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Item Obstacles and Opportunities for Development of Family Businesses: Experiences from Moldova(SPRINGER International Publishing, 2015) Aculai, Elena; Vinogradova, Natalia; Veverita, ValentinaThe chapter examines the processes of formation and development of small family enterprises, as in Moldova, the family business is created and developed mainly as micro and small enterprises. Since the activity of family businesses is not legally regulated and is not considered by the statistics in the Republic of Moldova, primarily the results of surveys and interviews with entrepreneurs, conducted by the authors during the realization of international projects and studies carried out in the National Institute for Economic Research of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova in the period 2001–2013 served the basis for writing this material. The chapter describes the barriers for family businesses, conditioned by their access to certain types of resources and other limiting factors from the external environment. Simultaneously, additional opportunities of the family SMEs are observed, arising through cooperation of the efforts and resources of family members, which allows increasing the assets of family businesses and partly compensating the shortcomings of the activity of business support institutes.Item Programele de stat de susţinere a IMM-urilor în Republica Moldova : 20 de ani de dezvoltare(IEFS, 2012) Aculai, Elena; Vinogradova, Natalia; Maier, LidiaArticolul prezintă o scurtă analiză a dezvoltării programelor de stat de susţinere a întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii, adoptate şi realizate în Republica Moldova de la începutul anilor ’90; identifică principalele tendinţe, avantajele şi restricţiile în utilizarea metodei de susţinere prin programe a întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii în ţară.Item Tendintele de baza in dezvoltarea IMM-urilor in Republica Moldova: rezultatele obtinute si resursele utilizate(Complexul Editorial, INCE, 2014) Aculai, Elena; Novac, Alexandra; Vinogradova, Natalia; Maier, LidiaIn lucrare sunt calculati si analizati indicatorii de baza care caracterizeaza rezultatele si resursele sectorului IMM in anul 2012, precum si evolutia rezultatelor, incepand cu anul 2006. In special, аu fost calculate si evaluate principalele elemente ale contributiei, pe care o au IMM-urile in dezvoltarea economica a tarii: impactul asupra structurii economiei; asigurarea ocuparii fortei de munca; fabricarea bunurilor, crearea de valoare; generarea de venituri. In afara de aceasta, pentru prima oara dupa anul 2006 au fost calculati si analizati indicatorii activelor IMM-urilor, care reflecta potentialul lor.