Înzestrarea tehnică şi costurile serviciilor de mecanizare în sectorul agricol autohton
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Funcţionarea sectorului agricol autohton în baza proprietăţii private asupra terenurilor agricole şi altor mijloace fixe a fost lansată la mijlocul anului 2000, odată cu finalizarea procesului de privatizare în masă a acestora. Tot începând cu vara anului 2000 are loc creşterea destul de dinamică şi, practic, fără de nici o întrerupere a volumului de investiţii în agricultură. S-a stabilizat, la nivelul mediu de 12,5%, şi ponderea agriculturii în PIB-ul ţării. Totodată, are loc exodul masiv al agricultorilor, în primul rând – persoanelor tinere, din agricultura şi spaţiul rural în întregime. În ritmuri alarmante scade natalitatea în spaţiul rural, drept consecinţă, numărul locuitorilor satelor moldoveneşti se micşorează de la an la an cu aproximativ 1,90 mii de persoane. Având în vedere cele susmenţionate, reieşind din faptul cu agricultura, alături de industria de prelucrare a materiei prime agricole, asigură producerea mai mult de jumătate din producţia - marfă a economiei naţionale, este foarte important ca sectorul agricol să fie bine dotat cu mijloacele tehnice moderne, capabile să asigură productivitatea înaltă a agricultorilor şi nivelul adecvat al rodniciei câmpurilor.
The operation of the local agricultural sector on the basis of private ownership of agricultural land and other fixed assets was launched in mid-2000, with the completion of the mass privatization process. Also starting in the summer of 2000, the growth of investment in agriculture is quite dynamic and practically without any interruption in the volume. The share of agriculture in the GDP of the country has stabilized, at the average of 12.5%,. At the same time, massive exodus of farmers takes place, first of all - young people from agriculture and rural areas (in their entirety). The birth rate decreases at alarming rates in the rural area, and, as a consequence, the number of Moldovan villagers decreases from year to year by approximately 1.90 thousand people. Considering the aforementioned, and taking into account that agriculture, along with the agricultural raw material processing industry, ensures the production of more than a half of the production of goods of the national economy, it is very important that the agricultural sector will be well equipped with the modern technical means , capable of providing farmers with high level of productivity and an adequate level of crop yield.
The operation of the local agricultural sector on the basis of private ownership of agricultural land and other fixed assets was launched in mid-2000, with the completion of the mass privatization process. Also starting in the summer of 2000, the growth of investment in agriculture is quite dynamic and practically without any interruption in the volume. The share of agriculture in the GDP of the country has stabilized, at the average of 12.5%,. At the same time, massive exodus of farmers takes place, first of all - young people from agriculture and rural areas (in their entirety). The birth rate decreases at alarming rates in the rural area, and, as a consequence, the number of Moldovan villagers decreases from year to year by approximately 1.90 thousand people. Considering the aforementioned, and taking into account that agriculture, along with the agricultural raw material processing industry, ensures the production of more than a half of the production of goods of the national economy, it is very important that the agricultural sector will be well equipped with the modern technical means , capable of providing farmers with high level of productivity and an adequate level of crop yield.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 202 (3 titl.). JEL Classification: O13; O16; Q10.
inzestrare tehnica, sectorul agrar, costurile, servicii de mecanizare, productivitatea muncii, roada, privatizarea in masa, fonduri fixe, amortizarea, reparatie, deservire tehnica, technical endowment, agrarian sector, costs, mechanization services, labor productivity, fruit, mass privatization, fixed funds, depreciation, repair, technical service
BAJURA, Tudor. Înzestrarea tehnică şi costurile serviciilor de mecanizare în sectorul agricol autohton. In: Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării: competitivitate, inovativitate, sustenabilitate = Economic growth in conditions of globalization: competitiveness, innovation, sustainability: conferința internaţională ştiinţifico-practică, ediţia a XIII-a, 11-12 octombrie 2018, Chișinău. Chișinău: INCE, 2018, vol. I, pp. 199-202. ISBN 978-9975-3202-8-3.