Качество жизни внутренне перемещенных лиц в Украине

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Seven years after the appearance of the first internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine, this category remains among the most vulnerable segments of the population in the country. The issues of employment, housing and the level of financial support are also recognized as the most pressing problems of migrants. The article analyzes the quality of life of IDPs Ukraine based on four indicators: the level of employment of IDPs, the average monthly income of IDPs, sources of income of IDPs, types of housing of IDPs. Data from the National Monitoring System on the Situation of Internally Displaced Persons are used (from March 2016 to March 2021). The author determined that financial self-sufficiency remains one of the main problems of IDPs: there is a low level of employment, a high dependence on state payments in comparison with the general Ukrainian indicator, and the average monthly income level of this category is below the actual subsistence rate. The results of the analysis of the living conditions of IDPs showed some positive changes: an increase in the share of IDPs living in their own homes; inclusion of IDPs in government programs for lending to purchase housing; construction of temporary social housing for IDPs. The main problems remain the limited ability of IDPs to buy their own housing and receive social housing as property.


Text: lb. rusă. Abstrac: lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice: p. 184 (4 titl.). JEL Classification: I 310, I 380, J 600.


internally displaced persons, IDPs, quality of life, employment, housing, Ukraine


ГНАТЮК, Татьяна. Качество жизни внутренне перемещенных лиц в Украине. In: Creșterea economică în condițiile globalizării. Sesiunea științifică "Migrația și schimbări demografice: abordare interdisciplinară": conferința internațională științifico-practică, ediția a XV-a, 15-16 octombrie 2021, Chișinău. Chișinău, 2021, pp. 178-184. ISBN 978-9975-89-240-7. https://doi.org/10.36004/nier.cdr.2021.15-18
