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    The role of markets in the entrepreneurial ecosystem and their assessment in the Republic of Moldova
    (Balkan Institute of Science and Innovation – BISI, Université Côte d’Azur, France, 2023) Vinogradova, Natalia
    The availability of accessible markets contributes to increased sales and profit growth, stimulates competition, promotes innovation, and encourages economic integration. Some researchers even argue that the purpose of entrepreneurial ecosystems is to create and operate markets for entrepreneurship development. The article has two main objectives: (i) to define the role of markets as a component of the entrepreneurial ecosystem based on an analysis of various models of the entrepreneurial ecosystem’s structure; (ii) to assess some indicators, characterizing market as an ecosystem’s component in the Republic of Moldova. A survey of entrepreneurs carried out in 2022 in 25 regions of the Republic of Moldova, showed a relatively high level of competition and demand in the domestic market. However, the practice of cooperation with other enterprises is still not sufficiently developed. The majority of entrepreneurs assessed the market access factor negatively, especially since access to both the CIS and the EU markets is particularly difficult at present.
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    Оценка бюрократии и коррупции в предпринимательской экосистеме Республики Молдова
    (2024) Vinogradova, Natalia
    In this article, corruption and bureaucracy are considered as factors that are still inherent in the business environment of the Republic of Moldova. The country's government is currently developing legislative initiatives aimed at reducing the complexity of bureaucratic procedures for economic agents and is taking active measures to reduce corruption. But despite this, surveys of entrepreneurs indicate the frequency of phenomena associated with bureaucracy and corruption on the part of officials involved in regulating business activities. Assessments of these phenomena in the responses of various groups of entrepreneurs were considered, depending on the size of the enterprise, its location, and type of activity. Based on the analysis of the results of the survey of entrepreneurs, it was concluded that there is a direct connection between the high level of bureaucracy and corruption in the business environment of the Republic of Moldova and the decision of entrepreneurs to close their business or significantly reorganize it.
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    Capitalul uman – factor esențial pentru dezvoltarea inovațională în ÎMM-urile din Republica Moldova
    (2024) Novac, Alexandra
    Innovation is a crucial element for competitive and sustainable business development. The aim of this paper is to highlight the importance of human capital in innovation activity and to identify the challenges faced by small and medium-sized enterprises in the Republic of Moldova in this area. The methods and techniques used in the research include desk research, critical analysis, literature synthesis, and comparative analysis. The results of the research show that the main barriers related to human capital for innovation development in Moldovan enterprises are mainly related to the mismatch between the skills of human capital and the needs of employers, the availability of highly qualified human capital, the lack of personnel with specific specialisations, the massive emigration of the population, especially young people, and the decreasing number of students in science and technology.
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    Retrospectiva dezvoltării întreprinderilor mici și mijlocii în Republica Moldova
    (Artifex, 2022) Tomsa, Aurelia
    Small and Medium-sized business exists as independent sector of the market economy, providing for the basic needs of the national economy. SMEs is the strategic resource for sustainable socio-economic development of society, which ensures its high level and improves the quality of life of the population. The article examines the development trends of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Republic of Moldova in 2015–2021. The problems of the development of SMEs at the regional and national levels are revealed. An important difference from similar works on this topic is an attempt to prove that throughout the formation of SMEs, it has the same systemic problems. In conclusion, the article proposes measures to develop and support small and medium-sized enterprises.
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    Рынки как компонент предпринимательской экосистемы
    (2023) Vinogradova, Natalia
    The article aims to define the role of “Markets” as a component of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, as well as to evaluate some indicators of this component in relation to the Republic of Moldova. The assessment was based on the results of a survey of entrepreneurs, carried out within the framework of the applied research project “Multidimensional assessment and development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem at the national and regional level in order to boost the SME sector in the Republic of Moldova” (2020-2023) in the period of June-October, 2022. For the “Markets” component, a survey of entrepreneurs showed a slight excess of negative estimates over positive ones. The market opportunities of enterprises are characterized by a fairly high level of competition in the domestic market, including from the informal sector, as well as a relatively high level of demand for goods/services in the domestic market. However, the practice of cooperation with other enterprises is still not sufficiently developed, in particular, cooperation between large enterprises and the SME sector is at a minimum level. The market access factor was assessed negatively by the majority of entrepreneurs, especially since access to both the CIS markets and the EU markets is particularly difficult at present.
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    Tendințe în dezvoltarea întreprinderilor mici și mijlocii din Republica Moldova în perioada 2015-2020 pe clase de marime: evoluția numărului de întreprinderi și a numărului de salariați
    (КГУ, 2022) Maier, Lidia
    Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have a significant share in the total number of enterprises and, without a doubt, play a very important role in the social and economic development of the country, contributing substantially to the formation of gross domestic product, job creation, exports stimulation, competition, development and implementation of innovations and new technologies. A well-developed SME sector can contribute to strengthening the entrepreneurial ecosystem, while generating stability and economic growth. A comprehensive analysis of the entrepreneurial ecosystem and the factors that could stimulate it, allows the effective policies for the development of local entrepreneurship to be created. This article presents the analysis of the development of SMEs by size classes and, in particular, the evolution of the number of enterprises and the number of employees. The analysis was performed based on data from the National Bureau of Statistics and includes the period 2015-2020 (for 2015, the data were used, recalculated according to the new methodology, developed by NBS in 2016). As a result of the analysis, it was found that in 2020 the number of SMEs increased slightly, but most of the indicators, which characterize the activity of the sector, decreased, which was to be expected in the crisis situation caused by the Covid Coronavirus pandemic 19.
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    Integrarea turismului vitivinicol în economia Republicii Moldova
    (ОНТУ, 2022) Iatisin, Tatiana
    O componentă importantă a turismului este turismul vitivinicol sau “turismul vinului”, ce reprezintă o formă de turism de interes special, cu un rol în continuă creștere pentru multe regiuni producătoare de vin. Turism vinicol sau enoturism este o varietate gastronomică și mai larg, turism educațional – cultural ce propune vizitarea unor domenii viticole și refacerea legăturii culturale dintre consumator și produsul final, prin intermediul contactului cu strugurii, vinul și spațiile în care acestea se produc.
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    Contribuţia IMM-urlor din Republica Moldova, inclusiv pe clase de mărime, la crearea locurilor de muncă în perioada 2015-2021
    (2023) Maier, Lidia
    SMEs hold a significant share in the total number of enterprises in the Republic of Moldova, they are, therefore, the main provider of jobs for the population and the main source of income, including for socially vulnerable categories. The government, through its policies, supports the creation and development of SMEs, as well as the creation of new jobs. The comprehensive analysis of the entrepreneurial ecosystem and the factors that could stimulate it, the monitoring of the indicators of the development of the SME sector allows to argue for the design of more effective policies for the development of national entrepreneurship in general, but also to support SMEs to adapt and go through the created economic crisis. The main objective of this paper is to analyze the contribution of the SME sector to the creation and maintenance of jobs. The analysis was carried out based on the data of the National Bureau of Statistics and includes the period 2015-2021 (for the year 2015, the data were used, recalculated according to the new methodology, developed by the NBS in 2016). Following the analysis, it was found that in 2021 the number of employees in SMEs was slightly lower than in 2020, despite the fact that the number of enterprises increased. This decrease is a continuation of the evolution from 2020, when, against the background of the pandemic, the largest decrease in the number of employees was recorded.
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    Evoluții recente privind fenomenul insolvabilitații în Republica Moldova
    (2023) Novac, Alexandra; Calcatinge, Ludmila
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the recent evolutions regarding the insolvency phenomenon in the Republic of Moldova, based on a mixed research approach, using both primary and secondary data: data of the State Tax Service, the National Bureau of Statistics, international ranking, the results of a survey of 106 entrepreneurs from the small and medium-sized enterprises sector, carried out and implemented with the participation of the author. The results of the research revealed that the phenomenon of economic agents declared insolvent in the Republic of Moldova is considerably increasing in recent years. In particular, since 2017, there has been a significant increase in the number of economic agents declared insolvent, their number exceeding 4.6 times the cumulative number of agents declared insolvent in the period 2013-2016. This trend is due, first of all, to the simplification of the company liquidation procedure. However, the findings of the empirical study reveal that for most entrepreneurs the liquidation procedure still remains complex.
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    Tendințele pieței de soia
    (КГУ, 2022) Iatisin, Tatiana
    In lucrare sunt prezentate rezultatele cercetarii cu privire la importanța culturii soia cat și tendințele acestei culturi in lume. Soia fiind considerata una din plantele agricole de cea mai mare importanța pentru alimentația umana. Aceasta este valoroasa prin faptul ca imbina in componența sa o cantitate mare de proteine, circa 40% și ulei 20%, hidrați de carbon, totodata o gama larga de vitamine și saruri minerale. Pe parcursul ultimilor ani se inregistreaza o creștere semnificativa a suprafețelor cultivate cu soia. Studiul se bazeaza pe rapoartele din domeniu; lucrarile științifice cu referire la problema studiata ale cercetatorilor autohtoni; articolele experților din domeniu. In procesul cercetarii au fost aplicate mai multe metode de cercetare: metoda de observare, comparare, metoda seriei cronologice etc.