Оценка бюрократии и коррупции в предпринимательской экосистеме Республики Молдова


In this article, corruption and bureaucracy are considered as factors that are still inherent in the business environment of the Republic of Moldova. The country's government is currently developing legislative initiatives aimed at reducing the complexity of bureaucratic procedures for economic agents and is taking active measures to reduce corruption. But despite this, surveys of entrepreneurs indicate the frequency of phenomena associated with bureaucracy and corruption on the part of officials involved in regulating business activities. Assessments of these phenomena in the responses of various groups of entrepreneurs were considered, depending on the size of the enterprise, its location, and type of activity. Based on the analysis of the results of the survey of entrepreneurs, it was concluded that there is a direct connection between the high level of bureaucracy and corruption in the business environment of the Republic of Moldova and the decision of entrepreneurs to close their business or significantly reorganize it.


Text în lb. rusă. Abstract în lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice: pp. 205-206 (18 titl.). UDC: 338.1 (478).


corruption, bureaucracy, Republic of Moldova, entrepreneurial ecosystem, business environment


ВИНОГРАДОВА, Наталья. Оценка бюрократии и коррупции в предпринимательской экосистеме Республики Молдова. В: Știință, Educație, Cultură = Наука, образование, культура: международная научно-практическая конференция, 33-ая годовщина Комратского государственного университета: cборник статей. Комрат, 2024, том 1: Экономические науки. Сельское хозяйство и перерабатывающая промышленность. Информационные технологии, математика и физика. Право и политические науки, cc. 200-206. ISBN 978-9975-83-295-3.
