Furajarea puilor de carne-hibrid ross 308. Eficienţa economică

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Should be known in the growth of broilers breed standard requires their feeding in a certain way to achieve high performance at slaughter. Three ways of feeding are performed: - starter feeding (0-10 days) where the requirements of broilers in this period can be provided with a combined feed with the following structure: 53.5% corn, 31% soybean meal, 7%sunflower meal, 5% fish meal, 0.25 %D.L. methionine, 1.2% calcium carbonate, 0.3% salt, 1% vitamin-mineral premix. - growth feeding is administered generally for 14-16 days with following feed: 55.15% maize, 28% soybean meal, 7% sunflower meal, 5% fish meal, 0.15% D.L. methionine, 1.2% calcium carbonate, 0.8% monocalcium phosphate, 0.3% salt, 1% vitamin-mineral premix. - finishing feeding, the period starting with approximately 25 days, requiring a higher energy level, with the next structure of combined feed: 56.85% corn, 30.5% soybean meal, sunflower meal 7%, 2% oil, 0.15% D.L. methionine, 1.4% calcium carbonate, 0.8% monocalcium phosphate, 0.3% salt, 1% vitamin-mineral premix. These structures of combined fodder finally lead to obtain broilers that reach weights of about 2.5 kg in just 6 weeks and production costs to ensure encouraging profits.


Text: lb. rom. Abstrac: lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice : p. 59 (4 titl.).


furaje, pui de carne, hrana, eficienta economica


IURCHEVICI, Lidia, CHETROIU, Rodica. Furajarea puilor de carne-hibrid ross 308. Eficienţa economică. In: Economic growth in conditions of internationalization = Creşterea economică în condiţiile internaționalizării : international scientific and practical conference, VI-th edition, october 20-21, 2011, Chisinau. Chisinau: IEFS, 2011, vol. II, pp. 56-59. ISBN 978-9975-4176-7-9.




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