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    The role of markets in the entrepreneurial ecosystem and their assessment in the Republic of Moldova
    (Balkan Institute of Science and Innovation – BISI, Université Côte d’Azur, France, 2023) Vinogradova, Natalia
    The availability of accessible markets contributes to increased sales and profit growth, stimulates competition, promotes innovation, and encourages economic integration. Some researchers even argue that the purpose of entrepreneurial ecosystems is to create and operate markets for entrepreneurship development. The article has two main objectives: (i) to define the role of markets as a component of the entrepreneurial ecosystem based on an analysis of various models of the entrepreneurial ecosystem’s structure; (ii) to assess some indicators, characterizing market as an ecosystem’s component in the Republic of Moldova. A survey of entrepreneurs carried out in 2022 in 25 regions of the Republic of Moldova, showed a relatively high level of competition and demand in the domestic market. However, the practice of cooperation with other enterprises is still not sufficiently developed. The majority of entrepreneurs assessed the market access factor negatively, especially since access to both the CIS and the EU markets is particularly difficult at present.
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    Оценка бюрократии и коррупции в предпринимательской экосистеме Республики Молдова
    (2024) Vinogradova, Natalia
    In this article, corruption and bureaucracy are considered as factors that are still inherent in the business environment of the Republic of Moldova. The country's government is currently developing legislative initiatives aimed at reducing the complexity of bureaucratic procedures for economic agents and is taking active measures to reduce corruption. But despite this, surveys of entrepreneurs indicate the frequency of phenomena associated with bureaucracy and corruption on the part of officials involved in regulating business activities. Assessments of these phenomena in the responses of various groups of entrepreneurs were considered, depending on the size of the enterprise, its location, and type of activity. Based on the analysis of the results of the survey of entrepreneurs, it was concluded that there is a direct connection between the high level of bureaucracy and corruption in the business environment of the Republic of Moldova and the decision of entrepreneurs to close their business or significantly reorganize it.
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    Рынки как компонент предпринимательской экосистемы
    (2023) Vinogradova, Natalia
    The article aims to define the role of “Markets” as a component of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, as well as to evaluate some indicators of this component in relation to the Republic of Moldova. The assessment was based on the results of a survey of entrepreneurs, carried out within the framework of the applied research project “Multidimensional assessment and development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem at the national and regional level in order to boost the SME sector in the Republic of Moldova” (2020-2023) in the period of June-October, 2022. For the “Markets” component, a survey of entrepreneurs showed a slight excess of negative estimates over positive ones. The market opportunities of enterprises are characterized by a fairly high level of competition in the domestic market, including from the informal sector, as well as a relatively high level of demand for goods/services in the domestic market. However, the practice of cooperation with other enterprises is still not sufficiently developed, in particular, cooperation between large enterprises and the SME sector is at a minimum level. The market access factor was assessed negatively by the majority of entrepreneurs, especially since access to both the CIS markets and the EU markets is particularly difficult at present.
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    Оценка вклада предприятий с иностранными инвестициями в экономику Республики Молдова
    (КГУ, 2022) Vinogradova, Natalia
    The purpose of this article is to analyze the indicators of the contribution of enterprises with foreign investment to the economy of the Republic of Moldova, based on data from the National Bureau of Statistics and the National Bank of Moldova. The analysis showed that enterprises with foreign direct investment (FDI) participate in the creation of gross domestic product (GDP): in 2019, the share of FDI flows in GDP was 4.2%; the share of FDI stocks in GDP amounted to 39.6%. Enterprises with FDI are present not only in sectors with high gross value added, but also in activities with a relatively low share in value added. Due to their higher productivity, enterprises with FDI contribute to the development of these sectors. With a relatively low share of enterprises with FDI in the total number of enterprises (7.5%), this group of enterprises create jobs for 16.3% of the workforce employed in Moldovan enterprises; at the same time, their share in sales income is 28.4%, which illustrates high labor productivity. Enterprises with FDI make a significant contribution to the formation of the budget, paying 29.4% of income tax. They own 27.4% of fixed assets for both industrial and social purposes. They also pay the highest wages to their workers, helping to raise their standard of living and probably curbing the growth of emigration.
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    Assessment of infrastructure as a component of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the Republic of Moldova: the opinion of entrepreneurs
    (INCE, 2022) Vinogradova, Natalia; Boldurat, Vladislav
    The entrepreneurial ecosystem of the Republic of Moldova is still at the stage of formation. The observed trend of growth in the number of small and medium-sized enterprises is not accompanied by a qualitative growth of enterprises. This indicates the underdevelopment of key components of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, one of which is the infrastructure. In this study, infrastructure as a component of the entrepreneurial ecosystem is considered as a set of elements of physical infrastructure, as well as services to support entrepreneurship. The purpose of this article is to assess the state of the entrepreneurship support infrastructure in the Republic of Moldova, including based on the results of a survey of entrepreneurs, which was carried out in 2021 within the applied research project 20.80009.0807.38 „Multidimensional assessment and development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem at the national and regional level in order to boost the SME sector in the Republic of Moldova”, financed from the state budget of the Republic of Moldova. The results of the study showed that the infrastructure component of the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Moldova has mainly positive evaluations by entrepreneurs. Overall in the component, access to IT resources and services was most highly rated by entrepreneurs. The indicator with the most negative impact on the entrepreneurial ecosystem is the condition (quality) of the roads. Also, access to crisis resolution and business insolvency services is a significant obstacle for over a quarter of respondents, which reflects insufficient contribution from support organizations to overcome business insolvency issues.
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    Stimularea implicării tinerilor în antreprenoriat prin intermediul educației antreprenoriale în Republica Moldova: situația actuală și oportunități de îmbunătățire
    (INCE, 2022) Novac, Alexandra; Vinogradova, Natalia
    Actualmente, pentru creșterea economica a țarii este necesara implicarea in activitațile antreprenoriale a tinerilor, care reprezinta un grup de populație mare dupa cantitate, dar care, destul de frecvent, nu poate gasi un loc de munca decent in țara și, ca urmare, tinerii devin șomeri sau pleaca in strainatate. Implicarea tinerilor in antreprenoriat in Republica Moldova poate influența pozitiv asupra creșterii bunastarii lor, imbunatațirii oportunitaților de auto-realizare, creșterii activitații lor sociale, precum și asupra limitarii migrației in masa a tinerilor. In articolul dat imbunatațirea posibilitaților de implicare a tinerilor in activitațile antreprenoriale sunt examinate ca rezultat al imbunatațirii educatiei antreprenoriale a tinerilor și formarii competențelor antreprenoriale, in principal, in cadrul instituțiilor de invațamant professional tehnic și superior (licențiat, masterat și doctorat). In special, educația antreprenoriala joaca un rol important in formarea și dezvoltarea ecosistemului antreprenorial in randul tinerilor. Autorii au analizat situația din Republica Moldova in baza actelor normativ-juridice,documentelor de politici de stat și a curriculelor, elaborate de universitați, care reglementeaza sau contribuie la educația antreprenoriala și formarea competențelor antreprenoriale ale tinerilor la diferite niveluri și in diferite instituții de invațamant profesional tehnic și superior. Informația mai detaliata a fost obținuta in baza chestionarii a 289 de elevi/studenți/masteranzi/doctoranzi, care iși fac studiile in cadrul a 20 de instituții de invațamant, atat din capitala, cat și din regiunile țarii. In rezultatul generalizarii și analizei tuturor materialelor au fost elaborate recomandari,orientate spre imbunatațirea educației antreprenoriale și formarea competențelor antreprenoriale in cadrul instituțiilor de invațamant (profesional tehnic și superior) din Republica Moldova.
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    Formation of entrepreneurial competences within educational institutions in European countries
    (Artifex, 2020) Vinogradova, Natalia
    The object of this article is entrepreneurial competences, which represent a combination of skills and abilities that are formed in the learning process and subsequently allow successfully working in any field of activity. The article defines the main characteristics of entrepreneurial competences in researches and European documents. Some aspects of the formation of entrepreneurial competences in practice within educational institutions, in particular, the methods of teaching entrepreneurship courses, have been described.
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    Patenta de intreprinzător – forma controversată a activității antreprenoriale în Republica Moldova
    (Artifex, 2019) Vinogradova, Natalia
    In the Republic of Moldova, a significant number of entrepreneurs conduct their business on the basis of an entrepreneurial patent. Initially, entrepreneur's patent was introduced to reduce the negative impact of economic transformations on individual entrepreneurs. Currently, the retail trade business based on the entrepreneur's patent is the subject of debate between the Government and the business. The purpose of the article is to analyze the indicators related to issuing and prolongation of entrepreneur's patents in the Republic of Moldova and to estimate the existing alternatives for carrying out individual entrepreneurial activity without registering an enterprise. In the article, based on the accessible data of the State Tax Service, as well as the results of own research and interviews with the entrepreneurs, some advantages and disadvantages of working on the basis of entrepreneurial patents have been analyzed. As a result, recommendations were made to improve the policy of support for individual entrepreneurs operating without registering an enterprise.
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    Obstacles and Opportunities for Development of Family Businesses: Experiences from Moldova
    (SPRINGER International Publishing, 2015) Aculai, Elena; Vinogradova, Natalia; Veverita, Valentina
    The chapter examines the processes of formation and development of small family enterprises, as in Moldova, the family business is created and developed mainly as micro and small enterprises. Since the activity of family businesses is not legally regulated and is not considered by the statistics in the Republic of Moldova, primarily the results of surveys and interviews with entrepreneurs, conducted by the authors during the realization of international projects and studies carried out in the National Institute for Economic Research of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova in the period 2001–2013 served the basis for writing this material. The chapter describes the barriers for family businesses, conditioned by their access to certain types of resources and other limiting factors from the external environment. Simultaneously, additional opportunities of the family SMEs are observed, arising through cooperation of the efforts and resources of family members, which allows increasing the assets of family businesses and partly compensating the shortcomings of the activity of business support institutes.
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    Principalii factori determinanţi ai mediului de afaceri în Republica Moldova
    (Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2014) Aculai, Elena; Veverita, Valentina; Vinogradova, Natalia
    În articol sunt examinate principiile de bază ale abordării, elaborate de autori, faţă de evaluarea mediului de afaceri, cu accent pe principalii factori care determină schimbarea acestuia. Succint sunt examinate rezultatele evaluării mediului de afaceri în Republica Moldova, obţinute în baza chestionării antreprenorilor. Sunt identificate tendinţele schimbării principalilor factori în perioada anilor 2011-2013.