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Item 20 years of operation of the agricultural land market in the Republic of Moldova: achievements and perspectives(2022) Bajura, Tudor; Zubco, EfimBeing at the stage of 20 years of operation, the agricultural land market in the Republic of Moldova collided with several socio-economic problems, which limited (partially) the dynamic development of this market. Although in the process of identifying the market prices of agricultural land in the Republic of Moldova, different evaluation methods are widely used, the method, based on comparable prices, is the preferable one, the most often used. At the same time, this method is the most dependent on the stability of the purchasing power of the national currency - the Moldovan lei. The sudden increase in the level of inflation in the last two years has disorientated the participants of the land market and negatively influenced both the number of transactions for the sale and purchase of agricultural land, as well as the area of land included in the market circuit. The deeper analysis of the current state, as well as the elaboration of reasoned recommendations, regarding overcoming the crisis situation on the agricultural land market in the Republic of Moldova, is the main purpose of this publication.Item Agrarian reform-achievements and perspectives(DO-MINOR Publishing House, 2009) Bajura, Tudor; Mocanu, NataliaProperty reform means the tonality of economic, politic, social and other kinds of measures meant, on the one hand, to ensure the diversity of property forms and to improve their structure, and on the other hand, to from premises of the efficient exercise of property rights on the economic potential elements, the corporate governmental mechanisms being included. In the Republic of Moldova, according to the Law nr. 459-XII from 22.01.91 on property, there are three types of property: private, collective, including “kolkhoz”, and state property.Item Agricultura - cel mai expus si vulnerabil sector fata de riscurile naturale si pandemia COVID-19(2020) Bajura, Tudor; Iațișin, Tatiana; Lucașenco, EugeniaAgricultura reprezintă sectorul economiei naționale care este cel mai expus și vulnerabil față de riscurile naturale și schimbările climatice. Factorul principal ce determină mărimea, calitatea și stabilitatea producției agricole în Republica Moldova îl constituie condițiile agro- climaterice, în special, lipsa de umiditate condiționată în mare măsură de secete, prezența cărora devine tot mai dezastruoasă și cu consecințe severe. Secetele temporare au devenit un fenomen natural destul de periculos și poartă un caracter aproape cronic. În această perioadă, agricultorii Republicii Moldova se confruntă cu probleme mari, pe de-o parte, din cauza epidemiei de coronavirus, care a indus toate țările lumii în criză economică, iar pe de altă parte, seceta prelungită ce pune în pericol culturile agricole și înghețurile târzii de primăvara ce au afectat sectorul horticol. În cazul în care seceta se menține, vor fi afectați și producătorii de legume și cereale de grupa a doua, iar cele mai mari pierderi le vor suporta cei care nu și-au asigurat culturile agricole, cei dotați mai slab și cei care nu au utilizat integral tehnologiile de creștere a culturilor agricole, dar și fermierii care s-au avântat în plantarea culturilor multianualeItem Alexandru STRATAN, tânăr savant și un nume răsunător în lumea academică(Complexul Editorial al INCE, 2017) Bajura, TudorAlexandru Stratan, doctor habilitat, profesor universitar, personalitate remarcabilă în domeniul ştiinţei economice, demonstrează o evoluţie pe cât de rapidă, pe atât de complexă şi diversificată. Având studii în mai multe domenii, are măiestria de a împleti domeniile stăpânite de Domnia sa, la o vârstă încă atât de tânără, dar cu rezultate remarcabile, cu un răsunet nu doar naţional, ci şi internaţional.Item Capacitatea de cumpărare – inicatorul principal de piaţă privind evaluarea nivelului şi ritmurilor de dezvoltare economică a spaţiului rural(INCE, 2018) Bajura, Tudor; Gandacova, SvetlanaThe purchasing power of the local population is a basic factor regarding the evaluation of economic development (both-level and rate) of the country. In terms of market economy beside of salary incomes, citizens have the legitimate right to benefit from other forms of income, such as: leasing of property (lots of agricultural land, apartments, means of transport etc.); social assistance (pensions unemployment benefits etc.); bank deposits, etc. However, according to the carried out investigations, a large part of the villagers in the Republic of Moldova have monthly average income below the minimum subsistence level. Due to the lack of jobs, hundreds of thousands of rural citizens can not be employed and are not paid. All these citizens, being able to work, do not receive pensions. Taking into account, that unemployment benefits receive only 4.4 percent of those looking for jobs, the overwhelming majority of the unemployed in rural areas are also deprived of this source of life. Researching purchasing capacity or payment power of local citizens for products and/or services is a major problem for all countries of the world, but primarily – for developing countries, including Moldova. The aim of the paper is to establish the absolute and relative dimensions of purchasing power for the inhabitants of the rural area of the Republic of Moldova at the current stage of reforming the national economy. The main methodological approaches to research on purchasing power are based on quantitative and qualitative data analysis, statistical processing of information, comparison, empirical observations, scientific documentation, etc.Item Cereal market: current state and development trends(INCE, 2016) Bajura, TudorThe global financial and economic crisis of 2008-2009 has created a state of uncertainty and instability in virtually all fragments of the general management system, based on market relationship. Unfortunately, this state is not overcame even today, creating different and very difficult problems deficits on managerial decision making, especially for the small farmers in rural area. The main goal of the article is to identify, based on carried out investigations, the most favorable directions of farming, given that the aforementioned global crisis has caused significant changes in the correlation between costs and market prices for many agricultural products, primarily – cereals. The methodological basis of investigations is the analysis of dynamic rows in agricultural production, as well as methods of comparison, different methodological approaches, concerning business assessment, identification and / or risk assessment etc. As a main result of the carried out investigations can be seen through the effective management of agricultural diagnosis at the level of regional market of grain products, including – planning rational structure of fruit crops for 2017 and subsequent years in the near future.Item Costul normat al producţiei de fructe în diferite categorii de gospodării(IEFS, 2013) Bajura, Tudor; Mladinoi, Vasile; Pintea, Maria; Procudin, MihaiThe analysis of Moldovan fruit growing evolution in recent years shows, that as the result of privatization of fruit surfaces (fixed assets) of fruit production and change in ownership structure, in the branch appeared various new forms of management. Initially in the private sector worked: agro firms, farmers associations and cooperatives, Ltds, etc. Actually, after some restructuring and changes, in the sector has been confirmed and activated following forms: agricultural enterprises, peasants (farmer’s) firms, auxiliary households of rural population, fruit-growing associations, which together account for 98.8% of total orchards in the country. Other plantations (1.2%) belong to the public ownership. The article gives analysis of new forms of management activity in fruit growing sector in recent years, reflects the structure and dynamic values of the cost of producing plums, as well as dynamic of cost of producing different another fruits, grown in the 2010-2012 years in different categories of households.Item Coşul alimentar autohton sub presiunea crizei economice(2016) Bajura, TudorÎn calitate de indicator principal a aprecierii presiunii crizei economice asupra populaţiei ţării tot mai des este utilizată ponderea produselor alimentare şi a băuturilor nealcoolice în totalul cheltuielilor de consum ale gospodăriilor casnice. Fiind, până la criza economică din 2009, în continuă scădere, acest indicator a atins nivelul de 40,8%, pentru a crește ulterior la 43,5% în anul 2015.Item COVID-19 – amenințare accentuată pe calea asigurării securității alimentare a populației țării(INCE, 2022) Bajura, TudorFiind deja la inceputul anului doi de respandire, pandemia COVID-19 cu adevarat reprezinta o provocare puternic accentuata nu numai in ce privește asigurarea securitații alimentare, dar și dezvoltarii de mai de parte a civilizației umane. Conform unor cercetari specializate, deja la aceasta etapa, deloc aproape de final, practic fiecare familie de pe globul pamantesc intr-un mod sau altul a suferit de la consecințele negative ale pandemiei susmenționate. Alaturi de pierderile vieților omenești, alaturi de daunele, pricinuite sanatații celora care au supraviețiut, un factor considerabil de risc in aceasta situație il constituie dispariția accesului (fizic și/sau economic) la produsele alimentare. Dupa cum ne informeaza mijloacele mass-media, fie și in cea mai bogata țara din lume – Statele Unite ale Americii, in ultimii 12 luni (aprilie 2020 – aprilie 2021) fiecare a cincilea persoana s-a ciocnit cu necesitatea de a ”lupta” pentru obținerea produselor alimentare. Tot o informație pur și simplu alarmanta obținem de la FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), care stabilește ca nivelul de creștere a prețurilor de piața pentru produsele alimentare in plan global in ultimul an a constituit mai mult de 30 la suta. Evident, pentru țarile in curs de dezvoltare, inclusiv, pentru Republica Moldova, problema cercetata, dar și elaborarea masurilor științific argumentate de combatere a fenomenelor susmenționate de riscuri socio-economice devine foarte actuala. Acest articol a fost elaborat in cadrul expresiei de interes “Managementul riscurilor și elaborarea masurilor de atenuare a consecințelor pandemiei COVID-19 asupra securitații alimentare a Republicii Moldova”, cifrul 20.70086.25/COV.Item Dimensiunile şi tendinţele securităţii alimentare în Republica Moldova(Complexul Editorial, IEFS, 2012) Bajura, TudorÎn articol sunt generalizate problemele securităţii alimentare a RM în condiţiile crizelor periodice de ordin natural (exemplu, seceta anilor 2003, 2007 şi 2012) şi/sau economico-financiare sub influenţa cărora cad în primul rând producătorii agricoli piaţa alimentară autohtonă fiind tot mai accentuat acoperită de produsele de import.Item Evaluarea obiectelor imobiliare la etapa de elaborare a proiectelor investiţionale(UASM, 2018) Bajura, Tudor; Zubco, EfimAccording to the local legislation in force, for valuation of real estate objects is expected to be applied: the comparative analysis of sales; the revenue method; the expenditure method. In reality, however, as the analysis shows, more than 95 percent of the valuation certificates are based on the comparative sales method and the cost method. At the same time, the revenue method, based on future (updated) cash flows of each particular real estate object, is the most appropriate and most efficient methodological approach that can be used even at the design stage of the real estate object. Moreover, by using this method, each investment project can reflect the dynamics of the change in future market prices of the respective object for each particular year, which will allow the investor to become more successful in taking management decisions in the field of investment activity.Item Food security in conditions of financial and economic crisis(INCE, 2016) Bajura, TudorIt is well known that in the conditions of financial-economic crisis, food security situation is aggravated. The validity of this axiom is characteristic, in the first place, for less developed countries, economic activities of which is based mainly on the production of agri-industrial commodities with relatively low value-added, reflected in decreased opportunities for investment, attracting foreign capital, etc. A detailed analysis and modern scientific study of the nature of the problem regarding food security is the actual direction of scientific activities.The aim of this work is to identify the true causes that provoke the lack of guaranteed food supply, rigid dependence on food imports and the development of measures of counteraction to all this negativephenomena. During the study of food security problems were used methods of formation of dynamic ranges, methods of comparison, approximation, etc. As the obtained results it should be noted the proposed measures for the accelerated development of the industry of cattle, as well as other types of meat and dairy products, that are designed to replace the massive import of relevant products in order to improve the balance of foreign trade, in the first place, according to the article "Live animals and livestock products".Item Hierarchy of responsibilities regarding the food security of the country in the conditions of the increased impact of the different risk phenomena(INCE, 2022) Bajura, Tudor; Gandacova, SvetlanaAny economic activity, being based on essential costs of labor, materials, energy sources, etc., means that the results of the activity are higher compared to these costs, the difference between which, in principle, is an economic effect. At the same time, for the agricultural activity, together with the size of the economic effect, it is very important that the final results are not only efficient, but also guaranteed, that is, not to be subjected or even harmed by various risk phenomena. This need is doubly important in case of occurrence of risk phenomena (for example - drought, hail, torrential rains, etc.) repeatedly, or in case of concomitant action of various risk phenomena, we admit the case, natural risks and anthropogenic risks. The argument for the above-mentioned need is simple - agriculture produces goods, which cannot be replaced (globally) by any other goods. With the exception of food reserves from previous periods (if any), there is no possibility of the survival of the population of a country, a region or the population of the planet in the event of the occurrence and negative action of repeated or concomitant risk phenomena (usually). From here the actuality of the topic and its theoretical-practical importance. The aim of the paper The aim of the research is to determine the main and specific characteristics of a multilateral, hierarchically perfect arranged system of ensuring the country's food security in the face of increasingly obvious climate instability and / or volatility of regional (global) agri-food markets. The methods applied The main methods of solving the researched problem were used the dialectical method with its main elements: analysis, synthesis, scientific abstraction, comparison, statistical grouping, elaboration and use of norms, graphic methods, descriptive and analytical method, etc. The relevant results, obtained from the research carried out, are: − arguing the need to optimize the size and diversification of the directions of activity (specialization directions) of private agricultural holdings according to the typologies practically existing in the EU. − the reasoned hierarchy of the responsibilities of the different levels regarding the assurance of food security in the conditions of the socio-economic crises, analogous to the COVID-19 pandemic.Item Impact of property reform on the microfinancial phenomenon(DO-MINOR Publishing House, 2009) Bajura, Tudor; Mocanu, NataliaProperty reform means the tonality of economic, politic, social and other kinds of measures meant, on the one hand, to ensure the diversity of property forms and to improve their structure, and on the other hand, to from premises of the efficient exercise of property rights on the economic potential elements, the corporate governmental mechanisms being included. In the Republic of Moldova, according to the Law nr. 459-XII from 22.01.91 on property, there are three types of property: private, collective, including “kolkhoz”, and state property.Item Investment process and actual tehnical providing of Moldavian agriculture.(INCE, 2017) Bajura, TudorThe investment process in rural areas of Moldova, especially – in agricultural sector of the national economy, in last decades is under considerable strain caused by permanent lack of financial resources on agribusinesses enterprises and almost symbolic financial aid from the state. As a result, large parts of agricultural land remain unprocessed years in a row, which is why both farmers and entirely national economy suffer essential economic losses. Given the fact that the possibilities of state financial assistance in the agricultural sector in our country are limited, in this article we propose alternative ways to overcome the crisis, argued from the ecological point of view and acceptable from economic considerations of villagers. The purpose of the study is to identify obstacles on the way of carrying out the investment process in rural areas of the country, establishing ways to overcome the deep and long lasting crisis both in the investment activity and efficiency of the agro-industrial sector of the Republic of Moldova entirely. As a basic source of information for the article there were used different information collections of "General Agricultural Census 2011 in Moldova". As a basis of the research methods there were used analysis and synthesis, comparison, trend identification methods, dynamic lines and their analysis, etc. According to the established goal, the main results of the carried out investigations are expected as rational and efficient use of tens of thousands of hectares of agricultural land which, beginning from the first stage of reforming of the agricultural sector and ending with today, remain outside of the application process, simultaneously being removed from their market circuit and converted into fallow areas.Item Înzestrarea tehnică şi costurile serviciilor de mecanizare în sectorul agricol autohton(INCE, 2018) Bajura, TudorFuncţionarea sectorului agricol autohton în baza proprietăţii private asupra terenurilor agricole şi altor mijloace fixe a fost lansată la mijlocul anului 2000, odată cu finalizarea procesului de privatizare în masă a acestora. Tot începând cu vara anului 2000 are loc creşterea destul de dinamică şi, practic, fără de nici o întrerupere a volumului de investiţii în agricultură. S-a stabilizat, la nivelul mediu de 12,5%, şi ponderea agriculturii în PIB-ul ţării. Totodată, are loc exodul masiv al agricultorilor, în primul rând – persoanelor tinere, din agricultura şi spaţiul rural în întregime. În ritmuri alarmante scade natalitatea în spaţiul rural, drept consecinţă, numărul locuitorilor satelor moldoveneşti se micşorează de la an la an cu aproximativ 1,90 mii de persoane. Având în vedere cele susmenţionate, reieşind din faptul cu agricultura, alături de industria de prelucrare a materiei prime agricole, asigură producerea mai mult de jumătate din producţia - marfă a economiei naţionale, este foarte important ca sectorul agricol să fie bine dotat cu mijloacele tehnice moderne, capabile să asigură productivitatea înaltă a agricultorilor şi nivelul adecvat al rodniciei câmpurilor.Item De la consolidarea suprafeţelor agricole spre concentrarea capitalului şi creşterea productivităţii muncii(UASM, 2018) Bajura, TudorBeing the main subject of socio-economic reforms in the rural area at the transition from a super-centralized economy to the one based on market relations, agricultural land remained in the focus of local reformators and at the post-privatization stage. This time the issue of the non-admission of excessive particularization of agricultural land plots has become widely discussed, the negative consequences of which could have been destroy the positive effect of the mass privatization of both: agricultural areas and other means of production. The goal was reached. Almost 2/3 of the total agricultural output is currently the result of large and / or medium-sized agricultural enterprises. At the same time, according to the more detailed analysis, we can see that the area of cereal, technical and fodder crops predominates absolutely (almost 1460,6 thousand ha of the total 1519,5 thousand ha of sown areas) and relatively - 96,1%. The low added value of the overwhelming majority of cereal and technical crops, their subsequent marketing price (including foreign markets) in the form of agricultural raw materials, which usually barely covers even production costs, obviously do not create additional jobs in rural areas, but, above all, does not contribute to raising the level of profitability of the agrarian sector. Hence, the enormous debts of agricultural enterprises, the low level of occupation of the rural population, the massive emigration of the inhabitants of the Moldovan villages (primarily young people) in the cities and municipalities of the Republic of Moldova but also abroad. In essence, the consolidation of agricultural land has indeed contributed to the decrease in the share of idle land plots, but neither the expected economic effect has ensured. Hence the need to change the basic paradigm of the agrarian sector development, reflected in the name of article.Item Modern methods of valuation of investments’ economic efficiency in the agricultural business(INCE, 2019) Bajura, TudorThe period of transition of the national economies from the socialist system to the market economy system is marked by a whole series of economic and social events, where investments represent a driving force for the country's economic development. The aim of this research is to provide scientific assistance on the widespread use of modern methods, recognized in developed industrialized countries, to elaborate and/or evaluate investment projects on the basis of which the indigenous agricultural sector will be able to survive in harsh conditions of often unfair competition from the part of Western agricultural producers. The main research methods are qualitative and quantitative analysis of economic events, comparative and statistical comparisons, dynamics and trend studies, economic and mathematical methods to justify the economic efficiency of investments, etc. The results obtained from the out carried research are the algorithms of calculation and performance indicators for assessing the level of economic efficiency of agrarian business investments, which are successfully used in the Western European countries for many years, but totally ignored within the national economy of the Republic of Moldova.Item Pădurile Moldovei – principala sursă energetică autohtonă a economiei naţionale(2012) Bajura, TudorÎn legătură cu scumpirea permanentă şi cu ritmuri exagerate a surselor energetice importate devine tot mai accentuată problema asigurării securităţii energetice a Republicii Moldova. Drept consecinţă, alături de formele tradiţionale ale acestor surse, tot mai necesară devine utilizarea (cu implicarea tehnologiilor noi) a surselor alternative de energie. Sunt propuse de a fi revitalizate capacităţile anterior edificate a încălzirii caselor de locuit, mai ales în spaţiul rural, cu instalaţii moderne de încălzire în baza lemnului de foc, peletelor, brichetelor etc. Din punctul organizatoric se recomandă iniţierea unui scenariu masiv de privatizare a pădurilor şi revitalizarea pieţei autohtone a combustibilului solid.Item Pământul agricol – obiectul principal al recensămîntului general agricol din primăvara anului 2011(IEFS, 2012) Bajura, Tudor; Gandacova, SvetlanaWith the mass privatization of agricultural land in Republic of Moldova, has appeared phenomenon of increased agricultural land areas, unsuitable for production. General Agricultural Census of 2011 has found that agricultural land area , remaining without plants has reached proportions of up to 13.4 percent and more. Although Cadastre Agency has other information, that growth of unsui table areas requires more severe measures to combat this undesirable phenomenon.
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