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Item 20 years of operation of the agricultural land market in the Republic of Moldova: achievements and perspectives(2022) Bajura, Tudor; Zubco, EfimBeing at the stage of 20 years of operation, the agricultural land market in the Republic of Moldova collided with several socio-economic problems, which limited (partially) the dynamic development of this market. Although in the process of identifying the market prices of agricultural land in the Republic of Moldova, different evaluation methods are widely used, the method, based on comparable prices, is the preferable one, the most often used. At the same time, this method is the most dependent on the stability of the purchasing power of the national currency - the Moldovan lei. The sudden increase in the level of inflation in the last two years has disorientated the participants of the land market and negatively influenced both the number of transactions for the sale and purchase of agricultural land, as well as the area of land included in the market circuit. The deeper analysis of the current state, as well as the elaboration of reasoned recommendations, regarding overcoming the crisis situation on the agricultural land market in the Republic of Moldova, is the main purpose of this publication.Item Abordări strategice privind asigurarea securităţii alimentare a Republicii Moldova(Complexul Editorial al IEFS, 2011) Moroz, Victor; Ignat, AnatolieProblema securităţii alimentare în Republica Moldova este legată în principal de accesul economic al grupurilor sociale vulnerabile la produsele alimentare. Creşterea productivităţii agricole, fiind stimulată de investiţiile Guvernului Republicii Moldova în infrastructura rurală, inclusiv cea de irigare, în ştiinţa agricolă şi capacităţile de extensiune, precum şi stimulentele financiare adecvate ar putea contribui semnificativ la creşterea economică şi reducerea sărăciei în zonele rurale, şi, prin urmare la creşterea securităţii alimentare a Republicii Moldova.Item Activitatea pieţei imobiliare a Republicii Moldova în contextul repartizării teritoriale după regiunile de dezvoltare(INCE, 2019) Turetchi, ViorelAtribuirea regiunilor de dezvoltare Republicii Moldova a fost condiţionată de necesitatea dezvoltării economice uniforme a teritoriului respectiv. Amplasarea neregulată a capacităţilor de producere, dezvoltarea neuniformă a infrastructurii de asigurare cu servicii calitative a populaţiei precum şi caracterul variat al factorului pedologic, climateric şi de relief au dus la o discrepanţă accentuată de dezvoltare economică între zonele de nord, centru şi sud al ţării noastre. Acest fapt are un impact direct şi asupra pieţei obiectelor imobiliare. Prin urmare, amplitudine activităţii şi atractivităţii pieţei respective este foarte mult influenţată de zonele în care se derulează anumite tranzacţii imobiliare. În contextul dat este relevant de a efectua o analiză comparativă a activităţii pieţei imobiliare în cadrul fiecărei regiuni de dezvoltare, de a recunoaşte factorii ce influenţează într-un mod sau altul eficienţa funcţionării acestei pieţi.Item Activitatea salarială a populației în sectorul agrar din RM(Tipogr. "Centrografic", 2019) Doga, Valeriu; Colesnicova, Tatiana; Zgadova, NataliaItem Agrarian reform-achievements and perspectives(DO-MINOR Publishing House, 2009) Bajura, Tudor; Mocanu, NataliaProperty reform means the tonality of economic, politic, social and other kinds of measures meant, on the one hand, to ensure the diversity of property forms and to improve their structure, and on the other hand, to from premises of the efficient exercise of property rights on the economic potential elements, the corporate governmental mechanisms being included. In the Republic of Moldova, according to the Law nr. 459-XII from 22.01.91 on property, there are three types of property: private, collective, including “kolkhoz”, and state property.Item Agricultura - cel mai expus si vulnerabil sector fata de riscurile naturale si pandemia COVID-19(2020) Bajura, Tudor; Iațișin, Tatiana; Lucașenco, EugeniaAgricultura reprezintă sectorul economiei naționale care este cel mai expus și vulnerabil față de riscurile naturale și schimbările climatice. Factorul principal ce determină mărimea, calitatea și stabilitatea producției agricole în Republica Moldova îl constituie condițiile agro- climaterice, în special, lipsa de umiditate condiționată în mare măsură de secete, prezența cărora devine tot mai dezastruoasă și cu consecințe severe. Secetele temporare au devenit un fenomen natural destul de periculos și poartă un caracter aproape cronic. În această perioadă, agricultorii Republicii Moldova se confruntă cu probleme mari, pe de-o parte, din cauza epidemiei de coronavirus, care a indus toate țările lumii în criză economică, iar pe de altă parte, seceta prelungită ce pune în pericol culturile agricole și înghețurile târzii de primăvara ce au afectat sectorul horticol. În cazul în care seceta se menține, vor fi afectați și producătorii de legume și cereale de grupa a doua, iar cele mai mari pierderi le vor suporta cei care nu și-au asigurat culturile agricole, cei dotați mai slab și cei care nu au utilizat integral tehnologiile de creștere a culturilor agricole, dar și fermierii care s-au avântat în plantarea culturilor multianualeItem Alexandru STRATAN, tânăr savant și un nume răsunător în lumea academică(Complexul Editorial al INCE, 2017) Bajura, TudorAlexandru Stratan, doctor habilitat, profesor universitar, personalitate remarcabilă în domeniul ştiinţei economice, demonstrează o evoluţie pe cât de rapidă, pe atât de complexă şi diversificată. Având studii în mai multe domenii, are măiestria de a împleti domeniile stăpânite de Domnia sa, la o vârstă încă atât de tânără, dar cu rezultate remarcabile, cu un răsunet nu doar naţional, ci şi internaţional.Item Analiza costurilor tarifare la cultivarea florii-soarelui în Republica Moldova(Complexul Editorial, INCE, 2014) Vasilascu, Ion; Betivu, DanaiaDue to the wide use in food industry and the economic profitability, sunflower is one of the main technical cultures produced in Moldova. This article aims to analyze the dynamic and structure of the last three years sunflower cultivation costs in order to identify ways to use the necessary technological elements.Item Analiza factorilor emergenţi produselor noi în condiţiile globalizării(Editura ASEM, 2009) Stratan, AlexandruDiferenţele dintre pieţele naţionale sunt reduse; cererea şi oferta sunt exprimate la nivel global. Având în vedere aceste condiţii, globalizarea afacerilor este un proces cuprinzător impus de necesitate. Firmele multinaţionale decid cu privire la poziţionarea producţiei, din punct de vedere a raţionalizării la nivel global. Lucrarea elucidează factorii care au o influenţă foarte importantă asupra procesului de dezvoltare a noilor produse. Este interesant faptul că unii factori au influenţă ambivalent (atât sporesc, cât şi scad procesul dezvoltării produselor noi).Item Analiza indicatorilor investițiilor brute ale sectorului IMM-urilor în anii 2007-2015.(INCE, 2017) Ivanov, SvetlanaActualitatea temei constă în importanţa investițiilor pentru viitoarea dezvoltare a afacerilor. Scopul principal al acestui studiu este de a calcula şi de a analiza investițiile brute în active materiale pe termen lung, realizate de sectorul IMM în Republica Moldova. În cadrul studiului au fost aplicate următoarele metode de prelucrare a datelor statistice: metodele de ajustare a datelor, gruparea, serii de timp, indici de lanț. Rezultatul analizei arată că, în ultimii doi ani analizaţi, a avut loc o scădere a volumului investiţilor brute în active materiale pe termen lung ale sectorului IMM.Item Analiza și tendințele impactului Covid-19 asupra activității economice din Republica Moldova în baza întreprinderilor de procesare a producției agricole(Artifex, 2021) Ceban, Angela; Boldurat, Vladislav; Turetchi, ViorelThe effects of the COVID - 19 pandemic present a major challenge for the whole world, including the activity of agricultural producers in the Republic of Moldova. Some of the restrictions needed to limit the spread of COVID-19 have also led to disruption to the marketing chains of agricultural products, with a potentially significant impact on the population that depended on them. In order to identify the problems and challenges facing the agricultural sector in the Republic of Moldova, an opinion poll of agricultural processing companies was developed. This article analyzes the results of the interviewees' opinion in order to better understand the challenges faced by the processing companies in order to develop appropriate proposals in order to remedy the negative effects.Item Analysis of competitiveness of the external trade with agri-food products of the Republic of Moldova(Artifex, 2021) Lucasenco, EugeniaThe paper aims to analyse the current status of competitiveness of agri-food products of Moldovan origin in terms of foreign trade. Republic of Moldova has had a positive trade balance for agri-food products in the last 10 years, the main economic partners being countries from EU, CIS and some from the other states. Nevertheless, it is becoming increasingly important to assess which Moldovan agri-food products have a potential competitive degree on external markets, thus making the necessary sectoral recommendations. For the analysis of competitiveness of external trade with agri-food products, the following methodological indexes have been used: Revealed Comparative Advantage, Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantage, Open Trade Index, Trade Specialization Index and Grubel-Lloyd index. Based on the analysis, agri-food commodities with a significant competitive advantage have been identified, like oil seeds, edible fruits and nuts, beverages and spirits, cereals and preparations of vegetables and fruits, thus indicating on the competitive potential in foreign trade.Item Analysis of the agri-food external trade of the Republic of Moldova by regional country groups(Artifex, 2022) Lucasenco, Eugenia; Ceban, AlexandruThe aim of the paper is to analyze the recent changes in the agri-food trade of the Republic of Moldova, with an emphasis on the regional country groups: EU, CIS and other countries. With the purpose to carry out the analysis, the comparative, analysis and synthesisi research methods have been used, with the main data source related to national statistics on trade provided by the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova. As a result, changes in the trade patterns have been observed, with a reorientation of Moldovan agri-food exports from CIS countries to EU ones, as a result of the implementation of DCFTA in the Republic of Moldova.Item Anti-Crisis Measures and Policy Implication for Moldova.(2013) Stratan, Alexandru; Chistruga, MarcelThe article presents how the Moldovan economy evolved in the post crisis period and how the major policy incentives were implemented. An assessment of the major problems of Moldova after the crisis is undertaken. The authors emphasize the importance of elimination of fiscal burden, administrative burden and access to finance. At the end the authors investigate and propose anti-crisis policy recommendations and solutions for the identified problems.Item Argumentarea economică a activităţilor practicate în sectorul vegetal(2009) Morei, Virgiliu; Stratan, Alexandru; Zbanca, AndreiThe article describes the economic analysis of production activities performed in the agricultural vegetal sector of the Republic of Moldova. To this end, one has focused from the very beginning on the necessity to elaborate and calculate the economically argued budgets of agricultural plants growing. Thus, in our investigations, we considered the principle of economic argumentation of incomes and costs in the agricultural units calculating the gross profit coming from the cultivation of 45 agricultural plants in the vegetal sector of the country.There have been elaborated for each culture three variants of budgets focused on the application of the recommended and harmonized technology for large and medium agricultural units and the harmonized technology in the peasant (farmer) households.Item Assessing the export performance in transition countries : the case of the Republic of Moldova(2011) Stratan, Alexandru; Clipa, VictoriaDespite their common legacy of central planning and of a new beginning in the ’90s, transition countries have achieved different export performances. Although there is not a consensus among economists on the dimension of exports impact on economic growth, the non-performance or poor performance of exports may indicate inadequate policy reforms that by consequence do hinder economic growth. The purpose of this paper is to make an assessment of performances that Republic of Moldova’s exports have achieved after 20 years of transition compared to other countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.Item Assessment of economic growth of the Republic of Moldova in the context of global economic crisis(Institute foe Economic Forecasting, 2010) Stratan, AlexandruThe world economic crisis has had a negative impact on the economic development of Moldova, but recent trends show that in 2010 we were able to forecast a small economic growth. The author examines the problems faced by the Moldavian economy which shackle its strong recovery. The current evolutions of the Moldavian economy are analyzed in the paper as well.Item Assessment of the business environment in the Republic of Moldova: key trends and determining factors(2015) Stratan, Alexandru; Aculai, Elena; Vinogradova, NataliaAssessment of trends in the business environment is a matter of interest to entrepreneurs, investors and representatives of the public administration, as it allows well-grounded planning of business development, making reasoned decisions about investing and improving purposefully public policies. In the Republic of Moldova, despite the adoption of the necessary legislation, implementation of government programs and the creation of institutions to support business, trends in the business environment are treated contradictorily by businessmen and public servants. International ratings also provide a mixed assessment of changes in the business climate in the country. The purpose of this article is to highlight the trends of the business environment in the Republic of Moldova, taking into account the specific conditions of the country, based on results of a entrepreneurs survey, using quantitative indicators that allow an unambiguously interpretation of the changes. The methodology designed and implemented by the authors regarding the approach to the evaluation of the business environment is briefly presented. Emphasis is placed on the results of evaluation of the business environment: the main trends and its determining factors. It was revealed the opinion of entrepreneurs regarding the changing in business environment during the period 2011-2013 and the forecast for 2013-2015. The main conclusions, including the possibilities of using the obtained results are also presented.Item Capacitatea de cumpărare – inicatorul principal de piaţă privind evaluarea nivelului şi ritmurilor de dezvoltare economică a spaţiului rural(INCE, 2018) Bajura, Tudor; Gandacova, SvetlanaThe purchasing power of the local population is a basic factor regarding the evaluation of economic development (both-level and rate) of the country. In terms of market economy beside of salary incomes, citizens have the legitimate right to benefit from other forms of income, such as: leasing of property (lots of agricultural land, apartments, means of transport etc.); social assistance (pensions unemployment benefits etc.); bank deposits, etc. However, according to the carried out investigations, a large part of the villagers in the Republic of Moldova have monthly average income below the minimum subsistence level. Due to the lack of jobs, hundreds of thousands of rural citizens can not be employed and are not paid. All these citizens, being able to work, do not receive pensions. Taking into account, that unemployment benefits receive only 4.4 percent of those looking for jobs, the overwhelming majority of the unemployed in rural areas are also deprived of this source of life. Researching purchasing capacity or payment power of local citizens for products and/or services is a major problem for all countries of the world, but primarily – for developing countries, including Moldova. The aim of the paper is to establish the absolute and relative dimensions of purchasing power for the inhabitants of the rural area of the Republic of Moldova at the current stage of reforming the national economy. The main methodological approaches to research on purchasing power are based on quantitative and qualitative data analysis, statistical processing of information, comparison, empirical observations, scientific documentation, etc.Item Caracteristica economiei bazate pe cunoaştere şi necesitatea dezvoltării Republicii Moldova în contextul ei(IEFS, 2012) Doga, Valeriu; Birca, IulitaÎn prezentul articol se propune o viziune a esenţei şi a characteristicii economiei bazate pe cunoştinţe. Sunt expuse păreri şi aspecte asupra acestui concept, în funcţie de esenţă şi necesitate de dezvoltare şi promovare.