generations entering childbearing age is becoming one of the characteristics that explain the expected low fertility in the future. The article was elaborated within the State Program Project (2020-2023) 20.80009.0807.21 „Migration, demographic changes, and situation stabilization policies”.