Imbătrânirea demografică și impactul asupra structurii sociale
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„Tipografia Centrală”
Demographic aging has a significant impact on dynamics of social structure. In the coming decades social inequality deepening will be determined by a few major issues: social, financial and economic differentiation of the regions of the country, rapid depopulation of small settlements, increasing gap in living standards between urban and rural areas. Social risks are related to decreased accessibility of social and health services for older people, permanence and deepening poverty. Currently the low labor market participation of pre-retirement age population and low labor market adjustment in terms of labor use of the elderly, is one of the causes of their social exclusion. Poor health of the population, the high level of morbidity and disability reduce the profitability of employees, witch contribute to early retirement or removal from the labor market. Healthy aging and active aging presents the main factors for the future sustainability of the health system and social protection, for sustainable economic development.
Referinţe bibliografice: p. 81 (8 titl.).
imbatranire demografica, structura sociala
GAGAUZ, Olga. Imbătrânirea demografică și impactul asupra structurii sociale. In: Inegalități sociale în Republica Moldova. Constituirea clasei de mijloc : culegere de studii și articole : conferinţa ştiintifică internaţională, 23-24 februarie 2017, Chișinău. Chișinău, 2017, pp. 75-81. ISBN 978-9975-9761-9-0.