Evoluţia indicatorilor de agro-mediu în regiunea Sud-Muntenia

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The South - Muntenia Region is situated in the South-East of Romania, bordering at North with Central Region, at East with South – East Region, at South with Bulgaria, the limit being given by the natural boundary - the Danube river, and at West with South – West Region. The South - Muntenia Region is composed of: seven counties (Arges, Calarasi, Dambovita, Ialomita, Giurgiu, Prahova and Teleorman), 16 municipalities, 32 cities and 519 communes with 2019 villages. The agricultural area, mainly concentrated in the southern counties, holds 71.1% of the total region area, of which 80.2% is arable land. The work studies the evolution, during 2000 - 2010, of the following agri-environment indicators specific of the agriculture in the South - Muntenia Region: irrigated area, surface with drainage works, area furnished for land improvement and soil erosion prevention, surface with fertilizers on, quantity of fertilizers, surface with pesticides on, quantity of pesticides. The agricultural area furnished for irrigation, the land prepared with drainage works and area furnished for land improvement and soil erosion prevention were maintained almost constant during the analyzed period. The drainage work marks a leap in 2001 compared to 2000, remaining at that value thereafter. Have increased quantities of chemical fertilizers and the natural ones marked a decrease both overall and in the private sector.


Text: lb. rom. Abstrac: lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice : p. 162 (3 titl.).


indicators, environment, fertilizers, improvement, indicatori, mediu, ingrasaminte, agricultura, Regiunea Sud-Muntenia, Romania


CHETROIU, Rodica, IURCHEVICI, Lidia. Evoluţia indicatorilor de agro-mediu în regiunea Sud-Muntenia. In: Economic growth in conditions of globalization = Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării : international scientific and practical conference, VII-th edition, october 18-19, 2012, Chisinau. Chisinau: IEFS, 2012, vol. II, pp. 156-162. ISBN 978-9975-4381-1-7.




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