Tendintele de baza in dezvoltarea IMM-urilor in Republica Moldova: rezultatele obtinute si resursele utilizate
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In lucrare sunt calculati si analizati indicatorii de baza care caracterizeaza rezultatele si resursele sectorului IMM in anul 2012, precum si evolutia rezultatelor, incepand cu anul 2006. In special, аu fost calculate si evaluate
principalele elemente ale contributiei, pe care o au IMM-urile in dezvoltarea economica a tarii: impactul asupra structurii economiei; asigurarea ocuparii fortei de munca; fabricarea bunurilor, crearea de valoare; generarea de
venituri. In afara de aceasta, pentru prima oara dupa anul 2006 au fost calculati si analizati indicatorii activelor IMM-urilor, care reflecta potentialul lor.
In the article, the key indicators that characterize the results and resources of a SME sector in 2012, as well as their results’ evolution since 2006 have been calculated and analyzed. In particular, there were calculated and evaluated the principal elements of the SMEs’ contribution to the country's economic development, i.e. impact on the economy structure, employment’s provision, production of goods, value creation, income generation. In addition, for the first time after 2006, the authors have calculated and analyzed SMEs assets indicators, reflecting the potential of these enterprises.
In the article, the key indicators that characterize the results and resources of a SME sector in 2012, as well as their results’ evolution since 2006 have been calculated and analyzed. In particular, there were calculated and evaluated the principal elements of the SMEs’ contribution to the country's economic development, i.e. impact on the economy structure, employment’s provision, production of goods, value creation, income generation. In addition, for the first time after 2006, the authors have calculated and analyzed SMEs assets indicators, reflecting the potential of these enterprises.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 28(2 titl.). Text paral.: lb. rom., engl. JEL Classification: L32, L33, L26, L22.
intreprinderi mici si mijlocii, Republica Moldova, Republic of Moldova, small and medium-sized enterprises
ACULAI, Elena, NOVAC, Alexandra, VINOGRADOVA, Natalia, MAIER, Lidia (2014). Tendintele de baza in dezvoltarea IMM-urilor in Republica Moldova: rezultatele obtinute si resursele utilizate = Basic trends in the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Moldova: achieved results and used resources. În: Economie şi Sociologie. 2014, nr. 1, pp. 16-28. Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 28(2 titl.). Text paral.: lb. rom., engl. ISSN 1857-4130.