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    Inovațiile deschise în contextul dezvoltării ecosistemului antreprenorial
    (Artifex, 2021) Maier, Lidia
    The crisis, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, has created major problems for the economy and society, its impact being felt very deeply at the level of small and medium enterprises. In order to overcome these problems, survive and remain competitive, SMEs need to develop innovative thinking, to combine efforts and resources to ensure the continuous financing of innovation, to create partnerships and to interact with various actors in the ecosystem in which they operate. So the crisis, being unprecedented and unintentionally, has created a challenging environment for businesses to invest in innovation as a response to the crisis. In the current situation, companies agree to work with anyone, including their competitors, to explore immediate and practical solutions to the problems caused by COVID-19. This paper provides an overview of what open innovation is and in what consists the rationale and effectiveness of open innovation, including in overcoming the crisis. Attempts have also been made to analyze some statistics and the country's position in the international rankings in order to understand the extent to which Moldovan companies adopt possible open innovation principles and use external sources in the innovation process to improve their innovation performance.
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    Inovarea – cea mai mare provocare pentru IMM-urile din Republica Moldova
    (Artifex, 2020) Maier, Lidia
    In order to remain competitive and continue to grow, small and medium-sized enterprises must learn to adapt more quickly to change, to intensify their innovation activity, innovation being the biggest challenge for them. In this paper, the author analyzed the innovation activity of SMEs based on existing statistical data for the years 2017-2018, as well compared to the period 2015-2016. As a result, it was found that the innovation activity of SMEs in the Republic of Moldova remains more than modest. Compared to the previous period 2015-2016, the number of innovative SMEs has decreased significantly. In this context, it is necessary to adopt a more strategic approach of innovation, in all its aspects, to remove obstacles, to set incentives for SMEs innovation activities, which would ultimately help to create an innovation-friendly environment and would contribute to the significant improvement of the results generated by innovation.
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    Programele de stat de susţinere a IMM-urilor în Republica Moldova : 20 de ani de dezvoltare
    (IEFS, 2012) Aculai, Elena; Vinogradova, Natalia; Maier, Lidia
    Articolul prezintă o scurtă analiză a dezvoltării programelor de stat de susţinere a întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii, adoptate şi realizate în Republica Moldova de la începutul anilor ’90; identifică principalele tendinţe, avantajele şi restricţiile în utilizarea metodei de susţinere prin programe a întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii în ţară.
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    Tendintele de baza in dezvoltarea IMM-urilor in Republica Moldova: rezultatele obtinute si resursele utilizate
    (Complexul Editorial, INCE, 2014) Aculai, Elena; Novac, Alexandra; Vinogradova, Natalia; Maier, Lidia
    In lucrare sunt calculati si analizati indicatorii de baza care caracterizeaza rezultatele si resursele sectorului IMM in anul 2012, precum si evolutia rezultatelor, incepand cu anul 2006. In special, аu fost calculate si evaluate principalele elemente ale contributiei, pe care o au IMM-urile in dezvoltarea economica a tarii: impactul asupra structurii economiei; asigurarea ocuparii fortei de munca; fabricarea bunurilor, crearea de valoare; generarea de venituri. In afara de aceasta, pentru prima oara dupa anul 2006 au fost calculati si analizati indicatorii activelor IMM-urilor, care reflecta potentialul lor.