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Item Considerations regarding the innovation infrastructure in the Republic of Moldova(2020) Novac, AlexandraThe main core of the innovation infrastructure - the most efficient mechanism for implementing the innovations, according to the experience of the economically developed countries is represented by the infrastructure of innovative centers, such as science and technology parks, innovation incubators, innovation clusters, which provide enterprises a complete cycle of innovation: from studying the market conditions, making equipment available, providing staff and other services. The paper aims to highlight the main barriers affecting the activity of some innovation infrastructure entities in the Republic of Moldova. The author also analyzes the new amendments to the legislative framework with regard to innovation, which have imposed a new approach regarding the establishment and functioning of science and technology parks and innovation incubators.Item State policy on cluster development in the Republic of Moldova: opportunities and obstacles(2015) Novac, Alexandra; Aculai, ElenaEntrepreneurs, researchers, and the government of Moldova have only recently turned their attention to the problems of creating clusters. Clusters are a relatively new phenomenon in the Moldovan economy. By cooperating, sharing existing resources and conducting joint activities, clusters have contributed a great deal to enterprise development in the country. The cumulative positive effects of clusters enable small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to overcome some of their problems as well as increase their innovative activity and competitiveness. This paper analyzes the development of the SME sector in the Republic of Moldova, and provides a quantitative assessment of SME s’ contribution and potential. State policy on cluster development in Moldova will be explored, and the factors contributing to the risks and barriers of cluster creation in Moldovan cluster development policy will also be examined. This study compiles analyses of statistical data and international rankings, and the authors’ previous survey results with entrepreneurs.Item Identification of hierarchy of agglomerations at regional level and in industrial sector in the Republic of Moldova(2018) Novac, AlexandraClusters represent one of the most efficient economic incentive mechanisms and become an important tool for developing and increasing the enterprises competitiveness, thus improving also the business climate in the region. At the same time, it is one of the most discussed topics at national level, but still remains a topic of discussion. Currently, the cluster development policy in Moldova is still at the initial stage. Although the mechanisms for clusters creation are not clearly defined, and it has not been yet developed a cluster map, reflecting the regions and industrial sectors with cluster potential, about the need to create clusters was mentioned in several strategic documents. The paper aims to perform a hierarchy of agglomerations at the regional level, based on those industries with a high degree of specialization, identified via the „three stars” method. The main results achieved following the investigations consist in carrying out the agglomerations hierarchy at regional level, its description and graphic representation. The research methodology is based on: a critical analysis and generalization of literature, analytical materials; „three stars" method for the agglomerations identification; mapping method. The basis of this paper is constituted of final results of a study under the project for the young researchers „Analysis of the potential of clusterization in the Republic of Moldova in the industrial sector” (code 16.80012.08.15A).Item Identificarea aglomerărilor economice în Republica Moldova(INCE, 2014) Novac, Alexandra; Vinogradova, NataliaEtapa iniţială de identificare a clusterelor constă în cercetarea proceselor de concentrare a activităţilor economice, sau aşa-numitelor aglomerări economice. Există mai multe metode statistice care se utilizează pentru a identifica aglomerările economice. În articol, autorii au studiat câteva din ele: coeficientul localizării, indicele Herfindahl-Hirschmann, coeficientul Gini, indicele Ellison şi Glaeser. De asemenea, autorii au implementat una din aceste metode (şi anume, coeficientul de localizare) pentru a determina gradul de specializare a raioanelor din Republica Moldova. Ca urmare, au fost validate câteva industrii, la nivelul raioanelor din Republica Moldova, care au un grad mai înalt de specializare. La baza acestui articol stau rezultatele intermediare ale unui studiu realizat în cadrul proiectului pentru tinerii cercetători „Identificarea oportunităţilor şi obstacolelor pentru integrarea întreprinderilor în clustere în Republica Moldova” (cu cifrul 13.819.18.08A), finanţat de Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei.Item Identification of clusterization potential at regional level and in industrial sector in the Republic of Moldova(INCE, 2016) Novac, AlexandraDespite the fact that in Moldova there are some premises that stimulate various forms of cooperation between enterprises (predominance of small and medium sized enterprises in the total number of enterprises, the relatively high geographic concentration of businesses location; the existence of quite effective business associations) the process of creating clusters in Moldova has not yet obtained a necessary development. The purpose of the article is to identify those industries with potential for creating clusters in the regions of Moldova aiming at developing the cluster state policy. The identification of “agglomerations” is based on the “three stars” methodology developed and utilized by the European Cluster Observatory for mapping and assessing clusters. The basis of this paper is constituted of interim results of a study under the project for the young researchers ”The analysis of the clusterization potential in the industrial sector in the Republic of Moldova” (code 16.80012.08.15A).